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Old 06-19-2015, 01:29 PM

In case it's necessary, here are some definitions and terms~!


Angels can either be half-blood (born from two humans) or pure blood (born from angels). Pure blood angels are only born once every thousand years. Angels can posses many different powers, and make their power(s) into weapons and/or armor. You can get two races of angels, Fallen and Light. Fallen Angels, in most cases are stronger than Light Angels.
Demons are unique creatures that cover a wide range. Demons can be anywhere from creatures of hell to fallen angels from heaven. Anyways, demons are often misunderstood and represented as terrible, mindless tricksters. This can be the case, but it’s not always true. Demons can actually be just as polite and friendly as angels. However, this depends on their raising.

An unknown fact about demons is that they select one mate for life. This bond happens subconsciously. The demon will be unaware of its undying love until it meets them. When this happens, the show is on. Demons will compete for their desired mate – some are more popular than others. Only the strongest and most desired male will win the female. Yes, in the demon world, females are the ones in charge so the men must fight and try to win a female’s love.

Once bonded, he will continue to fight to be with her. Should he die, the female will either commit suicide or she’ll move onto the next best male. All and all, demons are lovers for life and tend to die fighting for the one they love, or they die of a broken heart.
Dragons are powerful creatures. Sometimes winged and other times without, these beasts can still fly in the sky. Some have horns that adorn their face while others are slippery smooth. Each dragon has its own unique subspecies and traits. Certain dragons can breathe fire just as other dragons can live underwater. Depending on its birth location and ancestry, its powers will hone as they mature.

Not all dragons are wicked tempered as some subspecies are known for the peaceful lifestyle. Again, it all depends on the dragon’s birth location. If born in a cruel environment, chances are the dragon itself will be wicked.

Dragons are said to have the best shields of them all – their tough scaly body. However, dragons do have tender spots just as all creatures do. Nonetheless, slaying these fierce beasts is easier said than done. Yet, dragons are still greatly misunderstood and often left alone.
Every Elemental possesses a special power, whether its fire or water, each has at least one. With that said, most are either fire, earth, air, or water – the four main elements. Other dominate breeds are light, dirt, or poison. Some rarer species include are ice, battle, lightning, day, night, and dark.

Elementals are practitioners of magic (the ability to wield an element) and each has limits to his/her magical abilities. With this being said, it is reasonable to assume that water is weak to lightning yet strong against fire. Such practical examples hold true for these species. Thus, as stated, each is extremely weak against a set Elemental (e.i. Fire is weak against water).

Elementals also range in abilities from one another. Not all Fire Elementals can breathe fire just as not all Sand Elementals can create sand whips. The abilities and skills of an Elemental are directly related to the clan’s name as well as internal organs.

Nonetheless, Elementals look just like humans. The only distinction is the length of their ears. Elementals have long slender pointy ears. There are two types – one that points upward and one that points downward – these are dependent on the linage.
Elves are one of the eldest races of the world and they have the highest developed civilization because of this. Just about all creatures respect elves and even revere them. Elves have paleness to their skin tone, but there are some elves that have a darker skin tone (these are southern elves). Nonetheless, it is said that elves are not susceptible to illnesses and are rapid healers. In addition to that, elves are slender, nimble creatures that live in forest or deep underground caves. They are festive creatures that love to be joyous and happy as there isn’t much to worry about if you’re an elf. Moreover, elves tend to be either water, earth, or wind wielders.

Elves vary in size from about 4'10" to 6'8". Elves don’t usually cut their hair, but this only helps to define their graceful, fragile features and extraordinary beauty. It’s typical for elves to have pointed ears and high cheekbones.
Every faerie possesses a special power, whether its fire or water, all possess at least one. With that said, most faeries are either fire, earth, air, or water – the four main elements. Other dominate breeds are light, dirt, or poison. Some rarer species of faeries are ice, battle, lightning, day, and night.

Another characteristic of faeries is that they are born outside their mothers. Faeries are born in flowers. Fire faeries, for example, are born in a fire-colored flower. Water faeries are usually born in water lilies or other water flowers. Air faeries are born in fruit blossom and lightning faeries are born in exotic flowers. Day or sun faeries are born in early blossoming morning flowers, while night faeries are born in flower that only open their peddles at night. Poison faeries are born in poisonous flower and earth faeries are born in garden grown flowers. Dirt faeries are born in desert flowers, light faeries are born in white-colored flowers, and ice faeries are born in flowers that grow only in cold weather, while battle faeries are born in flowers that bare thorns, such as roses or thistles. Finally, dark faeries are born in flowers that are said to be lethal or are born in dying flowers. Faeries of one type can never be born in another species flower. For example, you’ll never find a dark faerie in a water lily or a battle faerie in a sunflower.

