Thread: HouLi Tain Tang
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TombeEtoile is offline
Old 06-08-2008, 07:04 PM

1. How can I get a Pet?
You can receive a pet through the normal methods, Flat sales, Raffles, Auctions, Customs and the rare event of a freebie. There will also be pet’s given out for random events. But those events are secret so I can’t tell you.

2. If I don’t want my Mongki anymore can I sell it?
HELL NO. Why would you even ask a stupid question like that? Err… I mean No; you can not make a profit off of our hard work. If you no longer want your mongki you can give it back to the shop and I will find it a new home with someone who would want it.

3. Is role playing required?
Not here. On the sister shop on Gaia it is, but here it is not. The reason I do this is because breedables are not as popular here. Though I will say...there are incentives.

4. How much do they cost?
350g I think that is reasonable for a 5-6 stage pet

5. Is there a Limit to how many I can own?
Nope. You can have as many as you wish. Though for huge events there will be rules involving ownership.

6. Are they breeding able?
Why yes, yes they are. Or they will be, just not at the moment. I’m still working on it.

7. Do you accept pet trades?
See each Staff members Information for there rules and regulations on Pet Trades. There is also a pet trade info post.

[b]8. Isn’t 350g expensive?
I don’t think so. There are plenty of other shops out there where they charge more and give less. Seriously you’re getting 5 defiant stages with the ability to gain an extra.

9. Gimme?

10. Do you do customs?
Why yes we do, but there are limits and regulations to them. See The Customs Post.

11. Is co-ownership allowed?
Why yes it is allowed. Just figure out who is going to Rp/ how you will RP before hand. Also be known it can only be with Auctioned Pets.

12. Can I color for you?
Just keep an eye out for when I need colorists!

Last edited by TombeEtoile; 06-08-2008 at 08:42 PM..