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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-04-2015, 02:53 PM

Faylinn watched the show in peace, not finding any reason to speak up over the music. The song played through her very being, it was something that spirits seemed to connect with; music was a great way to bring about emotion and though she had not returned to her world in sometime, the Wisp was very much the same in that regard. The peaceful melody was calming to the fire spirit, it put her at ease.

As the music came to an end, Faylinn's seemingly lifeless eyes fell to the male as he greeted her. She said nothing, only lifting the edges of her skirt, bending her knees, tilting her head towards his sister as she did the same to her. The behaviors of the two never seemed to surprise the wisp, then again she dealt with those that did not really belong on a daily basis. These two, they had no interest in heeding the call of the other world and the Wisp had long since given up on encouraging them over.

She lowered her head in thanks for the offering of a seat, taking him up on the offer, her body moved slowly and gracefully as she sat down. In continued silence, she ran her pale hands over the fabric of her dress, smooth the silky material, removing any creases that had formed from the moment. Once satisfied, she folded her hands on her lap, her eyes down for a little while longer.

"I do believe thanks are in order," her other worldly voice softly spoke as her dull eyes rolled up to look at the male. After a moment, her gaze fell to his sister for it was usually when they were together that the male played. Her eyes then fell on the male again. "The spirits greatly enjoyed your music early this morning. They were able to move on in peace."

While Faylinn's actions weren't questioned, those of their circus had learned of what the woman did long ago. Though, even with that, she only openly spoke of such things around those that she knew would understand her words. Those with a grasp of the spirit world mainly.