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ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-06-2018, 02:18 AM

February 5
Prompt: Favorite EI in 2008
THIS IS SUCH A HARD CHOICE!! there were so many good EIs that year. but if i had to pick one...
Orchid Petals
i use it so often! i love flowers so much.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Muñeco de nieve - snowman

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

library selfie!

Song of the Day:

I won't light your candles, and I won't hold your door.
Mystics have seen forever, but I want so much more.
I'm working on nothing, extinction is dead.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 9 of Swords

With the nine of Swords we have the preconditions for a possible crisis due to a period of enclosure and isolation. A seclusion well utilized however will enable new wisdom, new light, and new nourishment, which will enable the rebirth of our conscience and sustain our will, as well as limiting injuries, waste, ambiguity, and diffidence.
Advice of the Dead: Act with strength and prudence, ensuring your ideas are well focused and directing all your strength on these.
Note: no crisis here! i've been needing some seclusion since i've been socially overexerting myself. i still did some light chatting today, but mostly i focused hard on class and making and practicing with flashcards.

The Wild Unknown: III The Empress

Creation, Nature, The Goddess.
The Empress is the mother, or the goddess, of the tarot. Her energy encompasses all that is warm, fertile, creative, and sensual in the world. Her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate, and loving without binding. When this card appears, it's pointing to wither a maternal relationship in your life or the side of yourself that wants to love more. The Empress also suggests it's time for you to reconnect with nature. Go outside tonight and find the moon.
Note: i need to be more in tune with my alters Luna and Rowena, and i need to take care of myself more and do more yoga. i need to be more in tune with my body and the world around me as well. i've been so fixated on my mind and my male/nb alters.

Twin Peaks: 6 of Cups

Acting kindly or charitably, having a noble impulse, being well-intentioned, feeling blessed. Surrounding yourself with goodness, feeling innocent, being acquitted, shunning corruption, appreciating simple joys. Enjoying youthful activities, feeling nostalgic, feeling carefree, being taken care of.
Note: i can see that.

Homestuck: 10 of Cups

Brimming with experience, this is the card of emotional maturity and growth. The building of a close-knit family by overcoming trials and maturing individually. This card encourages the reader to exercise emotional maturity, and to look forward to future get-togethers.
Note: ahhh, this card again. always a welcome sight.

Rider Waite: 9 of Pentacles

Discipline, Self-Reliance, Refinement.
The woman on the Nine of Pentacles is taking a leisurely stroll through the gardens of her estate. She is clearly a lady of refinement and grace, so it is incongruous to see on her left hand a bird trained to hunt and kill on command. Falconry is an unusual hobby for a gentlewoman, but it is the key to the special nature of this card.

On one hand, the Nine of Pentacles represents all that is most gracious, high-minded and civilized. Art, music and other forms of beauty are very much part of our physical world (Pentacles). Coins are present in this scene, but they are toward the ground. The business of life is important, but we don't have to focus on practical matters all the time. We can also enjoy the finer things of life. In readings, the Nine of Pentacles can imply an interest in these areas. It is also a sign that you may need to reject the coarse or offensive and seek the highest.

The Nine of Pentacles can also be a sign of discipline and self-control. This woman enjoys her cultured life because she has mastered her baser instincts. Her impulses work for her because they do not rule her. The falcon symbolizes all that is dark and unruly in human nature. Our shadow side can serve us well, but only when it is directed. Sometimes the Nine of Pentacles suggests that you must show restraint and self-control if you are to achieve your best efforts. You may have to "sacrifice" for the moment, but the results will be worth it.

This card is also a sign of self-reliance. Sometimes you must trust our own ability to handle a situation. Resist the temptation to let others do for you. You need to take matters into your own hands. Our elegant lady has done just that. She trusted in her own grit and determination, and now she enjoys all the best life has to offer.
Note: this card from this deck again! very accurate for today, especially since my focus as i was shuffling the deck was on what my path going forwards with school is going to be.

Diary entry:
i did a lot of homework over the weekend, so i got to sleep in then relax and do fun stuff at the library this morning. then i went to phonology and got a shit load of things to memorize dumped on me. xD so i spent a couple hours making flashcards for that, and then practicing with said flashcards. it should actually be pretty easy to memorize this stuff. a lot of it is common sense, and i'm used to this type of memorizing bc a lot of linguistics is like this. and i'm rememorizing some old stuff i had memorized last year. then i caught up on tarot from yesterday and today (tomorrow i'm gonna do it all in the morning i swear!!), then i did some laundry, and now i'm gonna eat. :>

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:23 PM..