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Kiyoto is offline
Old 09-02-2014, 01:30 AM

"Profile found here"

Get out of my way. Leave me alone! The thoughts had run through his mind time after time, and yet few times he said the words out loud. Walking down the street, he was forced to pull the collar of the coat he wore up farther. Dammit, why couldn't that doctor have let him wait till night to go out. He hated walking around in the daylight. It meant he had to cover up, and by cover up, it usually meant: pants, a coat with a high collar, gloves and glasses. He looked like he was permanently ready for winter. No wonder most thought he was a shady character, giving him glances and whispers.

Truth was, he was hiding something yes, but probably not something anyone would guess. He did not know his own name, he had never been told by the people who stole him away from his life. The people who had erased who he was, and made him this way. Unit number "6492", codenamed....Lexis. He sighed, he...was a cyborg. He was not human anymore, not fully at least. The only human parts of him was of his torso and his head. His arms and legs were completely cybertronic, specially designed and produced for him. His upper body, sliding up to his neck was covered in a layer of armor, protecting him. Trouble was, dumbasses decided to make the cybertronics used to build him black.

So his arms, legs, torso and up his neck were permanently black in color. The only actual skin color he had, was on his face. It was a fair color, not to tan, not to pale. He had deep golden blonde hair, which worked for him well. His eyes always covered, for they would have drawn a lot of attention themselves. Where most humans had white in their eyes, his was black like his cybernetics. His iris, were a golden color, similar to his hair. Cold facts were, if he was to lose his guise, he would immediately be noticed. Being noticed was bad, very bad for him. Lexis and the man he called doctor Devlin, were on the run. On the run for awhile now, from the people who had done this to him.

His hands clenched, as well as his jaw. "Genesis" he said coldly under his breath. They did this, they ripped peoples lives apart, they turned him into a monster. He would have loved to find them, to find them and destroy them. He sighed, closing his eyes to try and calm down. He allowed information to flood his senses as he got his bearings, his eyes open a bit to take in the surrounding area. He took in every sound, every sight, every smell, his brain working on overdrive to run through all of it. A dog barking blocks away. A man speaking to a clerk about buying his lady friend a ring. Ugh, pointless information about oblivious lives. This was beyond boring, he needed some action.