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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 04:38 PM

["It's Cora! Kat knows Cora! I'd hug you, but..."] Aha! She thought to herself as she looked at the fairly scantily clad individual in front of her. Not that she could talk much she was hardly dressed in more than that herself. A bra, corset, and underwear, regardless of whether she was wearing a long skirt or not hardly constituted anything other than scantily dressed. Kat, the girl was Kat, but then which Kat?. She was careful not to let on that she had only narrowed the girl down to two possibilities. KatMagenta and Kat Dakuu. She did however burst out laughing when the other one mentioned not wanting to hug her for fear of hugging ‘demonic things’. “Strange how that worked out isn’t it? I’ve made hundreds of very normal looking Avatars in my 7 years, and the time I get sucked into the actual world of Menewsha I happen to look like this” She did have to admit though, the blue skin was really kind of cool.

Kat directed her attention to the other girl who was amongst them, who had yet to introduce herself, and Cora simply just observed the exchange. As she introduced herself further to the pink haired girl, she spoke out loud, “AHA!” but then quickly recovered herself. It was a good thing that her skin was now so dark, otherwise the group would have seen her blush a deep crimson color. Instead she merely just busied herself with some searching to see if others were about to join them.

Soon enough another joined the group, another avatar that she did not recognize materialized before them on the beach. Pale skinned and dark clothed. She tried to place who it looked like style wise but couldn’t place it so instead she waited until he got nearer to them. ["Hello! Are you guys real by any chance?"] She tilted her head and looked at him for a moment as if contemplating that answer, “You see now, that’s a really interesting question. I know that I am real, However whether you are real is still a mystery. Even if you told me you were in fact real would leave me no proof of your actual existence. However, I think to make things simpler, we should operate under the assumption for the time being that yes, we are in fact real.”

She was still contemplating the idea of her own reality when blueblackrose walked up to them. Her footsteps were light, and so Cora never heard her and when she spoke Cora jumped slightly but then turned around to take in the girls appearance. “Iruna?” she said with some curiosity, as she had never played nor heard of this before. As she studied the tiger girl she realized that this was the first avatar that she did recognize! Hadn’t she just watched Mythos in a live chat drawing this very person. So she held up a finger and excited pointed at the newcomer, “I know who you are!”