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Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 11-12-2016, 09:21 PM

Alistarr smiled, eyes twinkling with amusement as the horse posed when Octavius introduced himself. He pet the horses muzzle, scratching up from his nose to behind the poor beasts ears. He looked up at Octavius when he said it wasn't safe within the woods. "I know these woods better than nearly anyone... And that this portion of the woods are on royal land." He replied, feeling confident that as long as he didn't leave the boundaries of his property, he'd be safe. Not only were soldiers always patrolling the edges of the property, there was also the Wall. It ran eighteen feet high around the entirety of the castle grounds, guards posted at the gates to the north and south at all times.

Grinning slightly, Alistarr held his hand out to the squire. "And so you're the squire I hear the guards always complaining about... Pleasure to make your acquaintance... And please. I'm no noble's brat..." He said, planning to keep his identity from Octavius for as long as possible.