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Guess who's back~ For those who don't know me, I'm Shikabane Hime~
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Gothika_Knight is offline
Old 11-29-2016, 04:49 AM

~OOC Thread~

Elemental Calamity
~*Shake off your slumber. Take seize upon the truth. Take with you the elements in hand and awaken. Awaken and slay your enemy.*~

In the beginning, before there was anything. There were four swords, four demon swords with the power over the elements; Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. With their powers, they created the earth, animals, trees, supernatural creatures, and the humans. For centuries, they had lived in peace. Maintaining the elements and the people who lived on it, but in 462 B.C. this was starting to strain the four demon swords. There too many elements to control at once and it was only going to get worse. It wasn't until the idea of having other demon swords control the other elements.

With great hesitance, the four demon swords created ten other swords, each one controlling one element. After the results of this, they created the rest of the swords, each one given an element and remained under the command of their creators. The ones in charge of the elemental swords were the Sword of Light and the Sword of Darkness. Thousands of years would pass, all the elemental swords and demon swords lived peacefully as well as the humans. Things seem to be going great, until 1042 A.D. The sword of Darkness became jealous of the demon swords, believing the Swords of Light and Darkness had the right to be the rules of the elemental swords. Because of this, a great war broke out, the believers of the Dark sword and the loyalists of the Demon swords. The war lasted for 15 years until it came to an end with the sword of Darkness being sealed away in a mountain in 1057 A.D.

As the years continued to pass, the demon swords would ask their Sacred Blacksmith to create a strong sword every 20 years to replace the old blade. The sword would then be placed in the seal by one of the demon swords. Within the 5th rotation(meaning after 400 years) it was Demon Sword Water's turn to place the new enchanted sword within the seal. However, something went wrong and the Water Sword never turned home. Demon Swords Earth, Wind, and Fire were both furious and terrified by this information, their youngest sibling had no returned home. Fire, the second eldest of the Demon Swords was the most furious due to the fact Fire and Water had a closer sibling relationship since Water was the only one who could calm Fire down. Unfortunately, since Water wasn't able to place the enchanted sword within the seal, the sword of Darkness was released back into the world, far more corrupted than before. When Light felt The Dark sword's presence on the Earth, Light knew it meant trouble, especially towards the Light sword. The Light sword has to find a way to help the Demon Swords find The Sword of Water and keep things from getting worse.

On top of the other problems of the Elemental and Demon swords, due to the absence of the Demon Sword of Water, the oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams have started receding, retreating towards an unknown place where only The Demon Sword of Water knows. Because of this, the humans started causing wars left and right over land and what little water is left. The Demon and Elemental Swords must keep the humans from fighting each other, keeping the Dark sword from harming the humans, finding the Demon Sword of Water as well as keeping as much water as they could on earth. The problems will only continue to build if nothing is fixed quickly.

So, it's up to you, what will you do?


Demon Sword
A Demon Sword is being who can turn into a sacred sword with divine powers. The very sword and being hold all the powers pertaining to their element the represent. Even within sword form, the Demon Sword's power can seep off the blades as they sit in the throne room or around other people. Then can also speak within their Sword forms. While they can use their own sword forms, It takes a lot of energy to do so, and it can be described as painful when fighting with them. Thus why they use other weapons to defend themselves.

There are only four Demon Swords; Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. But they are still a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, Demon Swords can never have a normal life because of their powers and what they must do. Wielding a Demon Sword is a bad idea, because of the power pulsating from them, this can be dangerous to those who touch them. Meaning, the person could be ripped apart before of the power

Elemental Swords
An Elemental Sword is a being who was created by the Demon Swords. They are also beings who can turn into a sword with the ability to control the elemental granted to them by the Demon Swords. While they aren't as powerful as their Master and Mistresses, they are still a force to be reckoned with. Unlike Demon Swords, Elemental Swords can't be held on their own, they have to have a Wielder.

The Wielder can range from a human to a mythical creature. However, it can't be held by another Elemental Sword. The Elemental Swords answer to the Sword of Light and the Sword of Darkness who reside on Earth. Elemental Swords are immortal, but they can live normal lives.

Temple of the Swords
The Temple of the Swords is a place for the Demon Swords to live since they been on Earth for too long. The Temple of the Swords resides in a place between Earth and the Sanctuary. This is where the Demon Swords also watch over humans, Mythical creatures, and the Elemental Swords on Earth. Within the Temple sits four thrones with a large pedestal in the middle. If someone wants to go to the Temple to see the Demon Swords, they will have to go to the Main Temple and pray there.

The Seal of the Dark Sword
Created back in 1057, the Sealed Door was engineered by the Demon Swords and their Sacred Blacksmith, the Seal was held to a sword crafted from materials that grow once every twenty years. This means the seal has to be strengthened once every twenty years. The Seal is located deep within a large Mountain called Mountain of the Heavens.


  1. No godmoding
  2. No killing off characters without permission.
  3. Follow mene ToS and rules
  4. Follow my rules
  5. To make sure you have read the rules and story, put and PASTAAAA~ at the top of your profiles
  6. You can have one Demon Sword.
  7. Demon Sword Title - 'Awaken and Protect'. Elemental Sword Title - 'Awaken and serve'. Mythical Title - 'Save us'
  8. Romance and fighting are allowed.
  9. If you are going to be gone for a while, then let me know and place your character where the RP could continue. If you leave without letting anyone know and it has been at least a week and you have ignored my warnings(you only get three, they will be either on your profile or PMs) without a notice, you will be kicked out.
  10. Post at least (you don't have to) once a day. We don't want this to die so quickly.
  11. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. I don't bite. ^^
  12. If you want to add anything to the plot, or to your character, feel free to ask and tell me about it, please don't just do it. -.-
  13. Have fun.
  14. More rules may be added or removed.


Demon Swords:
Earth(Eldest) - Gaia - Kilia
Fire - Gemini - ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
Wind - Kiyoto - Karasu
Water(Youngest) - Anemone - Gothika_Knight

Elemental Swords
Light - Open
Darkness reserved for happydeath

Sacred Blacksmith - Lucas Stone - Gothika_Knight


Demon Sword Skellie
How do I look?: (Human/True/Current race/Sword/Whatever else you want)
Hello, my name is:
I am:
If you cannot tell, I am a:
My Sub-Race is:
I am the Demon Sword of:
The Symbol of what I am is:
Symbol Location:
The Weapons I carry:
My powers are:
Even though I am a Demon Sword, I still have my weaknesses:
I have been told that my personality is:
My story is:
A few more things you would like to know:

Elemental Sword/Mythical Creature Skellie
How do I look?: (Human/True)
Hello, my name is:
I am:
If you cannot tell, I am a:
My Race is:
On Earth I am a(n): {Elemental sword* or mythical}
The element my master and mistress gave me is*: (only applies to Elemental swords and be creative)
Other weapons I have:
I have sided with: (Elemental Sword of Darkness or The Demon Swords)
My powers are: (Don't go too crazy.)
Even though I am strong, I have my weaknesses:
I have been told that my personality is:
My story is:
A few more things you would like to know:


Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 12-12-2016 at 06:02 AM..