Furthermore, to add to a faeries type, each has a specific natural eye color. Fire faeries normally have flaming orange or red eyes, while water faeries have either blue, bluish-green, or bluish-purple eyes. Dark faeries usually have gray, black, crimson red, red tints or shades, or even blue. The list continues with each type.
Griffins are part bird and part lion. These large winged creatures are capable of carrying a horse in their razor-sharp talons. This all powerful beast is not something you’d want to piss off. No, in the past griffins have killed humans and even devoured their trusty steeds. With this being said, do not try to rob a griffin nor insult it. These bird-like beasts expect sheer respect from all those that gaze upon them.
Aside from being powerful like a lion, griffins are also swift like eagles and have a very keen eye. Moreover griffins are great at making bargains – more like ripping you off – and will do anything to obtain gold. These creatures are greedy, yet, very hostile when they were overstepped. So watch your back and pray that you can fly faster than a griffin!
A being has the ability to alter its physical appearance. Whether it is from a human to a cat or a cat to a knife, each shifter has its own unique abilities. Some can only transform into one object (true-shifter) while others (called spirits of hell) can shift amongst many forms.

Shifters can be haughty and rude at times as they can usually able to fight solo. Shifters don't need masters. However, most have them as without masters they can't do much. Each shifter creates a contract with a creature and will serve them for life. This binding can only be broken by a 'reverse blood contract.' However, there are no known owners that have relinquish their shifters, setting them free. Once freed, the shifter is able to do seek out whatever life it wants - whether that be a human or a weapon. Should they decide weapon, their soul is removed from the weapon they once embodied and they travel to a place of everlasting life.
Unai [ species created by ISOS Duke: do not use without permission ]:
Unai are creatures of mystery. If you were to ask a human what they were they would tell you that they were mindless killing machines that are out for blood. This is not the case though as any Unai would tell you. Humans gave them the nickname of hell hounds because of their appearance when in all actuality they are more feline than canine and yet all at the same time they are neither. They look canine but their actions read feline and even then they chirp like birds to communicate, they growl like any other predator, and can roar like a big cat.

Anyway, Unai are not mindless killers. They, unlike other creatures called ‘weres’ are animals with human forms. Due to their animal forms these creatures are best suited as hunters. They are very territorial and protective creatures as such as well. Unai are actually peaceful, close to nature creatures, it just happens to be that whenever humans see them they had been on a hunt or had to protect their kind or territory. They live in tribes or packs and do not separate themselves with last names. They live very close so their last names become ‘Unai’ to represent their race. This is important when it comes to arranged marriages. In order to keep strong ties with their allies and surrounding races Unai send some of their best to be wed into these other races, just as they send their own to them.
Infected with a kind of non-life, vampires are not truly dead or alive. They 'live' in a dreadful state of half-life, causing them to thirst for the life-giving blood they once held in their own bodies.

Vampires can either be born as so, or bitten and become one. If bitten, there are but two types - just your typical vampire and level zero vampires. Level zero vampires are lowly creatures that seek out living people, not obeying the rules of their race. Those rules being, 'thou shalt not kill the living.'

Depending on the linage, some vampire families have unique traits. Nonetheless, vampires have special talents whether it be extreme speed, fire casting abilities, incredible strength, or even future sight, all vampires have a special power.
Werewolves are humans who could or can alternate between their own shape and that of a wolf form. They have all the powers of a wolf, some say that you can only change when the full moon is upon you. Others, such are rogue werewolves, don't have this issue.

Some people are born natural werewolves, others are bitten, and there are a rare few that collected a rare “virus” that make someone a werewolf.

Each werewolf has its own unique traits. Some have several forms or stages such as slightly animalistic features but more human, slightly human features but more animalistic, and full wolf form. They can be hurt by anything, but, depending on the wound, some things won’t bother them as they have superior strength to most. Werewolves can see better in the dark, have superior smell, but other than that they are your basic wolf just with more strength. The sense of smell is weaker when they are human, but it is still better than humans; werewolves only have human strength in their human form and they can’t see as well in the dark as their wolf form can. Of course their body temperature is slightly warmer than that of normal peoples.
Zombies are dead bodies that have been brought back to life by supernatural forces that most people cannot explain. Moreover, they are considers among the lower forms of the undead. Usually, when there is one zombie nearby, there are more to appear in larger numbers. However, not much is known about zombies or about the origins of such pathetic and horrible things.

And so you don't get lost, here's the map!

Last edited by Xavirne; 06-19-2015 at 01:41 PM..