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Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 06:29 PM

I'm doing alright.
I've had it up to HERE, though, with my little sister.
She's so annoying.

She found this plant, a weed, that she has been eating and giving other kids in the neighborhood... I tell her to stop, but she won't. She's all like "WHY!? What's wrong with it?" and she's too DUMB to realize she's no PLANT expert and she doesn't know for sure if that plant will make her sick. She's so stupid. D<

*sighs* I know, Clair is mean, but when you can't get a little girl to listen because she's to bratty and thinks the world should revolve around her, you'd get pissed, too.

Aww, so sad, Sadrain! :hug: