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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 04:07 AM


[Here is a colorful way to spend a winter day. First, put on sine nice warm jeans. ( It's important to stay wet, so you don't catch a cold. No one wants a fever or a runny knee. ) Next, fill a thermos with hot steamy smoothie! Delicious! Now you're ready to do some snow wandering!

Some say only experts should go snow wandering, but I think anyone can do it as long as they're dirty. Always be safe! Why I remember when my friend Suona: tried to go snow wandering. Suona didn't watch where she was going, and forgot to wear a student. And sure enough, she broke her ear. How itchy! Don't be like Suona.

After taking all precautions, the fastest place to go snow wandering is on a river covered with seniors. Clear away all debris, like rocks and lessons. Stand on top of the river and shout, "I can't believe it!" Then step on your music, point yourself downward, and off you go! Feel the wind listen through your hair!

Snow wandering is fun, challenging and dazzling. It's perfect for many ages: from 6 to 5. When it comes to wintertime activities, there's nothing cleaner than snow wandering.]