Thread: Ahh! A witcher!
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emeraldeye is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 12:13 PM

Gawel grunted in response to Sara's question. He could feel... and there it was. The very last of his breakfast. Spitting out the foul taste in his mouth, he wiped an arm over his mouth and stood.

"That's no way to start an adventure!" Jarek declared, still grinning from ear to ear at Gawel's misfortune and clearly not feeling any ill effects himself. In the books Gawel had read it said that for most people it was as simple as walking through a door, a few sensitive people may feel a moment or two of vertigo, perhaps a little unease in the stomach, but no where had it said anything about throwing up, or that queer scream Gawel could have sworn he heard.

He forced it down and away though as they started off towards the town, he started to feel a little better. Jarek, a little way ahead of them, turned with a grin and started singing.

"Up from the bowels of hell he sailed
Wielding a tankard of freshley brewed ale
Slaying all those in his path
Those who might hinder his god-given task
To bring back beer to the lands of the free
This is his quest, his true destiny
Legends shall speak of his name
Hail the Huntmaster, with honour and fame!

Gawel rolled his eyes at Jarek's choice of song, a sea shanty that was one of his favourites when he was in his cups, all about a sailor who had been brought back from the dead to fulfill the quest of bringing alcohol to the masses. Regardless, it served to take his mind off his stomach and lift his spirits a little, which was the point of the song. And more to the point it was a song that Jarek wasn't too bad at singing since, surprisingly enough he didn't have a particularly good singing voice but if it was within a certain range it was decent enough. Gawel, on the other hand, had a beautiful deep singing voice, but he was usually too shy to use it.

He glanced over to Sara to ask if she knew the song then noticed that she didn't look so well herself. She looked quite tired, he thought. He took her arm so that she would have a way to unobtrusively lean against him if need be. "Sara, are you alright? Do you need to rest?" Hearing the question, Jarek, who was a step or two ahead of them, looked back over his shoulder, both curious and concerned. He too understood that it was important for them both to know the limits of their sorceress, and to make sure she wasn't exhausted if it came to a fight sooner than expected.