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Old 06-10-2014, 08:04 PM

You've found a magical genie lamp. You rubbed it hard out of excitement, but you stumbled around on the wish and now it has backfired! Now it is time to design an avatar of your backfired wish.
*write a short paragraph (4 sentences minimum) about what the wish was, and what happened.
*represent your wish
*represent how it went wrong
*there is no color constraints

HTML Code:
[SIZE="5"] [COLOR="Blue"]" My Wish Backfired!"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[b] Username: [/b]
[b] Image: [/b]
[b] Backstory: [/b]
Originally Posted by star2000shadow View Post
" My Wish Backfired!

Username: star2000shadow
Backstory: Apparently wishing for the power of the cosmos is a BAD thing to wish for. because now look at me I'm a GENIE and im STUCK in a stupid lamp. oh yeah this wish.. probably should of been better thought out. and now i'm stuck granting other's wishes.
Originally Posted by Pistachio_Moustache View Post
"My Wish Backfired!"
Username: Pistachio_Moustache
Backstory: Warning: When you want to make a wish to be in a drama, be a little more specific. The genie took it literally, that I wanted to be IN the show. Not that I wanted to be an actor and work on a drama. Now, I'm stuck serving tea to all of the guests that come to this quaint little shop. I got put in as an extra! Gah!

Originally Posted by OnYourGoat View Post

" My Wish Backfired!"
Username: OnYourGoat
Backstory: All I did was ask for the whole book set to immerse myself in-- Oh that's how that happened. Well now I'm stuck on Arakis. At least the locals are pretty friendly. They gave me a suit to keep the sand off. Though the whole recycling body waste thing will take some getting used to.
Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
" My Wish Backfired! "
Username: Elirona
Backstory: Maybe you shouldn't have wished to be highly intelligent with a scholarship to a school where you'll be guaranteed a successful future. The genie, being the sneaky bastard he is, enrolled you at Ouran High School, a prestigious high school where the children of Japan's wealthiest go. This would be awesome, if you knew how to fluently speak Japanese. The most you can say is "where is the bathroom" and "where is the library". You were also taken hostage by a group of boys who run a "host club;" they entertain girls in order to make money. They forced you to become a member after you broke their incredibly expensive Renaissance vase, valued at 8 million Yen, or $80,000, in order to pay the expenses, even though you're a woman. Unfortunately, all the students at this school are in love with you, and you think they're all annoying because they don't know about the life of a "commoner" like yourself. "Damn rich people," you say under your breath. "Damn the genie, too."
Originally Posted by SuperZombiePotatoe View Post
" My Wish Backfired!

Username: SuperZombiePotatoe


Backstory: Warning: I recently bought an old lamp for 50 cents from this stall at the flea market. I thought it would look nice on my mantel piece and 50 cents is not a deal to walk away from! After buying the lamp I decided to shine it up a bit and would you believe it, just like in the stories, out pops this genie! The poor dear was so grateful for getting a chance to stretch his legs after so long that he offered me 1 wish. Now you could only imagine how thrilled I was. Being a lover of books and learning, my first wish was to be as wise as an owl. It seemed harmless, but I was so wrong. The genie turned out to be a little hard of hearing, so instead of making me as wise as an owl, he turned me into an actual owl! I was so annoyed, but realised that it was also probably my fault. Who asked me to be so poetic?! I could have said, "Make me smarter." But then again, he might have turned me into a smartie or a martyr or something. So here I am, an owl. You have no idea idea how difficult life is. I used to love apples, but now they're not appetising at all. You know what is? Mice and bugs and squirrels! I mean I used to be a vegetarian, but now I see a squirrel and can't help myself. And, owls don't have fingers, how am I supposed to turn pages or turn on the t.v.? And don't get me started on sleeping in trees! Although, flying and being able to turn your head 360 degrees are some pluses.
Originally Posted by fireprincess View Post
" My Wish Backfired!

