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Bootylicious is offline
Old 05-29-2009, 10:48 PM

Please read all rules carefully. Anyone making a planning thread will be held accountable for them!

  1. Only users who have been a reasonably active member of the site for 3 months may organize a User Run Event.
    This does not mean people who assist the organizer have to have an account that age, but the main person's account must be that old and reasonably active on the site. ("Reasonably active" means logging in and posting at least once a week.)
  2. Event organizers wishing to start an event must have:
    ...a) A clear event theme,
    ...b) Projected dates (which may not overlap site-run events),
    ...c) A minimum of three months pre-planning.
  3. Fees are required paid in full to "Bootylicious" 1 month before event launch.
    Please pay by donation.
  4. All winners must be announced and prizes must be awarded within one month of the event end.
    Excepting in cases of art prizes, which are up to the artist's rules on time of delivery.
  5. All donations towards the event must be used towards event prizes unless gifted otherwise.
    Event fees and event graphics (such as banners and artwork) may only be paid for with funds specifically stated (in the trade comments) as being able to be used for such things.
    Event hosts and helpers may not take a 'fee' for hosting from a donation, as that is considered scamming those who were kind enough to donate. However, donations specifically stated in the trade comments as a gift for the hosts may be used at the event's discretion.
    Donations that are to be used for fees, banners/artwork, or host-gifts are to have a note from the donator saying such in the trade comments in case there is any question later. Any donations without this note will be considered to be used for event prizes only. It is suggested you encourage even those who donate pure towards the event do so by trade so they can include this note.
  6. Donations for the event must be used for the event you are currently planning only.
    A year is forever on the internet. Something may come up preventing you from hosting a repeat of your event "next year". All donations are required to either be used for the event being planned (ex: "My User Event '09") or returned to those who donated. No donations are to be set aside for the "next event".
  7. Event hosts are required to fully document donations in their planning thread.
    You will likely want to set aside an entire post of your planning thread for this purpose.
    This documentation includes what was donated and who it was donated by. Event hosts must also document what they have purchased with their donated funds.
    (ex: User21 donated 30k.
    Event used 15k to purchase 10 Super Frilly Pink Dresses for event prizes.)

Rules last updated: May 29, 2009.