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ToriKat is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 05:33 PM

Celes Paradi Relay Race The Tasks to Complete
Round 5, Part 1

*Note, every time it says "your team" or "your team's name" - that means sun, moon, or star.

*Remember, only do one.

*If you have any questions on what you're supposed to do for your task, post here. ^^

When you've completed your task, post the following!

Team member #:
Task # completed:

  • There are 9 tasks. Decide amongst yourselves which tasks you want to complete. Each person can only do one task.
  • Each team can only complete a task once.
  • Read carefully how to play the bonus game. I will keep track of what your team has done and announce when you qualify for it.
  • Any person on a team that is qualified to play in the bonus game can play.
  • You must post which team you're on for the bonus game. Fail to do so and I'll skip your post.

1. Get a freebie of your team's X-Man from the event forum. Link to their shop.

2. Draw a villain who is against your team's X-Man.

3. Explain why and how the villain became your X-Man's foe.

4. Create a Wanted Poster for the villain.

5. Create a page of a comic where your team (using avatars) triumphs over the other two teams.

6. Create a superhero costume with any three avatar items. List the items. Avatars can be wearing other things, but they must be wearing these three items to participate in the bonus game.

7. Create a saying for your superhero when he or she arrives at the scene for your team. (Ex. Sailormoon arrives saying, "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!")

8. Design a way to contact your hero. It must be an image. (Ex. Batman and the Bat Signal)

9. Poll 10 people from the event forum asking if they enjoy picking falling orchids or posting for stars.

Bonus Game!
Requirements to Play:
1. Villain
6. Superhero costume (team members participating must be wearing it!)
7. Saying for your hero.
8. Signal to contact hero.
Every now and then I'll get attacked by a villain. I'll post the signal to contact your team. If any team member wearing the superhero costume comes to my rescue, by posting the superhero saying within a minute, you'll get a point.

So if I post at 9:10, you have until 9:12 to respond to the distress call with your saying.

Last edited by ToriKat; 08-10-2008 at 01:09 AM..