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I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 12:37 AM

Lukas wet his lips and swallowed. It was rare that a woman left him dumbstruck. But this woman... She was something else. A puzzle to be solved. Lukas lived for challenging puzzles. He walked up behind the blonde woman, taking detailed note of how she was dressed - and the proportions of certain body parts. He took the bowl that Andrew offered him - not having one of his own yet. He mumbled his thanks offhandedly and followed the woman to a nearby table.

"You're not from here." Lukas said bluntly. "Not from the humble beginnings that the captain and mechanic share. No. I dare say you're from my section of society." Lukas flashed her a pearled smile, before sticking a spoonful of broth into his mouth. It was slightly below Andrew's standards, but stil eatable. The crew was certain to be amazed, the marines would probably add a few dashes of pepper - which Lukas did.

He watched the black flakes sink into the golden broth - some were attached to bits of potato, others to hunks of some type of meat. It was more of a stew really, with its thickened broth and large quantity of filling. Andrew had also managed to salvage some sort of biscuit. Together with a goblet of water, the crew would be well sated.

"His meals are normally better than this." Lukas said pointing to the bowl with his silver spoon, and circling it around in front of him. "I'm certain the next one will be far more to your palate. But, I am being extremely rude, aren't I? I am Lieutenant Lukas Albrecht, Earl of Aduro."

Aduro is in the Carbonis system on the planet Ustulo. The system's main export is fuels. Each planet produces a different type of energy. Lukas' family gained its wealth from owning the system's trade routes. Lukas had never gotten into the politics of the family company. There were uncles, cousins, and brothers to understand that. His large family had allowed him to join the military - due to not having the need of another businessperson.

Lukas, the youngest of four, had been raised in a gilded silk bed eating the finest food in the galaxy of golden platers. His platinum blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes came from his father's line; his perfect teeth, and creamy white skin from his mother. He'd been raised to use his looks to do what his brain could not. When a deal began to go sour, The Board sent Lukas in to woo the daughter of the competition. He'd broken more than his share of hearts. Of course, he didn't actually care for any of them. They were just a means to an end, something to keep the money flowing in. A business maneuver, nothing more.

Then he'd become a marine, an actual marine. The years of schooling ad been tedious. He'd been in school since he was seven - Barnabas two years his senior - but only focused on learning after his 15th year. By that time he had a rival - Padraig - to practice with. Lukas had never been good at making friends on his own. He had only briefly met Barnabas at the boy's mother's funeral. They had never talked in school before Padraig had stumbled onto the Academy's steps - at the delicate age of 16 and beaten half to death. There was something about the red head that had brought the three of them together.

Lukas looked up from his meal at the woman before him. There was something about her - apart from her demeanor - that he recognized. "Might I ask the Lady's name?" he muttered quickly, and smiling shyly. He was only shy around women when there was the need... and Lukas knew he needed to tread with caution.


Paddy smiled at boy. It was like he was looking into a mirror to the past. Paddy saw so much of his youth in the lad. The eagerness and the carefree attitude. Liam also reminded Paddy of his nephews. His brother Ian had 3 boys and 2 girls - and a lovely Pata lass named Maggie. Paddy had never been back to Pata, but he always sent word when he was in the system. He'd made a point to pay for the shuttle so he could meet the little ones. In their letters bak and forth, his siser had told of each child's birth and their occupation on the planet.

Paddy made certain each child had gotten a gift every year, no matter where he was. Sometimes they were as simple as a package of new socks, other times they were rare intergallatic treasures from the various planets. One of the rarest gifts was a necklace for Maggie - an anniversary gift. A real ruby the size of his thumb hung on a string of pearls wrapped in a silver chain. Wealth like that could feed their entire family for a lifetime. Maggie refused to sell it... and with Paddy's bit of money the family did get by well enough.

The children weren't forced to work in the fields anymore. They were there by choice. Paddy's nieces and nephews could walk away from all of that if they wanted to. They simply didn't want to. It allowed them to spend more time with their Aunt, the warden. Paddy had grown up with a deep sense of family, so he knew how important it was to the children to see their family. It was a chip on his shoulder, the guilt he felt of not being around his family. Perhaps after this mission he would settle down, back home or somewhere else, he didn't care.

Seeing Liam's bright smile had Paddy almost tearing up, but he managed to shake it off. "Oh Aye, lad. Ye make a right fine ship's monkey. An' I'd wager tha Amy has already taken ye on as a shadow on the sly. Best not be tellin' her I said tha though. Our secret, boyo." Paddy winked at the boy. "As fer when I'll be eatin'... I'd be honored to feast along with tha ship's lads and lasses. If ye'll have me, tha is." Paddy bowed to the boy, but kept his eyes on him.

Paddy didn't mind eating with children. It was a positive change from eating with the rest of the men in his mind. Children were entertaining. There was nothing entertaining about grown men eating like pigs.


"Indeed I haven't." Barnabas returned to Amy, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "The leg is fine. I've had far worse than this several times over. This is nothing, Amy." He shook his leg, the bruise had lost most of its swell, and appeared rather small. "As for not dressing, the bells woke me up." It was a valid excuse. He could have stayed the extra few minutes to make himself presentable, but that would have meant staying alone in the sleeping bay with his dark thoughts. Discord in exchange for sanity. It was a simple choice.

Andrew was less approving. "Oh, Sir." He groaned handing Barnabas a bowl and spoon. "You really must present yourself with more care in the presence of your betters." Andrew winked at Amy as he filled her bowl. "I will make sure all of the officers are present and in tip top shape for you miss Amy."

Barnabas took a seat next to Lukas, who was clearly flirting with the blonde woman at the table. He clapped the man on the back. Lukas dropped his spoonful of soup all over himself and the table. "Dammit!" Lukas exclaimed jumping back as much as the space allowed for. Barnabas laughed out loud and banged his fist on the table - nearly hitting his own bowl.

"You fall for that every time I do it. Haven't you learned not to have something in your hand when someone hits you?"

"If people didn't take joy out of injuring innocent men like myself-"

"Innocent my arse!" Barnabas turned to the blonde woman, and pointed at Lukas with his thumb. "You see this guy here? We go out to taverns all the time, and I have to pry the women off of him. I don't see why though. He's about as handsome as an ape." Barnabas took large bites of his biscuit, in between laughs.

"Yeah, well this guy," Lukas said point his spoon at Barnabas' nose, "Can't hold his liquor. Two shots of cheap rum and he's dancing around like a fool singing old ballads."

"That was one time!" Barnabas shouted, motioning with his finger. "And if I recall, you were singing with me."

"Well, I do have a lovely singing voice." Lukas smiled at the blonde. His shy act was up, that was for certain. Let's see how cocky works then.

"Well then Nightingale," Barnabas said "You can sing for the officers tomorrow at dinner."

"I'll take that challenge." Lukas said "Only if you join me, Sir."
So, I've been gone a long time.
Life happened. My apologies for not updating anyone. That being said...