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Ellie teh Magnificent
Ellie teh Magnificent is offline
Old 10-11-2007, 07:20 AM

The Girl with the Red Umbrella


Katie chocked her tears back as the yelling continued to echo from her house, her life was a broken record, the same thing happened each day and she couldn't take it anymore. The screen door slammed shut as she stormed out, her parents to busy screaming their lungs out to notice. "God, this shit sucks" she whispered as she crossed the street, one good thing about her house was the old and seldom used park which sat just across from her home.

Katie let her cigarette hit the sidewalk before stomping out the flame, she sighed as she walked to the swings, the swing moved back and forth, each time going higher and faster and making Katie feel as though she was flying. "Hello" she heard "What the fuck?" she said as she almost fell from her swing.

She looked to the swing next to her, a young girl sat there gently swinging, her face and upper body hidden by a bright red umbrella. "I didn't mean to frighten you," the girl said in a low drowsy voice, Katie sat silent as she stared at the shadow behind the red umbrella.

Katie took a deep breath, 'Heh, I was scared of a little girl' she thought as she let her swing sway in the light breeze. "What are you doing out here, alone?" Katie asked, she thought she knew all the kids in the neighborhood, however she had never seen this mysterious girl.

The girl shifted slightly, though her face stayed hidden, small ominous whispers filled the park though only the girl could hear them, "I am lost" the girl said, worry filled Katie's' face. The girl's tone was still low and drowsy and made Katie wonder for just a moment if the girl was still of the living.

"Lost?" Katie questioned, the girl shifted once again this time her face was shown, Katie fell backwards at the site which stood before her, the girls face was completely blank except her stitched up mouth. "I am lost, just like you will be" she said just as Katie felt something grip her leg, she struggled to get away, but it was too late, her screams were muffled by sand.

The girl stood, "In the shadows he watches you, in the shadows he waits for you, in the shadows he feeds on your fear, in the shadows he comes for you, in the shadows he takes your soul and in the shadows you become lost in him" she whispered before slowly walking into the shadows as the park filled with malicious laughter.