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Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-22-2016, 01:55 PM


Alecross "Al"



Alecross stands at six foot two inches tall. His hair is raven black, his eyes a smokey blue. He is lean,with lightly tanned skin. He has an well developed form for his age, a hint of an active and strict lifestyle. His muscles apparent, though do not overpower his appearance at all.

Alecross at first glance, has a natural air about him that seems to put people off. He comes off as cold and unapproachable. It feels almost instantly like there is something below the surface with him. He is smart and intellectual, often one to want all the details and information before he makes a move. He's cunning and calculating, he likes to take his time in life, seeing those who rush as foolish or going to get themselves in trouble. This is not to say that he does not at times himself become impatient and reckless. It depends on who is involved.

He is quiet, keeping more to himself. He enjoys his space and privacy, meaning he does not like being met with prying eyes or pushed. When faced with such things, he often finds himself pushing back. He has a quick mouth, often not holding back in his words. Blunt and honest to a fault, he sees no point in playing games. This only adds to his cold exterior, making others see him as simply oblivious or uncaring of other's feelings. This is true to a point. He often speaks before he takes into consideration the emotional aspect to his words. Part of him sees emotions as a hindrance, that they cloud judgement and reason.

Internally however, he is an emotional puzzle. Below the exterior, he is actually a very caring and kind individual. He is loyal to a fault, putting his life on the line without a second thought for those that he cares about. He has little trouble compromising himself in order for those he cares for to be happy or safe. At the same time, he is a good listener, one to be there when needed. He does try his best with advice, but often does not think he's really qualified or good enough to. He is hidden self conscious, hating to be the center of attention, with eyes on him. He prefers to remain in the shadows, ignored and unseen, where he feels safe.

Because of his past, Alecross has an odd love of pain. This leads him to often be defined as a masochist. He craves it in certain situations. Whenever he becomes emotionally vulnerable or unstable, he will often begin pushing or seeking out a fight. He finds pain to be one of the few ways he truly feels alive, a release of everything he is unable to put into words.He is horrible when it comes to simply vocalizing how he feels. This often leads to him getting more frustrated and angry. This side of him is one of the parts of him that leads him to get reckless and act without thinking.He will purposefully put himself in situations he knows will lead to horrible outcomes. Logic and reason go out the window.

He is often unreasonable and incredibly stubborn in this time, until he cools off. Typically when things fall apart within the situation and he hits a wall or rock bottom he can not over come. Despite this side of him, he is very resilient and durable. He cares little about what others personally think about him. He can handle a lot, physically and emotionally, though certain things are a vulnerable issue with him just like anyone. He does have his sense of humor, often times the oddest things will make him laugh. He is confident in most of his being, though when a vulnerable button is hit, he often will pull back into his walls. He finds it hard to put himself out there, but once he does, he gets very protective and attached.

Alecross has a dark side, he thinks is tied to his past and the pain indulged side of him. He tells no one, but it is the part of him he fears the most. He fears the anger and darkness beneath him. Each day he feels it within him, fearing that it will one day grow enough to engulf him, becoming all he is. He fears of falling completely into the darkness and drowning, unable to find himself back or to find the light. Part of him believes he does not deserve a happy ending, that he should just accept that in the end, he's going to become what he fears most.

Alecross has the ability of animation. He is able to summon or create things by pulling them out of books, paintings, sketches and other works of art.He needs to be within physical contact of the source he is pulling the animated construct out of at some point.He also has an ability to create markings known by his people as Runes. These markings come in various shapes and colors. Through binding a rune with an medium, the rune reacts. The result depends on the rune. There are runes for elemental abilities, creation, healing, light, darkness and more.

Their power and use is only limited to the imagination of the Scry. They are unfortunately dependent on his physical and mental state. Meaning loss of energy, consciousness or other such things can cause his construct and runes to be easier to overcome. He also has a chance of losing control of his power, due to unstable emotional states or confidence. In such states, his power takes two forms. Either simply destructive, running wild, or more protective in nature, where it will lash out at whatever is deemed a threat to him.

