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The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-24-2017, 09:55 PM

We're regaling each other with stories of RPs past!


Dwarven Celric - As typical burly dwarf you could imagine, lawful good (The bf)
Goliath Barbarian - Strong silent man type... until angered. "Me good"
Halfing rogue - A puckish flirt of a girl sized women, Chaotic good (played by a guy)

And me. . .

Yuan-ti ranger - forced to hide her true self from her fighting companions, she looks human. She had to cast a disguise spell every new moon and has long term plans for her friendsss. Chaotic neutral


A nameless Minotaur of the labyrinth made travel companion lovingly refereed to as beefy. ( we freed him from a labyrinth on a previous adventure)
Gallon the incontinent, Mage and merchant. Veryyy olllllllld


After a victorious labyrinth campaign we made for a local pub to celebrate and spread our gold around to local merchants before going off to the next city. He were just about to call it a night when the rouge "Trix" Noticed a well dressed elderly gentleman rush out the door.

With a nod, an a last chug of ale we decided to follow for a bit of fun. - Our characters were all fairly hammered so we had movement debuffs put on us s well as charisma. The boys, including our new Minotaur friend continued drinking, bets were taken against the dwarf and mino to see who could drink more.

We followed as best we could. We came to a wooden door and knocked. With our best slurred common "Heyyyyy where you goin?" "Do you need any help?* *hic* "we're like totally heroes for hire."

I have a quest for you ladies. I seek the scrolls of refreshment held by the tavern keeper. And the robes of dignity from my room. Be stealthy in your quest and be rewarded.

Trix did her rouge thing and tip toed to the room and I confronted the in keeper.

. . .Our GM sent us to get TP and a change of clothes. XD

The following day he turned into a mage merchant and we got all kinds of good discounts. Which Trix and I TOTALLY didn't blackmail him for.