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ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-16-2018, 04:39 PM

February 16
Prompt: Let's bake something!
Scout and i were gonna bake gluten-free brownies for V-day, but since he can't exercise because of his back, he doesn't wanna break his diet. the last thing i baked was chocolate, but idk if that even counts since i put it in the freezer and not the oven.

Color of the Day

Spanish Word of the Day:
Comprometido - engaged, committed

Avis of the Day:

Song of the Day:

All I want is you to stay, so tell me why I act this way.
Some little things that make you understand,
Some little things you never give a damn,
Some little things that I can never change,
Some little things will never be the same for me!

Tarot Cards of the Day:

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Santa Muerte: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands represents a person who is very dynamic and energetic, projected towards success and capable of optimal and generous advice. Her experience will also bring protection, self-assurance, and professional objectives. Only an excess of authoritarianism or obstinacy could cause instability, caprice, possessiveness, or the inability to communicate one’s own ideas.
Advice of the Dead: Concentrate your energies on the fundamental things in order to realize your projects, economizing and cutting off anything superfluous.
Note: hah, advice i definitely didn't take today. today was all superfluous, baby!

The Wild Unknown: 7 of Cups

Illusion, Deception.
The Seven of Cups is not the most welcome card. It indicates you’ll face temptation in many aspects of your life. Whether it’s cheating for pleasure or for money, you’ll soon realize you’ve been building a house of cards. You may feel as though you can’t see clearly, can’t judge right from wrong or up from down. This is the spell of the Seven of Cups. It’s best to remove yourself for a while, step back until you can see straight again.
Note: i know why i got this card. i deserve it.

Twin Peaks: King of Cups

Gives good advice, has a deep grasp of human nature, knows what others need for growth, sees right to the heart of the matter. Has a quieting influence on others, is emotionally stable and secure, never seems nervous or tense. Can balance the needs of many people, keeps everyone working together happily, says just the right thing at the right time. Responds to emotional needs, is a natural healer and therapist, feels compassion for the less fortunate. Has open and broad-minded views, accepts the limitations of others, allows others their freedom, is comfortable with all types of people.
Note: maybe this is energy i need more of in my life? because i don't feel that it's present, but it is possible.

Homestuck: 6 of Swords

Overcoming obstacles of the mind, such as dealing with the effects of a past trauma or depression.
Note: this card from this deck again. :0

Rider Waite: 7 of Swords

Running Away, Lone Wolf Style, Hidden Dishonor.
The Seven of Swords is tied to the Five of Swords because both cards involve separation from others. On the Seven we see a man tiptoeing away from society (the colorful pavilions). He's taken some swords and seems rather pleased with his successful heist. He gives the impression of having secret, solitary plans.

This card sometimes represents the "lone-wolf" style - the desire to run lone and free. In films, the lone-wolf hero always acts totally on his own. He discovers, investigates and solves every problem using only his own wits and resources. He believes he's successful because he ignores the fumbling efforts of ordinary people.

In readings, the Seven of Swords can be a sign that you or someone else wants to be a lone wolf. You feel that you will be more effective and comfortable on your own. This approach is useful when you need to bypass an ineffectual group or assert your independence, but it can also be troubling. We cannot be happy and productive for long without some commitment to others. If you feel inclined to act alone, be sure this isolation is really working for you.

Sometimes the Seven of Swords means that you are running from something - commitment, responsibility, hard work, love. You may be procrastinating, letting problems slip because you don't want to deal with them. Sometimes we just have to face what has to be faced. The Seven of Swords lets you know when you might be making things worse for yourself and others by running away.

The Seven of Swords can also indicate a hidden dishonor - a choice you or another has made that does not do justice to the highest. We all make wrong choices that we want to hide. Some of these are minor, some serious. Your inner voice will tell you when this is happening. When you see the Seven of Swords, take a good look at what you're doing because hidden dishonors will eat away at your happiness and self-respect.

Diary entry:
actually woke up at 9am today! so i could enjoy the end of the event. i finally got to check all of my threads lmao. -_- it's always so sad when the events end, but i do love finding out the results of contests and stuff. :D i've got a lot of art to catch up on this weekend... i'm looking forward to it tho. events are the worst times to actually do art during, but the best time to get orders from people, so i'm ok with my system as long as my customers are. :B other than mene-ing i just chilled and watched Friends or did other things. i'm at the last episode of Friends so i'm avoiding watching it.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 02-17-2018 at 02:14 AM..