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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 10:17 PM

Raine heard the chanting and the bells, and they frightened her slightly. She shivered and vaguely wondered if she should turn around and go to that other village on the sign. She also wondered where all the people where. The streets where, well, too empty. She was frightened, but then she thought about the golems back at the prison, shivered again, and thought to herself, the golems are definitely worse.

She tried the shop doors and stalls, hoping for one to be open for the taking, but she found them all hopelessly locked up tight. She let out a small sigh. She could NOT go back empty handed on her first day. She looked about her desperate for some person to beg borrow or steal from.....well perhaps not borrow. Then she looked up at the imposing building with all the chanting.....and suddenly she felt it....the people where there.

She gulped, and walked towards the big building.