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Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-03-2012, 10:42 PM
This is a link to my hang out thread feel free to post here anytime.


As the time continued on the Black Mage gained in power bringing more minions and mutating monsters into horribly powerful evil creatures. With the Cygnus Knights failing, the Explorers fighting back to the wall, the Resistance on the front lines fighting the Black Wings on their home front, and the heroes spread thin, the Goddess has finally decided it was time she intervened.
The Goddess watched her children from her tower as hope grew dimmer. The heroes weren’t appearing fast enough. Aran has been busy fighting hoards of the Black Mages minions while on a personal self-discovery quest, while Evan, still a child, was fighting bravely with Mir trying to help alleviate some of the burden off of the Explorers. The Dual Blades, the disenfranchised lot they were, were given a run for their money as well along with the leader and her entourage.
The Goddess continued her watch and finally summoned one of her loyal angels to go see Grendel the Old in Ellinia. “The time has come for the Divine Light to openly oppose the darkness” she smiled benevolently. Tell Grendel what I have told you, and take this holy symbol to the church. ”The time has come for our Revival!” The Angel nodded his face in agreement taking the symbol and within an instant, he disappeared to make his journey to Ellinia. Minerva, watched as her servant disappeared against the dark skies and began to reflect on the upcoming battles ahead…

Swiftly the angel flew from Orbis at lightning speed, but little did he know that summoned demons of the netherworld were following at a distance. What seemed like an eternity to the average citizen of Victoria Island, took only but a couple hours. Grendel the Old sat pouring over his books in his library, one in particular as he smoked his pipe. He chuckled to himself as he looked up and in a bright flash of light he sat face to face with one of the Goddesses angels. “What do I owe this honor to be graced by such a divine presence?” The angel threw back his white hair and smiled benevolently, “Our Goddess has decided that it was time to reveal the location of the Staff of Angels and the Sword of Judgment.” Grendel’s demeanor turned more serious realizing what he already knew, that the world of Maple’s crisis was about to go from serious to dire. “I’ve studied about those Holy Relics, the church has documents of them in the Catacombs of the Cathedral in Amoria” Grendel replied. “Indeed, only a Holy Warrior and a member of the Clergy together can open the door to the catacombs beneath the cathedral” the angel spoke. “The members of the Church must begin purging the darkness from the world and take some of the responsibility off your shoulders” he finished. Grendel nodded and suddenly screams could be heard from outside. “Heed me!” Grendel shouted as his staff flew to his hands and he quickly teleported outside of his study. “Hey! Are you going to help us or what?! Balrogs are getting ready to attack us!” Wing snarled as a flock of Balrogs were heading from the direction of Orbis. The Fairies of Ellinia began to panic as did the beginning magicians as they scrambled trying to hide for cover. A group of Ice/Lightning and Fire/Poison Wizards were already preparing to fight. Only but a few Clerics remained in Ellinia as they were preparing to heal the injured and pray to their Goddess for her protection. “The Black Mage sends his envoy” The angel said nonchalantly. All the stronger Mages and Arch Mages were scattered around Ossyria training and helping with the fight against the Black Mages minions all around the world. “I see…” Grendel said preparing himself for battle. The angel pulled out a bright white bow with golden arrows. Wing flew above the Canopy of the Forest counting the Balrogs. “OMG! There are too many!” he panicked. He quickly flew down. “Grendel! Th-th-there are countless Balrogs!! Will our fairy magic and the magic of you and your students be enough to quell this invasion?!” Grendel’s calm demeanor didn’t appease Wing as he fluttered around with his wand. “Calm down Wing, help is on the way...” Mar said calmly as she joined them. “From where?!” Wing demanded.

Last edited by Kole_Locke; 11-22-2012 at 07:27 AM..