Alecross is also highly skilled with a bow and arrow, as well as physical hand to hand combat. He is light on his feet, agile and flexable. His.His knowledge of the supernatural world and its under-workings are an asset to him. He also has some less than savory skills, that are useful but deemed a last resort to him, such as knowledge of breaking and entering, theft and more. He is quick on his feet, his mind working well under pressure. He is resourceful and able to work with whatever he has at hand.

Alecross carries with him a bow and arrow, to which he is very skilled with. He carries a dagger within his right boot at all times as well, and another in the back of his belt. Other than this, he does not carry any physical weapon with him. He always wears a dragon ring. The stone is a specialized one that reads his energy, changing color to reflect it. Many see it as a mood ring, but it is more of a reminder to watch himself.

Alecross' home was attacked when he was young. For ages, people had sought out the Scry for their own reasons and desires. This caused their numbers to fade. Being within the last known actual gathering of the race, it was not surprising to many when it happened. His people were slaughtered or enslaved. He was chosen to live, to be raised and cultivated for his powers. He was handed over to a demon lord, who instantly took a deep liking to him. He became in a sense like a pet to him, never seen out of the company of him. Although he was a prisoner, the demon lord was not cruel to him in entirety. He taught Alecross about the supernatural world. He taught him much about the living races, about how the power worked within the world of Lazrus. Alecross attended many parties and gathering of its higher class, including some where he met members of the head family.

However as he grew up, Alecross was reminded of his place at times. When he defied the lord or stepped out of place, he was disciplined strictly. As he grew and his powers began to mature more, he was trained in them. He was taught how to use them for both good and bad ends.His relationship with the lord evolved as well. He found himself become dependent on him more and more, to which the other had no quarrel with. It was what they wanted, Alecross to need him, to have no will or mind of his own. It was less of a chance of him rebelling at that race. He knew he was a weapon in a sense, a tool to be used and unleashed when the others thought it was appropriate. However, as he entered his mid teens, he began to become more and more rebellious. As a child, he had been required to take a medication, that dulled his mind and made him more "agreeable" to the will of the lord.

He stopped taking it, finding ways to dispose of it or make them think he took it. As his mind cleared and he was able to view his life and the things associated with it clearly, he began to see the darkness. The corruption behind the supernatural world, behind those who had power inside of it. Alecross made a plan to escape, telling no one save for the one person he trusted within the castle. Another teen who had been a servant boy. However, he did not know of the feelings of ill will the other was harboring towards him. He felt angry towards him because of the attention and love the lord showed only to Alecross. As he grew, Alecross began to be treated more like a suitor, as long as he behaved and followed orders. He was given anything he could desire, showered with gifts,placed on a pedestal. However, Alecross felt more like an object, all the things given, he did not truly want or care for.

He knew very well that if left to how things were, he would eventually be chosen as a suitor to the lord. He would be trapped then, unable to ever have his freedom. The mistake of telling the other cost him everything. The lord enraged locked him away, vowing he would never see the light of day again. He saw no one but the lord and the two guards who were always at his locked door. When the lord was away on business, the guards began to have little trouble attempting to use Alecross for their own gain, leaving him beaten badly at times. Through all of the pain and suffering though his life, he found himself coming to realize that he was increasingly enjoying it. The pain becoming one of the few ways for him to feel alive, to know he was capable of feeling. It became his drive, his push. To get free, to make them all pay for what they had done to his people, to him.

It is unknown to anyone but Alecross how he escaped, the guards found brutally massacred. It became suspected that it was Alecross who had murdered them. He left, using his knowledge and his powers to cover his tracks. As time moved on, he learned to keep on the move, never staying in one place for long. He kept his personal and emotional connections to a minimum, but he made plenty of overall connections along the way. He became a wanted infividual, not only by the lord, but by others who learned who and what he was and that he was no longer bound by the lord.Despite the challenges, he took his new freedom as a blessing. IT allowed him to explore the world in ways that he had never been able to before. He was able to stretch his legs and begin learning who he was for himself. He decided then, that he would never be anyone's pet or object again.

Alecross is an artist, he has a love and passion for writing and sketching.

The Devil Within , Monsters , Bad Intentions , My Demons , Antigravity, Runnin

Last edited by Kiyoto; 02-23-2016 at 04:11 AM..