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Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-09-2013, 08:53 PM

A slight redness had moved to Yusuke's cheeks, and his stomach was doing flips now. He felt the slight surprise of not having expected that from the man, but his look warmed and softened a bit. He closed his eyes and smiled a bit, running his fingers through his hair. He wondered for a moment if the other was ok then, he had acted a little strange after their encounter. He stepped forward, to follow him, wanting to make sure he was ok, but then he hesitated. Would it be bad if he did? Would the man want to even see him after reacting that way. He sighed a bit, and looked down at his phone and the new number that looked back at him. He closed it, sliding it back into his pocket. He was still confused now, and that did not seem like it was going to change any time soon. He decided it was best to back off for now, glancing at the window once more, before turning back to the door.

He took a breath, and stepped out, going to his car. He thought about the entire day all the way back to his appartment. It was then that he texted Hatori, needing some guidance and advice, the other seemed curious about what had happened. Yusuke took a hot shower, relaxing and thinking about it all. Slipping on a pair of black sweatpants, he dried his hair, before cleaning up a bit and making some dinner. He sat down and did his homework while he ate, though it was slightly hard to concentrate on it right now. He then turned his attention to the forms, sliding them across the table to him. They were pretty standard, name, age, telephone, address, yada yada. He filled them out simple enough to do, he had no problems with them. He then glances at his phone, opening it up to look at the man's number. He smiles a bit, before moving to the bedroom txting Hatori.