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-05-2012, 05:22 AM


A score of Balrogs descended from above on the magical town with fangs barred and eyes glowing red flapping its leathery wings. The frightened fairies except Mar and Wing hid inside their tree huts. One young girl dressed in robes ran to Grendel and fell on her knees with her holy symbol in hand pleading to the Goddess for her protection, within a moment she opened her eyes and saw an angelic being more pristine than any she had ever seen. “Thank you Goddess!” she exclaimed. The angel let three golden arrows fly in the air as the Balrogs began to descend and a bright light blinded them for a split second. “NOW!” a woman’s voice shouted. Flame birded arrows flew from the eight Fire/Poison Wizards, and seven of the Ice/Lightning Wizards sent swords of ice appearing stabbing several of the Balrogs. Many small bolts of blue energy went flying from the various huts in the village along with the few brave magicians who stood their ground with the wizards attacking with their Arcane Claws. The Balrogs set fire to some of the huts and the trees; it was all happening so fast. “Join us” the angel calmly commanded. “Whoa! Where did YOU come from?!” Wing was startled. The young cleric stood up and summoned her holy bow and blasted a holy arrow of light at one of the foul creatures in the air. They were mildly damaging the Balrogs but it only seemed to infuriate them. Fire arrows and Cold Beams as ice daggers flew in the air at the beasts. They growled ferociously diving down at the wizards and magicians brave enough to try to defend Ellinia. “We’re going to die!” Wing cried. Mar suddenly split and became two. One of her took off flying as if she were trying to act as a decoy to help Grendel’s students. “Oh no you don’t!” Grendel growled as a crystal ball appeared and his staff began glowing blue and instantly chains of bright lightning began electrocuting seven Balrogs. They howled in pain as more began to fly at Grendel to avenge their comrades. The angel took out four arrows this time and shot them simultaneously piercing three Balrogs rushing towards them.

All of Grendel’s students gawked in awe at his powers. Four more Balrogs were trying to attack his students and some of the fairies spiritually, but the angel’s wings spread wide and he flew in the air and his whole body illuminated and turned into a white field of energy reflecting the curse back at the Balrogs. This gave all the students just enough time to take cover as Grendel’s eyes began to turn bright red with fire and without warning a meteor swarm that was bright with fire and hot as brimstone, appeared and instantly smashed and scorched the four Balrogs that were trying to curse his students. As the Balrogs were recovering from the lightning attack, they recovered and regrouped with the remaining Balrogs. Grendel prepared one last final spell, he threw his arms up and a massive tornado from above sucked the remaining Balrogs out of the town hurling them far into the sky. The surviving wounded Balrogs decided to retreat and made their escape. The young girl looked incredulously at Grendel amazed by his power. Arwen flew summoning Undine water spirits to put out the flames on the huts and trees. “Is everyone ok?” Mar asked. “Oh I’m fine, I wasn’t scared!” Wing said defiantly. “Sure, whatever…” the young cleric laughed. The angel returned, “Wow! Where did you come from?! Orbis?!” Wing asked rudely. “Hold your tongue! He’s an angel, not a fairy!” the young cleric scolded. “Gee, I’m sorry! Shesh…” Wing apologized sarcastically. “Enough you two!” Grendel scolded. “Amelia, get your sisters and brothers and heal the injured, Wing, you help her!” “Thank you mr. angel..uh..” Amelia smiled. “I am called Novas” the angel smiled back as he and Grendel walked back into his cottage.

