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Holleh Knight
Holleh Knight is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 06:47 PM

Profiles here.


Username: Holleh Knight
Full Name: Adan Vito Eryx
Nickname: Adan
Age: 23
I am a: Sin
I am proud to be: Lust
Bio: Adan was born with two parents who would rather die than have a child. His mother was the Sin of Lust and his father was the Sin of Greed. Two horrible Sins combined. Anyway, the two parents even tried to kill him one time but, they didn't want anyone to see or find out. The two ungreatful parents dumped him on the street when he was a year old. Thankfully, someone with a heart brought Adan to a nearby orphanage. he woman who owned the orphanage was kind enough o take such a little child and bring him in her own home for awhile until he was at least four.

Years passed and Adan was now 15. Of course, lots of people tried to adopt him, but the owner of the orphanage knew that they only wanted him since he was the Sin of Lust. Sickos. But, when he was 19, Adan decided to leave the orphanage and live on his own. Plus, he was sick of living in that damn orphanage. So far he's made it on his own and is still judged for his looks and all but, Adan enjoys that.

Likes: Being LUSTY! (hello!), Cherries, Winning, Lying, and Women
Dislikes: Losing, Chasity, Strawberries, and Shy people
Other: Adan has a tattoo; except it's on his back.

Roleplay Addict
Charwashere is offline
Old 03-27-2011, 05:12 AM

Username: Charwashere
Full Name: Franchesca De' Larla
Nickname: Chess or Chass
Age: 19
I am a: Virtue
I am proud to be: Chasity
Bio: She was born the Perfect daughter, saving the bees from the pool and helping the old people across the street. Her parents were of course proud of her. So proud that they were willing to try again, yet when their new son turned out to be cursed instead of gifted her parents were more than dissapointed. James De'Larla a sweet child cursed with the sin of greed. He never seemed to be much trouble until his parents found out he had been hoarding many items from around the neighborhood. Chess's father took it to the extreme and was going to send his child to an orphanage. Franchesca refused to have her younger brother be sent away, she told her father that she would fix him.

James loved his sister yet he could not resist his urge to take and keep. Chess would read to him, and tell him her own stories, yet he would never pay attention. Chess began to fear him as he grew older, she never thought that it would go any farther than stealing. Though the days she saw him murder his girlfriend in front of her eyes she felt it went to far. She told him to stop, yelling at him that it was to much. She was the only one who loved him at that point and it broke him, He committed suicide. Franchesca still feels guilty and has vowed to break every sin. Especially the foul Lust.

Likes: Oranges, Flowers, Dogs, Sun.
Dislikes: Lust, Greed, Death, blood.
Other: Chess cries easily mostly of joy, but sometimes sadness.


Username: Charwashere
Full Name: Evelynn Tiera Black
Nickname: Queen, Yes i consider myself the Queen of the Sins.
Age: I'm not entirely sure, Whats 10 + 10?
I am a: Sin, beware!
I am proud to be: Wrath, Darling.
Bio: Blood splashed across the pages of her history, as her anger exploded into violence. Imagine her parents faces as they found their beutiful daughter to be cursed with the sin of Wrath? They hated her, only bringing more hate into her life. At First the girl seemed normal, playing with the other children and laughing at the Adults. Though she always had something off, something made her different. Her parents tried to hide it, they hardly let her out to play and only did when she promised to be kind. Of course she would throw tantrums, she kick and scream and throw things everywhere. The neighbors began to worry, Who was this horrid child? How come she must act this way? Though they did nothing of it as they expected the parents to charge down with discipline, to punish the evil girl, Yet her parents were afraid, afraid of there daughter. The merciless child that would skin the frogs alive for fun, that would find the snakes and frighten the other children. The trail of blood must stop they said, the girl was young and they were afraid that she would murder them all when she grew older, but her parents pleaded with them. "No!" They would say. "She is only nine years old! She is only curious!" So they believed she could change.

