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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 04-21-2010, 08:17 AM

[Okay well hopefully he comes back to us LOL]

Sophia stopped and looked over her shoulder, Okay did I just totally imagine that scrape pr not? She looked warily into the shadows and thought she saw a flicker of movement but desided against it when she saw a rat dart out from behind a bin next to her. Giving Sonsuz a long loook she turned back to the exit to the alley and kept walking until the building came into veiw.


Jason shook his head in desbelief, "It means that a lot of Demonic energies were just caught up by our satelite in that area!" He gave Lixi a long look, "That's bad! As soon as Sophia gets back with her fresh kill we are going to have to check it out!" He double clicked on the screen until the map got even closer and they could see the tree tops filling the screen. Pointing to a square in the coner of the image he looked back at Lixi, "See this small black smudge? The one hidden in the trees? That's the opening to an enclave that a certain group of Demons and Vampires have been currently using to stage their BloodFeast. I'm hoping that being half Dmonic yourself you already know what that is but in case you don't it is pretty much a festival for the Spring Equinox of sorts where a bunch of Demons or Werewolves kidnap a whole lot of Humans to give to a whole lot of Vampires, they give the Vampires three each, sort of likie a three course meal. The last time someting like this happened abunch of Werewolves captured twenty-four girls. Just think that means there were eight Vampires. But we still arn't sure just how many Humans they have yet because if they are kidnpping Humans they are doing a prety good job of hiding them." Jason swivled his chair around and put is back to the screen, "We havn't yet gone into the place and confronted them yet because we still don't have enought proof to confront them with."

Last edited by sweet_serender159; 05-05-2010 at 11:05 AM..