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-16-2012, 12:48 AM


Amelia turned to walk away honored that the Goddess had revealed one of her servants to her. She realized at that moment only spiritual beings or beings of great magical power could see them; or in her case, those who follow the path of the Goddess. She ignored Wing's prideful boasting as she walked through the forest to join her sisters in brothers. There were several mages injured in the battle, but luckily none of the injuries were life threatening as Grendel and Novas the Angel were able to send those powerful Balrogs flying. “It hurts!” one wizard cried. “Give me moment... I need to see your arm” another young cleric replied. “Oww!” he whined as the cleric said a brief prayer wearing her red moonlit robes waved her hand over his arm healing any injury. “It feels better now!” he exclaimed stretching out his wand arm. “Don't know where we would be without you clerics!” he smiled. “Don't thank us, just thank the Goddess” she smiled. “Amelia, can you help that other young man over there? I have to treat this other young girl here” Amelia noticed a young man probably in his early twenties with long red in a braid that cascaded the full length of his back! He was rubbing his foot with a strained look on his face. “Hi there, where does it hurt?” Amelia asked casually. “My ankle, I believe I sprained it trying to dodge one of the Balrogs' attacks” he pointed. “Oh please Goddess... heal this brave wizard's wounds” she prayed waving her hand over his foot and in an instant a green glow seemed to make all of his pain vanish. “Thank you!” he smiled gratefully. “You're welcome” she started to walk away. “Wait... where are the rest of your brethren?” he asked quizzically. Amelia ran a hand through her blond hair and she regarded him with her bright blue eyes. “There's a lot of reform going on in the church at the moment-- that is all I can say...” Amelia turned away. “You clerics, are mysterious lot” the young wizard shot. “We do not question what our Goddess wants, we only follow her wishes” Amelia retorted. The wizard got up to join Amelia, “The name is Jaster” he greeted. “I hope I didn't offend you-- I didn't mean it like that” “It's ok, but just know we take our vow to the Goddess very seriously” Amelia said quietly. “Amelia, we need to finish our walk around the town and make sure no one else needs treatment” the other cleric waved. “Yea come on, then we have to tend to our garden since we are the last clerics in town” another young man reminded. “Jaster! You ok buddy?” Jaster turned around to see another wizard he had trained with most of his life. The young man was about the same age as Jaster with unkempt brown hair and blue eyes. His stature was like that of Jaster's tall and slender. “Julien! Weren't you injured?” Jaster asked incredulously. “Na, my mastery of teleportation keeps me quite safe” he laughed. “Does ice and lightning protect you well?” he laughed. “About as well as fire and poison protects you there friend” Jaster countered. “Maybe you should have become a cleric?” Julien joked. “Maybe...” Jaster laughed. As the three clerics were walking away Amelia turned and regarded Julien with a slight aversion as they disappeared into town. “Come on buddy, I'm tired after that, what do you say we make a trip to Kerning City and get a drink?” Julien prodded. “Shouldn't we wait for the Elder's orders?” “Don't tell me you're scared of some pigs, mushrooms, or slimes now?!” Julien continued. “Don't worry I have some scrolls we can use that can teleport us their instantly. “I should have known...” Jaster trailed off. “Fine, but let's not stay long, I feel like something is going to happen soon” Jaster said with some foreboding. “I'm sure it will, but I'm not living under a shell in for the time being, come on!” he said handing Jaster a scroll. Within a few seconds they disappeared in a burst of light.

After a long day of tending to the wounded and the garden, Amelia and her companions sat down in their hut up in the trees. “You know, I would have never thought we would be the final clerics in Ellinia; after all, the elder trained us in the divine path” Kara, the red headed cleric said perplexed. Kara was twenty-one winters old and had grown up in Ellinia ever since she was a little girl with her parents. The other cleric was a young man of about nineteen summers with black hair and brown eyes. He was a short but stout young man. “Perhaps the Elder knew what has going to happen” Mason replied. “But who would have thought that, Amoria Cathedral of all places would have some of the most powerful holy relics!” Kara went on. “I know, the Arch Bishop there has done nothing but do weddings, which there is nothing wrong with that, but you'd think that someone with that much favor from the Goddess would be out doing vast miracles” Mason agreed. “I have heard word from my friend who just moved to Amoria not long ago has told me that Amoria is slowly turning into a place with more intrigue” Amelia informed them. “What kind of intrigue?” Kara demanded. “I'm not sure really... but a lot of strange folk have been sneaking around the town” Amelia said sitting in her well cushioned mat. “Well, I'm happy right here, and could care less if I ever leave Ellina...” Kara trailed off. “Even if our Goddess wills it so?” Amelia asked seriously. “Of course, our Goddess' will comes first, I haven't forgot my vow” Kara replied strongly. A knock on their door startled the three of them. “Yes?” Mason asked. “The Elder wishes to see the three of you” a young man spoke. All three walked over to the shrine of the Goddess touching it quickly before it before leaving.

