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Kole_Locke is offline
Old 01-11-2013, 01:48 AM

CHAPTER 21 (PART - B) end of chapter 21

Allan was beginning to get bored back on the Sea Serpent and Gaspar was getting more crazy as each day went by. Lento stayed in his cabin most of the day amazed by what he saw that night. A man with demonic possession was something that he had not seen in such a display previously. Tom stayed busy working with the rest of the crewmen since Allan had finally got sick of the crew’s disgruntled attitudes and said everyone had to work equally.

This did not sit well with his inner circle except for Tom who was loyal to Allan to a fault, and Allan knew that and would always make the work load easier on his best mate. Even among evil people one would like to think even if there is only a flicker of light left, that there is always a chance to see the light of day again.

Gaspar didn’t mind it so much as it was a way to get his physical aggression out. No one wanted to get into any arguments with Gaspar as he was very quick to become confrontational if he felt the slightest disrespect. Mikhail and Ivan were put to work as well since they were low ranking members in the secret circle. Only higher ranking members were privy to secret meetings and missions. Engineers were got paid the best and if they complained it became a problem because it actually took skill which was something that you couldn't just hire anyone to do, and Allan knew that. Lento stayed locked up in the cabin reading book after book that Herr Wagner piled on him.

Lento was learning more and more with each passing hour. He wished he had his own private cabin to practice what he had learned. The only distraction he had was the mysterious black haired woman, with luscious red lips and bright forest green eyes. Her pale skin was as fair as Snow White’s. She seemed to have faith in his powers, but why? He wanted to know what her relation to Herr Wagner was.

Another ritual was scheduled for later tonight which made him nervous. He wondered why the other failed or why it went awry. Controlling a demon’s will was a very difficult thing to do, but he was sure Herr Wagner had that basis covered. It was exhilarating and yet terrifying at the same time to do such a dark yet powerful act. Lento kept thinking about Herr Wagner’s secret, was he himself possessed? Again, Lento did not want to provoke any anger from him. He was also curious about who the fifth member in their group was. He only knew a couple of them by name.

A knock at his door broke his train of thought. He knew it wasn’t Mikhail or Ivan as they would just try to come in before they knocked. Lento got up from his small desk to open the door and revealed a somewhat bigger guy with a belly and a big nose. He wore a monocle and a nice but casual suit. Each of his hands wore adorned with two rings. A gluttonous sign as far as Lento was concerned. This man appeared to enjoy the materialistic things life had to offer which was a sign that person had too many attachments in this world.

“May I help you signore?” Lento asked.
“I was told by Lady Ravena to get insights from you about tonight’s ritual” he said casually.
“…and you are?” Lento asked.
“I’m sorry signore I am the fifth member of your group… Roberto Rastapopoulos” he said shaking his hand.
“I’m Basilio Lento Signore, welcome to our circle…I was expecting Dr. Mueller” Lento replied politely.
“He’s busy with… something very important” Rastapopoulos replied slowly. “I’m amazed and need to know more so tonight I can focus my energy” he finished.

“I see… so then Signore Rastapopoulos let us get down to business…” Lento responded picking up another book flipping through countless pages and began answering questions in regarding meditation techniques to understanding energy around one’s self. Rastapopoulos lit a cigar while Lento thumbed through the book listening intently as Lento nonchalantly opened the port window and continued.


Allan was up in the bridge relaxing after a long day’s work watching everyone doing their evening chores until he spotted Herr Wagner accompanying a mysterious woman off the ship.

“What’s this?” he said to himself taking a pair of binoculars.
He watched both of them get into a cab and drive away. Allan wondered what an exotic looking woman would be doing on such a strange vessel as their own.

“Admiral Allan, Herr Wagner left this for you” Gaspar entered handing him two envelopes as he entered the bridge.
Allan opened a telegram first. It was from an old acquaintance of Allan’s.

