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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Lunna Dea is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 09:08 PM

Vincent tried not to smile as he watched her go from not seeing him to truly seeing him. Perfect. his eyes seemed to twinkle as he pulled out the chair to sit. Leaning back to catch the waiters eye he waved a finger in a jester and the man disappeared to get what he had ordered. The gods have smiled on me tonight. he thought as he looked her over more closely. With him sitting acrossed from her he could tell they had a slight height problem but that could be fixed with a good cobbler’s work.

“it is not often one gets to see ones self from acrossed the table, is it?” his voice was slightly deeper then hers and had a hint of a lilt to it. Leaning back in the chair he propped his head up on his hand, his elbow on the arm rest. There were so many questions he wanted to ask this young woman but those should wait. If they stayed here too long some one other then the hat check boy would notice the similarities. He should have picked a different place then this one. “you cut your hair before coming here.” His voice was softer now, barely heard over the singer. “why?”

He would start small with the questions, then if he thought she could work out he would take her some place different soon. That way they would not be noticed to much. It was a good thing that Mack was not in yet, or this whole thing would go sideways.