“Why does the Elder wish to see us?” Amelia asked the young magician. “I don't know, I'm only the messenger” the young teen responded wearing a light blue robe that covered his small frame. The moonlight shone through the canopy of the trees as the glow from the many pixie lights that floated all over Ellinia shed. As they walked to one of the biggest houses in Ellinia the Elder greeted them at the door already expecting them. “Come we have much to discuss and very little time” Everyone entered taking a seat in Grendel's study. Grendel reappeared in front of them, “I'm going to be brief because time is of the essence. Amelia will be taking this young magician on a journey with you to Perion.” he paused and smiled. “He is one of my most gifted prodigies” he chuckled. “You two will be going to Lith Harbor to investigate a horrid finding” he paused again. “Why Lith Harbor?” Kara asked with some surprise. “Don't we have a chapter of brother and sisterhood over there?” Grendel remained calm, “Only one Priest remains there while all of his disciples have went to Orbis and El Nath to go train to become Priests themselves and Father Shober will tell you the rest when you arrive there” he finished. “As for you Amelia, you will be escorting Jeremy to go see Dances with Balrogs and there you will be instructed what else must be done. “I have two of my wizards accompany you through your travels” as Grendel said this Jaster walked out with a mug of hot cider. “Who will I be traveling with Master?” he asked. “You will be traveling with Sister Amelia and young master Jeremy. Where's Julien?” Grendel finished with a question. “Oh umm.. he's still sleeping” Jaster laughed. “This is no time to be playing, go wake him. “As you wish master” Jaster disappeared into one of the study rooms. Jaster saw Julien sprawled over the coach snoring with his tail wand still in his hand. “Julien, the master has summoned us, we must not keep him waiting” he nudged Julien. He still didn't respond. “Ok you leave me no choice” Jaster said taking the tip of his tail want and touching the end of it on the tip of Julien's nose. “Aaahhhh! That's cold!” Julien jumped up. “I'm coming! I'm coming!” he said dragging behind Jaster. As they stumbled down the spiral case of stairs, Jaster, trying to keep Julien from tripping all over himself, Grendel shook his head. “Drinking again?” he scoffed. “Pull yourself together Julien, I need you to accompany Brother Mason and Sister Kara here to Lith Harbor, they will inform you of what you need to know.” Kara regarded Julien with a little concern. “Don't worry, Julien is one of my best Fire/Poison Wizards, his magic will be of great help-- but yes he seems to be a fool but is very good at what he does” “Ok...” Kara rolled her eyes. “So when do we leave?” Mason asked curiously. “Tonight!” Grendel said with a finality in his voice. “Oh, so soon?” Julien whined. “Yes, all of what you guys need for each of your party is already been prepared at the door for you. “I have to return to my study and take care of matters of up most importance.”
Art by Lost Writer

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-17-2012, 06:35 AM


Grendel stood up and disappeared into his huge library leaving his guest to showing themselves out. “He has a way of making exits” Mason commented. “Of course he does! He’s an all mighty Sage—hoc cup!” Julien bellowed. “Hey Jaster, you sure we can’t talk you into coming with us instead?” Kara smiled acting as if she was joking. “You will have to take the Elder up on that one Kara, I guess he put us in our trios for his own reasons” Jaster shook his head. Kara sighed in resignation. Jeremy walked quietly to the door and picked up a small sack that belonged to Jaster, Amelia, and himself. “The Elder helped me prepare the magic sacks for all the provisions we will need” he smiled. “How old are you again?” Amelia asked him. Jeremy stood there with his glasses and wide green eyes trying to hide his excitement. He brushed his sandy blond hair out of his face. “I just turned 15” he replied. Jeremy was a small boy standing only five feet and one inch in size. “Where are you from?” Jaster asked as Julien slowly walked over to pick up his group’s sack. “Perion sir” Mason regarded him jokingly, “Why didn’t you want to become a warrior?” he almost laughed. “Umm..I..” he started but was cut off by Kara. “Mason, be nice!” “Hey now, The Elder did say that he was a prodigy!” Julien put his two cents in. “So you going to be a Fire/Poison Wizard when the time comes right?” he added. “No sir” he shook his head. “Aw, come on, Fire/Poison Wizards are more powerful than…” “Now just a darn minute, he will be an Ice/Lightning Wizard, won’t you Jeremy?” Jaster cut in. “No sir” he nodded again. “He’s going to be a cleric!” Mason chided. “Actually… no” he smiled. “Wait a minute, if you’re not going to follow the Divine Path and take the sacred vow, are you just satisfied with being a simple magician?” Mason demanded. “I cannot say at the moment…” he trailed off. “Ok I think we’ve hounded him enough, we need to get going if we are going to make it to our destinations tonight. “Where are we meeting up at after we are finished?” Kara inquired. “I guess we can just return here and report back to the Elder until further notice?” Amelia guessed. “Sounds good enough to me, I’m ready!” Julien laughed. “It’s going to be a long night!” Kara rolled her eyes. “Well we can all travel together until we reach Six Crossings” Amelia reminded them.