Ten years past and in those ten years she had murdered and injured many different people. Her parents disowned their horrible daughter, yet she does not care. Yet over the years her anger swelled so much that she came back and killed her parents too. She will not speak more of her past. All you need is to say away from her.

Likes: Death, Blood, Violence, Anger, Pride, Greed. Seeing a Pattern Here?
Dislikes: Flowers, Children, Color, Birthday Partys, Forget this I hate everything.
Other: She has an awful blood lust, sinking her hands into her victims chest is pure delight to her.

Last edited by Charwashere; 03-30-2011 at 05:51 AM..

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Old 03-30-2011, 03:13 AM

Username: flamethrower1391
Full Name: Lăcomie Nesaţ
Nickname: N/A
Age: 23
I am a: Sin
I am proud to be: Greed
Bio: He was always a greedy one. He could get got for stealing from stores and others, breaking into homes, and robbing banks. The boy was always in trouble, and his parents couldn't deal with it. He wasn't always the model child, but his siblings weren't far off from him. Some thought he was greedy, because his parents spoiled him. Little did they know, his parents never spoiled any of their children. They strived to be the best parents they could be, and that wasn't working to well with Lăcomie.

He joined up with the Sins shortly after turning 18. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to do, but it was better than nothing. Besides, joining the war was the highest honour of any Sin, and being called the Sin of Greed had a ring to it that he enjoyed. You get everything you could ever want, and people adore you. What more could one ask for?
Likes: shiny objects, anything of value, furs (preferably real), electronics
Dislikes: Virtues, Pride, siblings, parents, green vegetables
Other: It doesn't matter who you are. If he likes it, he'll swipe it.

Username: flamethrower1391
Full Name: Ai Yasashi-sa
Nickname: None that she knows of
Age: 19
I am a: Virtue
I am proud to be: Kindness/Love
Bio: It was amazing she was even born with her parents being the former Chasity and Temperance. But her parents were happy when she was born. Even with her odd ears. Two years later, her brother, Kinben, was born. He, too, had odd ears. The two were unseparable. If one went somewhere, the other did too. Teachers had problems keeping the two in their correct classes.

The girl was always kind to everyone and everything, showing love to those who needed it most and made fun of for seeing the good in everyone even if there was none. She'd help the elderly cross the street, get cats down from trees, help out at the soup kitchen, and tutor anyone who needed help. Everyone thought of her as the goody-two-shoes, but she didn't care that they weren't too keen on her kindness.
Likes: Animals, sunsets, the scent of coffee brewing, everything really
Dislikes: I don't think there is anything I dislike. I don't like peas, broccoli, carrots, and lima beans as much as other vegetables.
Other: Her kindness always get the best of her.

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 01:11 AM

[IMGleft][/IMGleft]Username: Aoi Kazuya
Full Name: Reira Ai Hisoko
Nickname: Rei-ai
Age: 18
I am a: Sin, love.
I am proud to be: Acedia/Sloth

Bio: When he was born, Reira had been a cute baby. He'd been a perfect little angel but his parents soon learned that he was not as they expected. He became their fallen angel.

As he got older, it became apparent that Reira held little to no interest in anything. His apathy extended from little things like playing in the park to chores and then to schoolwork. His parents tried to dismiss it as a phase he was going though, but eventually even they couldn't rationalize Reira's growing Sin.

Apart from his apathy, his parents and the other people around him noticed other habits forming within Reira, such as his laziness and his listlessness (acedia). He also oftentimes slipped into periods of melancholy. He just never seemed to be motivated to do much.

Likes: Music, the arts, cats, and, surprisingly, flowers.
Dislikes: wasting energy, diligence, people yelling at him, people preaching to him, people trying to tell him what to do.

Other: Since Rei-ai is apathetic most of his time, it takes a great deal to get him to show some sort of reaction to things. Instead of the skull tattoo on his arm (it was only a temporary) he has a pair of black "angel" wings tattooed onto his entire back. And in case the picture isn't clear, his hair is tri-toned, he has two lip piercings, two chest (or whatever the piercings just visible above the top of his shirt are called) piercings, two right eyebrow piercings, three left eyebrow piercings, four right ear piercings and eight left ear piercings (three cartilage).

