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A.K.A ii-AznGurlDream-ii
Aimless.Wanderer is offline
Old 02-09-2015, 11:35 PM

Rhea was stunned for a moment at the girl's angry outburst. As she got up and walked away, she wondered how badly she had been upset and figured she should've just left her alone in her own thoughts. She didn't blame the girl at all; she too would become snappy at other people when she was upset or angry. But never angry enough to scare off others. If it wasn't her, it would've been one of those preppy kids that didn't like anyone else but themselves. Then that wouldn't work out so well for her...

But was it that bad? On her first day of school, too? She was indeed an interesting character...

Sighing, she got up off her knee and dusted her skirt off, flicking off some of the small pebbles that embedded in her knees when she was kneeling in front of the girl. Rhea scanned the area for a place to rest before classes started and found one of her favorite places. Trotting over to her favorite tree, a tall strong oak tree that was there for a while, she laid down in the cool grass underneath its shade and plugged in her earbuds, soft music from her favorite bad playing. Before she knew it, she was dozing off to sleep.