As they quietly were leaving Ellinia into the forest The Wizard Watch waved to them as they faded into the night. “These forests, have been my stomping ground for years, Julien said nostalgically. “Yea, I remember before the Black Mage began causing things to change around causing earthquakes, and irregular weather patterns. Just before all of that when we were just teens I remember how in the forest we used to train with those green capped mushrooms, and how I came to your rescue more than once” Jaster laughed. “I came to YOUR rescue too buddy, don't forget!” Julien reminded. “Before the Big Bang things were much different” Mason added. “You guys and your adventures” Kara rolled her eyes again. “Nothing impresses you does it?” Julien accused. “A bit of modesty might suit you a bit” she said nonchalantly. “I remember how the two of you were so competitive” Amelia laughed. “I think our most memorable time was whenever you guys finally reached your time to choose your path of magical studies and then not long after when we traveled all the way to Orbis” Amelia continued. “Yes! Spiegelman's monster carnival was a rush!” Julien almost shouted with excitement. “Not too fond of those Rombots...” Jaster commented remembering how during a simulation he was almost crushed, even if it was only fake. They were almost out of Ellinia forest without incident until they were all brought back to the present moment as they heard a quick buzzing noise and a rustle of tree limbs. “What was that?!” Kara said taking out her Old Staff. As seasoned adventurers, everyone drew out their wands, staves, and Mason with his enchanted jeweled mace. Jaster and Julien pulled out their Fairy Wands they both had won at the Monster Carnival. Amelia had Sapphire Staff she was given by another sister who had left to go to El Nath to become a Priestess. “Who goes there!” Jaster shouted as they formed a circle around Jeremy. He too took out his Hardwood Wand preparing a spell for battle. “No, don't attack!” a muffled voice shouted. “What?” the group almost yelled in unison, and at that moment Wing came out from the bushes. “What are you doing Wing?” Amelia asked incredulously. “Um, I just wanted to get out of town for a bit and see what it is you humans do on your adventures” he explained. “Are you sure that's it?” Amelia asked suspiciously. “Yea Wing, you haven't been known for your generosity” Jaster added. “Well, can I not do something fun for a change without everyone questioning my motives?” he accused. “Fine...” Amelia said shaking her head. “Who are you planning on traveling with?” she narrowed her eyes not being too fond of Wing. “Come on, guys I want to get to Perion sometime tonight!” Kara complained. Everyone continued walking at quicker pace. “Well Wing? Answer my question” Amelia pressed. “You're not coming with us” Kara said blatantly. “Fine, I will travel with wherever Master Jeremy travels” he said flatly gliding along. “Great, as if we didn't have enough burden already” Amelia threw her hands up. “I won't get in the way” Wing said in defense. As they were arguing Jeremy noticed something up ahead. “Um guys, what are those red lights up ahead?” “What are you talking about?” Julien asked with skepticism. “No!” Amelia stopped suddenly changing her demeanor. “You sense it too?” Kara asked suddenly taking out her Old Staff again. “Yes, there is some evil afoot” Mason whispered.