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 03:07 AM


Username: xxxarcxangelxxx
Full Name: Nikholas Renaldi Vittoria
Nickname: Nick
Age: 22
I am a: Sin
I am proud to be: Gluttony
Bio: His mother died during his birth, so Nikholas grew up living with his single father, and his horrid habit began with the very man. His father owns a small chain of restaurants, and before moving out, Nikholas was given unlimited access to ther kitchens. Now, when he was smaller, that meant snitching fries or breadsticks from finished plates of food, but now, as he is, he'll take whole plates at a time. Miraculously, he's still rather healthy, and looks to be in average shape, though his eating is now nearly constant.

After moving out of his father's house, Nikholas joined up with the sins, finding that he didn't truly mind their presence, as he had minded his father's. The man had nagged and nagged on him- whether it be his eating too much, drinking his restaurants out of refreshments, or his less-involved habit of smoking. In any case, he really doesn't mind the thought of living with his fellow sins, though the fact that the virtues will be there disgusts him.
Likes: pretty much any kind of food, except a few select vegetables and pretty much every kind of drink (he can't help it- it's his nature), smoking, and cooking (for himself)
Dislikes: nasty-tasting foods, nagging, temperance, and every virtue in general
Other: Nikholas always has two things on his person: a pack of cigarettes and some kind of food/drink.


Username: xxxarcxangelxxx
Full Name: Risetta Autumn Rivard
Nickname: Etty
Age: 20
I am a: Virtue
I am proud to be: Charity
Bio: Risette had always made her parents proud, but that was not quite any surprise. for her giving behavior began at a young age. Her parents had always had to work very often, so she always did her best to be as low maintenance as possible for themthirteen, as well as take care of her two younger siblings. At the age of thirteen, she donated one of her kidneys to replace one of those that were not working in her sister, and at about that time she also began yearly blood donations at the nearest hospital.

As the virtue of charity, Risette has always been, well, charitable. Not only donating an organ as well as her blood, when attending school she happily gave up her time to help tutor peers, she gave her spare money to non-profit organizations in the communitry, and now spends most of her days volunteering for an animal shelter and library. She still lived at home until recently, helping to raise her siblings while her parents work their hardest to bring an income home.

Likes: Gardening, swimming, animals, and reading.
Dislikes: Violence, intolerance, greed, and destruction.
Other: She has a small scar on her abdomen from her kidney removal, but otherwise, has no other unsightly mark on her body, including any kind of brith mark.

So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 04-09-2011, 10:31 AM

Username: Remaro
Full Name: Mai-Jun Lucifer Kendo
Nickname: Jun
Age: 23
I am a: Sin
I am proud to be: Pride, the best of the best hun
Bio: Hmm, what to say about me huh? Other than the fact I’m the best sin out there, best living thing really. My mother was the previous sin Pride and it’s been inherited by me. Pride’s stayed in our family for several generations, I like to think we’re the best blood for a certain sin because of that. My stupid dad didn’t know what hit him, snivelling coward. He practically worshipped my mum and when it became evident I was the next Pride he attempted to split his attention between the two of us. Naturally mum got jealous of me and when I was thirteen she tried killing me. A feeble attempt really. I killed the stupid woman and my dad had no choice but to devote all his time and attention to me.

I went by in school wonderfully. Most popular guy, best at sport, best at academics, anyone who tried to be better than me found themselves in strange accidents that somehow could never quite be linked back to me. In my last year of school I discovered my father, who had started becoming more distant, had been seeing a woman behind my back. Now I couldn’t have that, I was the most important thing in his life, I always have been, so I made sure he damn well regretted ever thinking of looking at that woman. Needless to say, both were found dead around a month later. I moved away and decided to join the sins at the age of 19. I’d like to think I’m in charge of them, although unfortunately I don’t think all of them would agree...Ah well, there’s more than one way to change their minds.
Likes: Being right, winning, boasting, the other sins, leading, sweet and sour food.
Dislikes: People calling my name ‘girly’, being insulted/wrong/losing, being ordered around, virtues, bitter food
Other: Other than the Virtue Humility, I hate the Virtue Patience. Everywhere I go that guy is always there, he’s an irritating thorn in my side!

