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Old 06-17-2015, 03:02 PM

Kynal "Ky" Dethune
(Kai-null Death-un)
5-foot, 11-inches
Raven with gray orbs

Some people walk a different tune to life. Seeing things in a darker, more pessimistic light. Although Kynal isn't a true pessimist, he isn't exactly a cheerful one either. His face is often sullen or lacking emotion, both signs of a man who's seen too much. Kynal comes across ruthless, often giving everyone (even his brother) the cold shoulder. Being capable of surviving on his own and taking care of his own skin, Ky likes to think of himself as a lone wolf--needing no one other than he. Still, once you get past that brutish, surly exterior, you'll find a man who would go the extra mile for you. He's fiercely loyal and his inner-drive is peerless. If you prove you're there for the long-haul, he won't let you down.

Kynal has the ability to "flash." Flash allows him to rewind time to avoid originally unforeseen issues. His flash can only go back about 15-seconds but it's usually just enough to undo whatever damage could have been caused during the original iteration. When Ky is about to flash, a red light pulses from his eyes and then swallows him whole. Anyone Kynal is touching can be rewound and brought back 15-seconds. Once back 15-seconds, that group is unscathed and ready to try again.

A major downside of "flash" is that it's extremely taxing on its user. Kynal can only use it so many times before it renders his mind numb and his eyes blind--something this dramatic would only happen if he used it multiple times in a row. Usually, though, Ky will lose a memory of his past. They tend not to be big things, but sometimes forgetting your first kiss, your brother's birth, etc. takes its toll on you. Flashing backwards in time is great and all, but is the cost of life memories really worth it?

Malreth Dethune
(Maul-reth Death-un)
6-foot, 4-inches
Dirty blonde with golden eyes

Friendly, kind, charming. He's everything a woman looks for in a man. He's respectable, sincere, and humble too. Or at least, he's all those things when he's beside his brother. If you weren't to compare him to the older, moodier Ky, Malreth might not seem as charming. Yes, he's friendly. Yes, he's sweet. But so sweet that all women swoon over him? Not so much. Malreth, like any man, has his bouts of anger, sarcastic moments, and belittling down talk. However, such fits aren't usually what define Malreth. He's more optimistic, care-free, and easy-going. He really does his best not to let things get him down.

Unlike his magical older brother, Malreth doesn't have a power or special ability--or at least he has yet to discover one! That being said, Malreth makes up for his lack of magical abilities by being extremely well-versed in that wonderful thing known as... not panicking! No, seriously, Malreth is a very handy man. He's always been good at putting out fires and undoing whatever damage is done. Ky is, more or less, hot-headed and prone to rubbing people the wrong way. Malreth, though the younger of the two, learned to step to the plate and keep things from getting worse.

Cooking. He cannot cook to save his life. He can clean, sew, build, fix, but he cannot cook. It's just too unpredictable for him. Malreth also has a terrible fear of heights and unstable ground. Whatever you do, don't let him cross a rickety bridge over an endless abyss. He won't make it!

Last edited by Xavirne; 06-17-2015 at 06:44 PM..