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ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-14-2018, 06:00 AM

February 13
Prompt: Workout Music
usually i just listen to CHVRCHES, but i oughta add Screaming Females, Panic! at the Disco, and Fall Out Boy to the mix.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Obsesionado - obsessed

Avis of the Day:

Selfie of the Day:

Song of the Day:

I gave up on time, just like you said you would.
There are tiny cracks of light underneath me
And you say I got it wrong, but I tried hard to uncover them.

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: 7 of Pentacles

Our ideas have entered the world successfully and we can concretely evaluate and count what we have earned, won or generated. The seven of Pentacles brings progress and success with further prospectives of growth. Only the fear of losing what we have attained could obscure our mind and cause us to make mistakes in some investment, generating restlessness or impatience.
Advice of the Dead: Stay calm and reflect before acting. With careful movements your wellbeing and your earnings will continue without problems.
Note: good advice, and a very good summary of where i’m at.

The Wild Unknown: 9 of Wands

Strength, Stamina, Confidence.
As nines usually imply, your journey is near completion. But on this final stretch you find yourself growing weary; doubt and fear are running through your mind. The Nine of Wands asks you to rally your confidence and realize how far you’ve come. Lift your eyes and take a few more steps… soon all your hard work will start to pay off.
Note: i asked the deck how a certain issue was going to play out… looks like it’ll go well! either way, it’ll be over soon.

Twin Peaks: VI The Lovers

Relating to others, establishing bonds, feeling love, getting closer, making a connection. Being intimate, responding with passion, tapping inner energy. Figuring out where you stand, setting your own philosophy, making up your own mind, going by your own standards. Choosing between right and wrong, facing an ethical or moral choice, finding out what you care about.

Homestuck: 6 of Swords

Overcoming obstacles of the mind, such as dealing with the effects of a past trauma or depression.
Note: i had therapy today, so this makes sense.

Rider Waite: I The Magician

Action, Conscious Awareness, Concentration, Power.
The Magician is the archetype of the active, masculine principle – the ultimate achiever. He symbolizes the power to tap universal forces and use them for creative purposes. Note his stance in the picture. He acts as a lightening rod – one arm extended up into the Divine for inspiration, the other pointing toward Earth to ground this potent energy. [note] His abilities appear magical at times because his will helps him achieve what seem to be miracles.

What makes the Magician so powerful? First, he is not afraid to act. He believes in himself and is willing to put that belief on the line. He also knows what he intends to do and why. He doesn’t hesitate because he understands his situation exactly. The Magician can focus with single-minded determination. As long as he remembers the divine source of his power, the Magician remains the perfect conduit for miracles.

In a reading, the Magician implies that the primal forces of creativity are yours if you can claim your power and act with awareness and concentration. This card is a signal to act and act now, provided you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it.
Note: i asked the deck how to be successful on my tests today, and it says to keep focused and mindful and to believe in myself.

Diary entry:
woke up to some issues with my transportation ugh. x_x but it all got sorted out. had time to do tarot cards this morning, but still didn't do yoga! i gotta start prioritizing it and stop being afraid of it. went to therapy, which was good. we mostly just talked about my anxieties regarding school. i really wanna start working on system stuff, but i gotta learn to be calm first. :/ i think i did well on both of my quizzes, pretty sure i got As. i almost didn't get to use a calculator for my stats test and i was missing a formula i needed, but w/e. i talked to my professor about it and it shouldn't be a problem in the future. the worst part was just walking in to class late and trying to find a seat and ending up with the worst seat in the room. spanish was really fun today! we did a speaking activity in the lab, which was great practice.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-15-2018 at 08:19 PM..