Username: Remaro
Full Name:
Fidelio Gabril
Nickname: Lio or Gabe
Age: 20
I am a: Virtue
I am proud to be: Patience
Bio: Surprisingly I was born to completely normal parents and there’s been no evidence of any Sins or Virtues in my family beforehand. I was never really a normal child. Most young kids would squeal and protest and demand because they don’t know how to interact any other way. I on the other hand, would be quite happy to sit patiently and wait for my parents to realise I was hungry, needed the loo or for them to be ready to help me in anything. I was, and still am, quite a quiet person and I was content to amuse myself. Because of this my parents got worried and took me to a doctor. That was when they realised I was the Virtue Patience. They were overjoyed, more from the fact I wasn’t ill rather than the fact I as a virtue.

When I went into school I seemed to attract people to me. I wouldn’t say I’m popular or anything, but I tended to get along with practically anyone because I was so patient, or as they said ‘laid back’ and ‘chilled’, although that suggests I’m lazy, and that’s not true at all! I’m a hard worker and I like to get things right when I do them. I love warm weather because it’s the best time to relax and not have to worry about too many things. Now I’m out of school I was considering going to university, however I’ve decided to join the Virtues to try and defeat the Sins, even if it takes many years, I don’t mind waiting.
Likes: Birds, peace, warm weather, the other virtues, sketching, the smell of cookies and cheering people up
Dislikes: Surprises (I’ll wait if I know I’m getting one, but I dislike sudden surprises), lightning, the other sins, the colour black and spicy food.
Other: The guy who’s the Sin Pride seems to have it in for me. I’m not sure why to be honest, I just try to ignore it, it’s getting a little tiring now. Oh, and despite my appearance, I am in fact a guy.

Last edited by Remaro; 04-09-2011 at 10:33 AM..

Angelo is offline
Old 04-09-2011, 04:52 PM

As a girl:
As a boy:
**Just kind of blend the pictures mentally for her general looks**

Username: Angelo
Full Name: Jaycie Niña Valentine
Nickname: Jace
Age: 17, but looks like she's eleven
I am a: Virtue
I am proud to be: Humility
Bio: Jaycie was born to an abusive family who abused her physically and sexually, though they couldn't seem to affect her mentally. During one of her father's drunken rages, he stabbed her through the bladder several times, leading to her urinary incontinence. As such, she has to wear Pull-ups all the time, less she have an accident. Shortly after this incident, she was taken to a foster home, where she lived until she was picked up by her current parents.

Jaycie's parents were rather alarmed when the doctor told them she had a growth defect that could halt her physical growth at anytime. After living the majority of her life growing regularly, her parents came to believe that the doctor had been mistaken. That was not so. Shortly after she entered the fifth grade, she stopped growing, making her already natural petite frame dwarf in comparison to the other children, though she never seemed to mind. Figuring that her apathy towards embarrassment was unnatural, they took her to a psychologist, where they discovered she was the Virtue of Humility, and therefore really had no pride to lose.

After turning fifteen, Jaycie revamped her look to be much more boyish, even adopting Jace as her nickname. She had realized that her size made it likely she would be sexually abused again, and therefore figured if people assumed she was a boy, they'd leave her alone. Every form she fills out now says she's a male, even registering as a boy at the facility.
Likes: Pink, gymnastics, singing, and dancing
Dislikes: Violence, being picked on for her incontinence or size, tight spaces, and heights.
Other: She registered at the camp as a boy, leading to her being placed with a boy in the dorms. As a girl, she is very cute, often being thought of as a much younger child than ten or eleven at first glance. As a boy, she isn't very cute, wearing baggy clothes to hide her delicate features. She also has a problem with her pituitary gland, meaning she's never gone through puberty and never will.


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