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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 12-06-2015, 03:51 PM

"If you see him again, you can thank him." The words were spoken with a shrug, a slight hint of amusement in his tone and he had nodded slightly when she introduced herself. "I'm called Kurako." He shifted slightly in his seat, not sure what else to say. Talis had practically dumped this person in his lap and left him to deal with it.

Though before he could ponder the circumstance too long, the half-orc barkeep was approaching them. Arms full of stuff, a tray in his hands that he set on the table in front of the girl. On the try was a bowl full of nice hot stew, a pint of ale, a pint of water and a pint of milk. Apparently he wasn't sure which the girl would prefer to drink.

There was also a block of cheese and some apple slices on the side with a large hunk of warm bread. He grunted slightly, over his arm had been draped some clothing. He plopped these in the girl's lap. A cloak, a tunic, breeches, a belt and then some boots which he set down next to her chair. They smelled fresh, and most important of all, they weren't soaking wet like the clothes she was currently wearing.

The half-orc grunted a bit more and then promptly left to return to his duties. Kurako had arched a brow, amusement swirling in his eyes, the expression lost and hidden by the shadows that were over him though. His attention was on Mina.

"I suggest changing out of those wet clothes then, you can use my room." He slid across to her a black wrought iron key. Amusement seemed to hang at the edges of his voice as he spoke. "Up those stairs, and third door on the right. Lock it back up when you're done. The stew should be cool enough, but still warm by the time you're done."