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Old 11-14-2012, 05:04 PM

Hello there, Dragon. I know how the nervous feeling can get when you're not quite sure how to jump in. If you're a beginner you should look in the Roleplay request forums for some one-on-ones since groups can be a bit daunting in the beginning.

But if you want to practice alone, you can visit here, the Literature forum, so you can make your own thread and practice with your own characters and their personalities until you feel confident with them.

Or, you could go here, a quiet thread in the RP forum where people actually post with their RP characters excerpts of RPs or what they'd hope happened in an RP not yet written. Basically, there, you can use your character however you like.

Although a third option is to find someone who's patient and willing to help you personally, be a test, so to say. I'd like to help you. Although since I can't be here as regularly as I used to (a fact I'm hoping soon to change), perhaps email would be better?

... Here, use [email protected], since I'm not afraid of spammers on that particular address. Just let me know who you are if you accept my offer, and I'll be able to help with any issues, problems, or fears you may have about the RP world.

Anyway, good luck! And perhaps I'll speak with you again soon.