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Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
Star Valo is offline
Old 01-03-2010, 12:15 AM

Hello and welcome to "DON'T LEAVE ME!"

This place started as a place for me and my friends from the Winter Festival of 2009/2010 to hang out and stay together once the event ended, but anyone is welcome to chat with us, just pop in.

Notable Aspects of this thread
The thread is pretty much a room, there is a single bathroom. Flish messed around with the door but it still shuts properly.
There is also a Pond. In which lives Mr. Koi-koi, the Koi Carp.
We have a pool to stop people joining Mr Koi-Koi in his pond and scaring the daylights out of him

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Lovely People with over 1,000 posts in this thread ♥

♥ Star Valo
♥ KatMagenta
♥ Jeanie
♥ Jack MacGaven
♥ Naoto-Chan22
♥ Ace Strife
♥ Lixlaria
♥ dragonjake
♥ Mitsunari
♥ Polarys
♥ Cardinal Biggles

Last edited by Star Valo; 05-07-2013 at 11:57 AM..