Allan, Tintin has been spotted somewhere between Colchester and Ipswich, I would start in Ipswich first, hope this helps…

Allan’s eyes grew wide in amazement as he let out a pompous laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Gaspar asked feeling self-conscious.
“I think I may have a lead on where Tintin is” Allan smiled. “I knew I could count on old friends to help us” he said lighting a cigarette in triumph.
“What about ship duty? Herr Wagner has forbid us to leave the ship” Gaspar said with much resentment.
“Herr Wagner is paying us well enough that I really don’t care…eventually our paths will cross and Haddock will be with him” Allan replied darkly opening the other envelope.
“What about Captain Chester?!” Gaspar nodded.
“Don’t worry, your path and his will cross as well…trust me my twisted friend” Allan winked.
“Yeah!” Gaspar’s gaunt expression turned into an evil smile almost like that of a rabid dog.

You are the only one competent enough to carry out this mission. Sources tell me that Tintin is in between Colchester and Ipswich. I give you leave to go after him, I trust your sources. Gaspar, will take over the ship…with supervision. Take trusted companions to help you succeed. We will be leaving shortly after midnight and will dock in Glasgow. We will meet you there Saturday afternoon. We will set out shortly after six in the evening. I know you will not disappoint me Admiral. I look forward to your success.
Master Lieutenant Herr Wagner

Allan’s expression become even more upbeat, “Looks like I’ll be going ashore again” his voice sounded with excitement.
“I want to get off this dark tub too” Gaspar’s mouth watered.
“Sorry to be the one to disappoint you, but you will need to take place of Captain in my Absence first mate” Allan said flatteringly.
Gaspar was angry yet happy at the same time at the thought of being captain.
“You will set course to Glasgow shortly after midnight, I will meet you there…don’t let me down” Allan answered his unspoken questions getting a satisfied nod out of Gaspar.
“Anything else…Admiral?” Gaspar answered with hidden excitement.
“Yes…” Allan turned around just as he was about to leave the bridge. “Don’t wreck the ship” he laughed.
“Why of course not…Admiral” he smiled wickedly. Allan left the bridge quickly as Gaspar tightened his fist walking around the bridge finding a captain’s cap in a cabinet. He took out the binoculars and began spying around the ship for a moment.

“Skipper, I’ve just been informed we are leaving tonight” one of the higher ranking sailors asked.
Gaspar put on the hat and began acting more superior than ever.
“That’s Captain Gaspar, and yes we will be” Gaspar said with an extreme pompous stare.
“What happened to the Admiral?” he asked.
“He’s on temporarily leave” he smiled, I am captain until further notice” Gaspar nodded.
“Yes sir!” he stood at attention.
“Dismissed!” Gaspar said forcefully as the man left the bridge. “I could get used to this” he thought.


Allan searched the ship finding Ivan and Mikhail and then finally Tom.
“I want all of you to collect a small sack of things and meet me by the gangway in twenty minutes” Allan instructed.
“Where are we going boss?” Tom asked curiously.
“Why, we’re going on a man hunt” Allan said adjusting his gun.
“That sounds like fun boss!” Tom smiled in delight.
Ivan looked at Mikhail curiously. “We travel lightly gentlemen” Allan instructed as Tom quickly ran to his cabin.
Ivan and Mikhail quickly returned back to their cabin to see Lento and Rastapopoulos busy studying.
“Can you two come back a little later?” Lento asked but suddenly noticed they were quickly gathering a few belongings.
“Where are you going?” he suddenly changed his question.
“Allan is taking us ashore” Ivan answered quietly.
“Ashore?” Lento asked a little unsure.
“He says we’re going on a manhunt” Mikhail added.
“Ah a hunt for Tintin…it’s a shame I cannot go, that would be so much more fun” Rastapopoulos lamented.
“We will see you in a couple of days Lento” Ivan informed.
“I see…well take care, and don't cross Allan...” Lento warned. “I wish you buona fortuna, ciao!” he waved as they closed the door behind them as they left.
“Now where were we?” Rastapopoulos asked.
Art by Lost Writer

Last edited by Kole_Locke; 01-14-2013 at 07:55 AM..