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Morien is offline
Old 02-17-2008, 06:20 AM

If you do:

Because I have so many stories swimming around in my head that writing them down helps to clear my brain. Also, I think the stories that I come up with are actually decent, and deserve to be shared. A story comes alive when it is shared with others.

Do you think you'd become very famous or win a few awards?
Uh... I think my books will be one of the books that parents complain to librarians about having on their shelves. Ha ha! Seriously, though, I write a lot about religion and sexuality and other stuff that's bound to get me banned somewhere. If I get famous, it will probably be because my stuff is thought to be "harmful to minors" or something. I definitely would like to do an interview one day, even if it's one defending what I write. :D

I'm still in the research phase for my little book that I'm working on now, but I like to think of what will happen when it's finished.

Good luck to everyone!!