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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 02:23 AM

"Well, there's also the possibility that while they're targeting Tony, they're really after him to get to Asher and likewise the rest of us. The reason why they were surprised to see me was simply because they didn't anticipate my presence at the house as logically, both Tier and I should have been Japan instead of coming to America at Asher's insistence," Ayame theorized. "After all, it would make more sense, unless Tony has secretly pissed off a more then a few magical organizations."

A thin hologram screen popped up in front of Ayame with a keyboard materializing on her laptop. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, furiously typing away as more screens popped up around her. After a few minutes, Ayame stopped.

"Well and given from my searches the last thing, Tony did that could have possibly earn him a few enemies, was the project he worked on last year. But of the list of rival companies who would be angered by this, half of them can be eliminated from the list as they're own by Tier, and of course our employees know full well the consequences of trying to play dirty. The rest of them have fallen silent."

Ayame waved her hand and the screens disappeared. "In all likeliness, there's roughly a 75.6% chance that this is related to us then it does to Tony. However! That doesn't factor in the sole chance that yes, there is something special about Tony that we haven't discovered... yet."

Tony decided then and there that he didn't like the smile that appeared on Ayame's face.