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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-14-2014, 11:39 PM

The other reassured him that he wasn't here to cause harm or trouble to Kurako. The half-elf thief wasn't even sure he fully believed that, still, so far nothing bad had happened. Yet. Kurako had been watching the other carefully, and his questions seemed to have made the man before him uncomfortable. Still the man had answered them and then left him to stand there and stare after him. "You're wrong, a person can't escape himself." He called after the other, somewhat annoyed by the insistence that he was here to escape things.

With a shrug, Kurako entered the room the other had led him to, his gaze dancing over it as he entered. He assumed that his host meant the past wasn't important, only the future. At least that was what it seemed like the words 'there is no going back, only moving forward' meant to Kurako. Still the half-elf couldn't see much of a future for himself, and the past, well it was hard not to dwell on things like that. He stood there, in the middle of the room for a moment, before he removed his cloak and let it drop. He ran a gloved hand through his hair and tucked the strands behind his ears. More pointed than a humans, but less so than an elves. A clear indication of what he was, but he had a feeling his race didn't matter in this place.

Did that man expect him to stay in this room? Kurako turned on his heels to leave, leaving his cloak where it had fallen. He did reach up to adjust the collar of his tunic for a moment, making sure it kept the flesh of his neck tightly hidden. Well only up to where the black lines on his flesh started. It was still a mystery to him that those lines didn't adorn his face, but that was something he had stopped trying to figure out years ago. Kurako's intention in leaving was to go find that man again, though he had no idea what to do once he did find the other.