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Quite on the Outside, a raging storm Inside.
PurpleBox is offline
Old 02-14-2017, 04:18 AM

Peaking out of the bathing chamber Collin carefully made his way to the door. The robe still tied around his body as he opened the door to see the Prince and a man he guessed was the tailor, he tucked some of his hair behind his ears as the other two entered the room only for the stubborn pink locks to fall back in front of his face. He guessed it was the stress this whole thing was going to bring was going to make his hair uncooperative, like it usually was when Collin was in a bad mood or stressed.

Collin's blue eyes seamed to linger on some of the ribbon that was dangling from the tailor's belt. He bit his lip slightly before closing the door behind the two other men as he tried to tuck his hair back behind his ears once again. "Ah... what day and time it is? If you don't mind my asking?" He asked politely, seeing as the other prince had yet to be rude to him and neither had the tailor Collin was going to be polite as possible. Well more friendly now that he thought about it, he could fake politeness with ease... but friendliness he only showed those he had a smidgen of trust towards.

If someone where to look at Collin now for the first time they might think he was a girl who didn't bother to groom herself under her cloths... pale pink hair could easily be seen on his legs that poked out from under the robe he had tied tightly around himself. He also looked a little under fed with how willowy and skinny he was, Collin'd always had trouble packing on weight as a child, and that had stayed with him in adulthood aswell it seamed.