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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 09-21-2017, 05:07 AM

Logan picked up on a new scent as he glanced around 'Blood? Why would there be blood?' he had an amazing sense of smell it came down to things and even when he didn't try. He followed the source running towards it, what was going on that there was blood? Not much but enough as he trailed it all the way back to some trees. "Elf?!" Logan found the other one just sitting there with bleeding wrists, his voice was toned with worry as he stripped off his shirt ripping it in half quickly wrapping both wrists up. "Come on elf, what are you doing?" He could tell with how they were cut that they were self inflicted but why would his furry elf do this now of all times? Did he miss something or not see something happening? Picking up the elf in his arms he made sure both arms were in the elf's lap to get out of view of others. Walking as the sun shown down throughout the trees thinking this would be nice if he wasn't in such a panic to get the other one back to safety.

Some time later Logan was able to get Jean to help him patch up Kurt's wrists and keep him in the medical bay until he would come back to his senses even if it was just a bit. Logan stayed next to Kurt the other time, even had a book that Jean suggested Logan would read since she refused to read Kurt's thoughts. He had to explain things later of what happened on his own, not forced through mindlinks.

Kirin Rosenbaum: here you go.