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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-30-2014, 06:26 PM

While the two men that had been glaring daggers at each other not so long ago established an alliance, Lacrimae was preoccupied with other thoughts. Among which were: 'when did I get shot?' and 'how much longer can I hold on?' Answer to first one was simply found when thinking back to when they fled clearing. The shifting shield had revealed her leg for a moment and someone had taken a clear, good shot at it. Priestess assumed she'd have to do a good patchwork on herself later on. And so, other answer was harder to find as her energy fled and Raenn's steps became slower. Eventually, when they seemed to have escaped the dogs, horse would change pace to simple trot, furthering the distance between her and Ruine.

When she finally reached edge of forest, sun had already risen and Mae thought that she had missed her morning prayer, right when she had a lot to be thankful for. She nudged the horse to speed up, but instead animal chose a lone tree in the meadow and stopped in its shade, refusing to go any further. Such spouts of stubbornness were quite like her and elf knew better than to try force her steed to continue onward. It would take at least half day to reach next city anyways.

Woman sat up straighter and whistled a similar trill to the one she had used to attract Raenn's attention. Hopefully, men would hear it and turn back here. If not... well, light with them. Great protectors they were, letting her fall back so far, lost in their own games of pride. She slid out of saddles, still holding up rather gracefully, but her knees buckled when much stronger surge of pain shot through her injured leg and Mae fell down, much to her own shame. Gritting her teeth, she got up and moved to sit down, resting against bark. Luckily, the arrow had not hit bone and went right through flesh in her left thigh, she just needed to get it out and then heal the wound.

She considered it for a moment, coming to conclusion that she'd probably pass out after that, having overused her powers in such a short time with little rest. Maybe if she was used to such a lifestyle it wouldn't take such a toll on her, but it was all quite foreign to her... Not fully, but she didn't want to think about last time she had taken a life with her magic. Surely, tonight would be added to her nightmare list.

"I could use some help over here," she spoke when both men joined her under the tree. Mae looked tired, exhausted even. Obviously, taking care of her self well still took toll on her. She explained that they have to take a break before travelling further. First thing she asked for (with please and everything) was her canteen and took long drink from it, then someone to either hold her leg as she did small incision herself or someone to make the cut so the bolt could be extracted. She didn't have much experience in healing actual battle wounds, mostly just theoretical knowledge, but hopefully it would suffice.

Thanks (and some lecturing) would have to come later, but neither Saith nor Kevlar would exactly escape from that.