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It is impossible to make explicit and clear that which fundamentally by its very nature is vague
Bloodyrosethorns1 is offline
Old 11-02-2012, 05:54 PM

Lucifer thanked Finx for opening the door and was about to enter, when the two new kids came out muttering about their mission. Standing aside and catching a bit of their conversation, Luc said,"We're going to have to make a huge pie." Realizing that she would have no clue what he was talking about her hurried up and started walking towards the kitchen. craning his neck to see Finx, Lucifer said,"Watch out for Ace. If she sees you carring food she'll tackle you." Turning around, he started walking, but wastrown backwards by a flying Ace.

"Took 'ya long enough!",Ace said furiously. "I was going to make haggus with Cal's inards!" Motioning to her stomache and dramatically flailing her hands, Ace tried to describe to Finx how to make it.

Sitting up stiffly, Lucifer shot her a look and said,"Get off. NOW!"

Obediently, Ace rolled off of Luc and started to walk off yelling a German song.

"How did I ever get a partner like that?",he asked. Getting up to gather the thngs that had fallen out of the bag when he had been tackled, Lucifer said,"But I'm kinda worried about Cal. I mean when she's hungry, she's hungry."