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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 04-08-2014, 12:42 AM

Max looked around the room trying to figure out if there was a prank that was set up here, he knew there wasn't, but he couldn't say it was something...well supernatural. Casey walked over to Mobius trying to brush the rest of the chalk out his hair "There now you don't look like a ghost" She smiled then her smile disappeared as she heard the door slam shut making her jump a little at the sound.

"Uh did anyone close the door?" Casey asked turning around to see Max by the window next to James still and obviously she was in front of Mobius so it wasn't either of them. There was a noise by the window that sounded like a scratching noise making her turn around to see something she expected already before entering the room 'GET OUT' in scatchy letters on the glass.