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ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-13-2018, 02:47 AM

February 12
Prompt: Log cabins
log cabins always make me think of lincoln logs! i never made anything really cool with them, but they were pretty fun to play with. oh! and they also make me think of Ron Swanson's house.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Enamorar - to get someone to fall in love

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

And I miss the days of a life still permanent; mourn the years before I got carried away
So now I'm staring at the interstate screaming at myself: "Hey! I wanna get better!"

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles is an able and influential figure, secure in herself and able to cope in the material world without problems and from which she is abundantly rewarded. She is an abitious woman who desires to always go higher but, for fear of falling and failing, risks remaining a victim to uncertainties, hesitation, or showing avid and capricious behavior.
Advice of the Dead: Do not remain too attached to what you have obtained or earned, but continue climbing without worrying about how much you are risking.
Note: good advice! this sounds like me with regards to school. i have a test today, and it's saying not to stop studying after the test is over.

The Wild Unknown: Daughter of Cups

Creative, Emotional.
Creative Energy abounds from the Daughter of Cups. She's romantic, artistic, and easily inspired by her surroundings. A true dreamer by nature, she struggles to stay "grounded" or to deal with any harsh realities that come her way. Conflict of any kind is very disturbing to this gentle creature.
Note: it's true, i'm very gentle and disturbed by conflict. hopefully this means i'll get some art done today. i didn't bring my sketchbook or tablet with me today tho, so it'll have to be after i get home.

Twin Peaks: XI Justice

Insisting on fairness, acting ethically, seeking equality, being impartial. Being accountable, telling the truth, doing what has to be done. Weighing all sides of an issue, setting a course for the future, choosing with full awareness. Accepting results you created, recognizing karma, knowing that what is makes sense, making connections between events.
Note: not sure what this means for me yet. maybe as the day goes on, it'll become clear.

Homestuck: 3 of Wands

Full of optimism and pride, the Three of Wands is about the hope felt after investing in a decision. This is the card of the newborn leader, someone who sets an example and believes in the soundness of their own decisions. This card implies that the subject may feel assured of a decent pay-off for their investments.
Note: interesting combined with the Justice Twin Peaks gave me. this seems like it directly follows Justice; carefully weighing options and making a decision, then investing in that decision and hoping it goes well. now i just have to figure out what decision this is referring to! lol.

Rider Waite: XII The Hanged Man

Letting Go, Reversal, Suspension, Sacrifice.
The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It is simple, but complex. It attracts, but also disturbs. It contradicts itself in countless ways. The Hanged Man is unsettling because it symbolizes the action of paradox in our lives. A paradox is something that appears contradictory, and yet is true. The Hanged Man presents to us certain truths, but they are hidden in their opposites.

The main lesson of the Hanged Man is that we "control" by letting go - we "win" by surrendering. The figure on Card 12 has made the ultimate surrender - to die on the cross of his own travails - yet he shines with the glory of divine understanding. He has sacrificed himself, but he emerges the victor. The Hanged Man also tells us that we can "move forward" by standing still. By suspending time, we can have all the time in the world.

In readings, the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we most want to force our will on someone, that is when we should release. When we most want to have our own way, that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act, that is when we should wait. The irony is that by making these contradictory moves, we find what we are looking for.
Note: hm... probably about my difficulty deciding when to walk into class after my quiz, since i have to take it in a different room than everyone else. just gotta let what happens happen and whenever i walk in is when i walk in.

Diary entry:
i think i aced my phonology quiz today! it was awkward walking into class late, but not as bad as i'd anticipated. it did suck having to sit so far in the back tho. usually i sit in the front row cuz i get there 10-15 minutes early. my friend in the class, Dorian, was concerned for me, he thought i missed the test. xD but when i told him i had to take the test in the DRC, he was like "oh, i've had to do that before!" so that was cool. also, he complimented my rose quartz necklace. :D also, i finished my next homework which isn't due for like 9 days. apparently, the second part was supposed to take 3 hours?? but it was pretty easy for me? and the teacher spent most of class today explaining how to do the homework, so there's no way i was that off-track. i'm pretty sure i got everything right, i triple-checked. hopefully tonight i'll have time to do art. i'd start now, but i don't even have my sketchbook and idk i don't wanna waste notebook paper.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:20 PM..