Username: fireprincess
Backstory: You were so excited when the Genie came out of its bottle and told you of your three wishes, but what the Genie didn't tell you is that all magic comes with a price. You thought about your life and what would be the most beneficial to you, and decided that you could never really know... that is, unless you could see the future.... To be safe, your first wish was for a beautiful spacious caravan, filled with the finest furnishings one could ever dream of, and it was done. Your second wish was to be fitted with a whole new wardrobe made of the finest silks and gems of the world, and that too was bestowed upon you. Now, for your third and final wish, you decided to be more extravagant and daring. You decided that you wanted to see the future, to ensure yourself a happy and prosperous life. The Genie granted you the powers to talk to the spirits, along with the ability to read tarot cards and crystal balls, then was gone. At first you were amazed by your powers, and people would pay you riches upon riches for seances and readings. However, you started to find it difficult to sleep, as you were haunted by said spirits, and could no longer control when you would see into the future. Now you are doomed to forever see the spirits of the past that whisper what could be, and to read the futures of others, as you travel from place to place searching for another Genie to lift your curse.
Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
" My Wish Backfired!"
Username: Antagonist
Backstory: When I said I wanted to be immortal, the genie took it to mean 'not dying' and not, 'eternal youth'. Now I'm stuck as an undying mound of undecaying flesh and can't die despite having suffered through various accidents that left me seriously maimed and missing a couple of limbs. The apocalypse has come and gone, humanity is dead, yet still I live. I'm seriously considering just throwing myself into a pool of lava so I'd have no body left, but I fear that I'd be stuck being burned for eternity and still not die.
Originally Posted by Emma Corrin View Post
" My Wish Backfired!"
Username: Emma Corrin
Backstory: "Oh Darcy, My Darcy" - *standing outside of a house* How did I wind up here? Well let me tell you! So, here I am reading one of my favorite period novels "Pride and Prejudice" at the park, and next thing I know some kid throws what looked to be a brass lamp at me before running off like someone lit his pants on fire! Luckily it hit my book and fell to the ground instead of hitting my face, but still. Who DOES that? So anyways, I reach down to pick up the lamp, right. All of a sudden this woman pops out and tells me that she's a genie, I'm now her master, and I can have three wishes! Umm, thanks random kid for throwing this in my face! THIS IS AWESOME! Yeah, or so I thought. So of course my love life is kind of... well... non-existent. So what is my first wish? TO HAVE A GUY LIKE MR. DARCY OF COURSE! Really simple right? My genie surely could find me a guy like that, right? Well the joke's on me bub! I'M NOW A GUY LIKE MR. DARCY!! I can't believe my genie did this. And when I tried to undo the wish? She just made it worse! What kind of sick joke is this? Now I'm 3 wishes short of a miracle, my genie is long gone, and I now see why that kid was so eager to get rid of this sorry excuse for a genie. I mean come on, HOW HARD IS IT TO DO MAGIC?! Anyways, now I'm a period gentleman stuck in the book Pride and Prejudice off to woo some fair maiden. Until we meet again, FIND A WAY TO GET ME OUT OF THIS MESS!!!! *knocks on the door*
Originally Posted by Rochiel Silverfire View Post
" My Wish Backfired!"
Username: Rochiel Silverfire
Backstory: So I found this beautiful old teapot in an antique store. It had a scene depicting a bunch of frolicking foxes with lots of tails painted on the sides along with something I couldn't quite make out for all the dirt. So I rubbed it away and this beautiful woman in a kimono appeared from out of the spout! Well, I was a bit confused when she told me she was a genie...I though genies came from the Middle East, but apparently there are different kinds. So, struck with inspiration, I asked her if I could see ancient Japan and play with the foxes. She obliged...but what I didn't realize was that returning would require a second wish, and her type only grants one. At least she was nice enough to turn me into one of the spirit foxes from the teapot so I can hang out with them while I look for another Japanese genie to get me back to my own time...
Originally Posted by Xogizmoox View Post
" My Wish Backfired!"
Username: XoGIZMOoX
Image: Up above my copy paste acting goofy
Backstory: Gizzie was out at the animal park playing with my critters. We went over to the sandbox and thats when I tripped over something shiny. I looked down to check it out and much to my surprise it was an odd looking bottle. I brushed off the dirt and out popped a genie. Im like omg omg how awsome I get wishies right right right??? The gennie says yes masterwhat shall I grant you? As I go to say my wish all heck breaks loose. A buzzing bee started swarming me and well my wish turned into I WISH TO AWWW BEE MORE FLUFFY LITTLE CRITTERS !!! Poof wish done are darn I wanted more pets but instead I BEEcome a fluffy alpaca. . O.o great I hope im house trainned !

Last edited by Shadami; 06-21-2014 at 04:52 AM..