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R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 08-04-2017, 01:14 AM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
Yeah, about the contests forum extinction. Why can't there be staff run contests on this thread? I do not know if there ever was, but there certainly isn't any now.

Wouldn't Menewsha be more fun if there were staff run contests?

I've never understood the herd mentality that insists anything and everything can only occur during an event, i.e. contests, giveaways, or commons items being released. If there had never been a contests forum would't it be lauded as a good suggestion if someone proposed one?

I also do not understand the thinking that says that some items should be rare and next to impossible to acquire. Where is the joy in that? This only encourages hoarding. I know this because I am hoarding the only Golden Orchid I know of. I would be happy to give it to someone via a contest, but I know that if I do, then the new owner will only hoard it as well.

To her credit, hummy has created an item lending thread, but not many Menewshans use it because they want that item as their own and since there is an artificial shortage, none can be had. In my opinion, this is contrary to the spirit of Menewsha and only serves to disappoint new members and veteran members alike.

How many times have you visited an eatery, received poor service or bland food and simply never returned?

Not everyone uses the suggestion box.
I kinda have to second this. It would be great if there were more giveways/contests that weren't centered around an event. I know for me the event's themselves are stressful enough because of all the great items that usually come out. I'm always scrambling to try and get them before time is up and there's so many games/contests to keep up with that the usual event time isn't enough to do everything.
I think it would also encourage more activity because there wouldn't be down times between events with giveaways and such.

Also, with the DAC (which I love please don't get rid of it ever ;3;) is there someone that's fixing/updating the tags? Because there are a lot of items that don't show up right. Sometimes the only way for me to find a CI/EI is by putting the year in and scrolling. Instead of just using the name of the item. Or sometimes all of the poses for a multi item won't be there. Is there a way to fix this? Do you guys need any help? Because I'd certainly be willing to help sort this out, although I understand it's lower on the priorities list.

Oh! And has anyone discussed potentially bringing old CIs back to the shop? As Mr. Wrong has said above, it kinda sucks to have some super rare (really amazing) items that seemingly no one can get their hands on (due to people not being around when they came out)