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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 11-27-2013, 07:43 PM

Round 6 - Super Intense Snowmen

Ahh, much better. Good thing no one is going to ask the authorities about where a dozen polar bears came from... right? Right?! Excellent!! Now I'm sure you're all relieved. After all that chaos the villagers seem to have let loose making the most of their time outdoors by building lots and lots of snowmen. ...And wouldn't you know it, they've all seem to come to life! Now if only these snowmen weren't converging on everyone like frosty Frankensteins I think I'd feel a little more relieved!

B Steal the top hats - If the magical hats gave them life then removing them should stop them... right?!
A Get out of sight - It is every man for himself! You make a beeline for cover and hope nothing saw you!
C Wreck the snowmen - Push them over and grab hair dryers or heat guns... Destroy them all!!


A Steal the top hats
0 Spaces

You artfully make your way over to the snowman army and start grabbing every top hat you can get your mittens on! Soon your collection is truly immense but you find yourself within a densely packed circle of hat-less snowmen who seem to have arcs of electricity emitting from antennae you uncovered by taking their fancy hats. To keep them from doing anything beyond looking like a perturbed robotic snowman army you wisely spend the rest of your time this round handing back top hats.

B Get out of sight
2 Spaces

With a dive in the right direction and a few somersaults... maybe a cartwheel for flair you manage to get around the first wave of the robotic snowman army. It is clear they are searching for you but quickly have a... meltdown! (Hahaha... I sleigh myself.) You take advantage of this and tumble your way onward at great speed.

C Wreck the snowmen
1 Space

Before you stands an opportunity like never before... A field full of snowmen advance toward you and with a sled in one hand and a snow shovel in the other you run forward to wage an epic battle against your frosty host! You are only able to advance onward until you are overcome with exhaustion against the robotic snowman forces.

Last edited by Mythos; 12-30-2013 at 07:56 AM..