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Alexandrus Gambino
Alexandrus Gambino is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 03:45 PM

The man had disappeared into the kitchen-- quite literally too. He visibly went into the door, but was suspiciously not in the kitchen. It didn't seem like he was going to reappear any time soon.

The pot in the kitchen boiled away, and the remainder of the mixture thickened. The window of the kitchen closed suddenly and refused to budge. Though the windows and door were closed, the strong, fragrant perfume of the concoction filled the air. It seems the man decided to leave the customer alone with his 'tea' and probably wouldn't appear unless his attention was called again.

On the subject of the tea, the tea tasted very sweet, though it tasted more like maraschino cherries than non-processed ones. It had a very smooth, creamy feel to it, as if it were milk, and not once did it lose its sweet aroma, though it did stop giving off the multi-colored steam. The iridescent sheen continued to swirl around the top of the mixture, forming vague shapes that would disappear as soon as they came.