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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-11-2014, 04:38 PM

Cion turned his attention to the man who was once again attempting to insult him. His eye narrowed, as Bastien spoke up "Cion has more advanced files than Evo or any computer system. Many of them were sealed for the moment by the doctor however to protect them from....various things." He turned his attention to the female who had asked him her question before. "We can attempt to manually activate systems within the other bunkers...but it would still be dependant on if anyone is actually there" he turned to the computer. Cion floated over to Ryker, "my files are locked for protection and even with that I am still highly advance. You on the other hand are seriously defective both mentally and physically cause your"

He lifted Ryker's arm, poking at the lack of upper body strength as others of the men within the room had. " call these toothpicks limbs" he said, before poking at his head, "and half the time it's like the lights are on...but nobodies home." He floated away from the other, back to the console where Bastien stood. Hibiki could not help but smile a bit at the exchange of words. The two were quite different. When Ryker had nudged him however, asking if he would be helping them to save the world he paused. He looked at all of them, then thought to himself for the moement. He might not have had a past at the moment, but he had a future. As did all of them, if he was able to help out with that, he would do it. He nodded to Ryker, a slight alarm beeped on the screen. Bastien raised an eyebrow "pull it up on screen" he said.

Evo pulled up a picture of the sky, outside were what looked like many black birds swarming over head. Basien sighed, "that cursed woman again....Stay in here" he said cooly to the others, before he exited the room. Cion moved closer to the picture, tapping his faceplate for a moment. "Something feels....familiar" he thought out loud. He turned to look at Hibiki. "We can't very well let him go alone right? We're a team now" he said. Hibiki nodded a bit. He was sure Bastien could handle himself, but he did not like the idea of him having to face whatever this was alone. He was probably used to being on his own, Hibiki knew how that felt. But if they were going to be a team, they were going to have to stand together. He turned, walking out of the room.