Jeremy turned around just in time to see Julien getting attacked by an unknown assailant. “Master Julien! Watch out!” “Shit!” he gasped teleporting himself just in time to avoid being bitten. After he reappeared seven feet ahead to his surprise he saw an orange mushroom with glowing red eyes and fangs! “Whoa! I don't ever remember these guys inhabiting these woods!” More of them seemed to appear out of thin air. The three clerics saw slimes with red glowing eyes as well but something else seemed different about them as they bounced aggressively. “We're surrounded!” Kara pointed as they formed another circle around Jeremy once again. “Don't be afraid Jeremy” Amelia consoled him as he was visibly trembling holding out his wand. “Now is not the time to be consoling-- FLAME BIRD COME FORTH!!” Julien shouted summoning a flame arrow at one of the fanged mushrooms incinerating it to ashes. At that moment a slime quickly bounced at Julien to pounce him. “Oh Goddess! Smite this Evil!” Amelia shouted summoning her Holy Arrows piercing through the slime as it fell to the forest floor sizzling from its evil turning into a puddle of acid. Amelia's eyes grew big, “Don't let the slimes touch you! They are of acid!” she warned. Kara summoned her Holy Bow and fired three more arrows ahead each making a mark as seven fanged orange mushrooms came galloping towards them for a bite. “We could use a warrior right now!” Kara shouted. The mushrooms were advancing a lot more quick than Kara and Mason had anticipated and before they knew it they were on them. Kara was nearly bitten but instead knocked to the ground by the sheer force of the mushroom hitting her. Mason flared better but was knocked back but suffered a small nip on his shoulder. He quickly reacted batting the fanged mushroom in the face as it prepared to spring back at him. “Oh no you don't!” Mason growled coming down with a hard blow right between its evil eyes knocking it unconscious. As the assault continued reinforcements showed up. “Great!” Jaster snarled as more fanged mushrooms came rustling out of the bushes. “Bless us Goddess!” Amelia prayed holding her staff in front of her to fend off the mushrooms. Mason summoned the Goddess protection as well did Kara. “Julien, cover me while I increase our powers!” Jaster said meditating. “Flame Bird!! Incinerate these creatures!” Julien shouted again firing a fire arrow incinerating three more mushrooms. “No!” Jeremy screamed as a slime fell out of a tree hitting him once doing acidic damage. He winced in pain but bravely blasted a blue bolt of energy knocking the slime several feet away from him. Wing noticed above the slimes were preparing an aerial assault, “Hey humans! Above you!” he warned as a slime jumped at him barely missing. He deftly shot a green ball of force knocking the slime into the ground to be absorbed, after that he became invisible. Just as Wing disappeared numerous acidic slimes fell out of the tree burning skin and clothing off everyone. “Jaster!” Julien growled in pain. Jaster being hit with a glop of acid himself, summoned all his will. “Die creatures of darkness!” he screamed waving his wand summoning several blue orbs which quickly discharged brilliant blue bolts electrocuting the life out of many of the slimes.

“Goddess heal our wounds!” Amelia shouted as light green energy surrounded her companions slowly healing the damage the acid had done to them. Kara and Mason were too busy fighting off acidic slimes and fanged mushrooms. Jeremy in an effort to try to be brave summoned his magic claw flailing his wand attacking two of the slimes bouncing on the ground repeatedly slowing them down. Julien summoned more fire arrows finishing them off as Jaster summoned his beams of cold like ice daggers finishing off the remaining mushrooms. After they were done, they have slain twenty-one green acidic slimes and fifteen fanged orange mushrooms. “What was that?!” Wing demanded. “Maybe if you would have stuck around and helped us out a bit more you would know!” Kara shot at him. “Hey, I didn't see you killing that many!” Wing retorted. “Stop you two!” Amelia shouted. “Now is not the time to be arguing, we will discuss what happened later, right now we need to get moving before more of those things attack us!” Mason continued checking everyone else's wounds healing anything that Amelia may have missed. “Amelia is right, we need to continue on” Jaster said sagely. Shaken up a bit the companions moved silently and quickly until they finally reached Six Path Crossways where they would part ways.
Art by Lost Writer

Last edited by Kole_Locke; 11-17-2012 at 06:39 AM..

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 06:51 PM

The rest of the journey to Path to Six Crossways, no one said a word. Within thirty minutes, they arrived at the huge Maple Tree that grew on top of a hill. It grew out of the chaos of the Big Bang to protect Victoria Island. For an instant they gazed at the majestic tree that was the size of a redwood. There were six roads that led to different respective towns on the island thus the name Six Path Crossways. “Ok guys, let’s meet up here within three days from now which will be Friday” Amelia announced. “What if something happens we shouldn’t make it?” Mason asked. “Then go straight back to Ellinia and wait for the rest of us there” Amelia finished. “So what in Goddess’ name were those creatures back in Ellinia’s forest?” Wing demanded. “I don’t know, never seen them before” Jaster answered a bit puzzled. “I do know they reeked of dark energy” Kara replied. “Agreed, it seems that something or someone had twisted their being to the core” Amelia nodded. “They were almost ten times more powerful than their normal counterparts” Julien spoke up. “I wonder who would do such a thing? Sometimes they are even friendly” Jeremy asked. “The Black Mage is probably pulling the puppet strings from afar, but the direct source is a mystery” Mason said inspecting his robes. “The longer we tarry, the more chance for encounter with such things” Kara pointed out. “Splitting up doesn’t seem like a good idea” Wing added. “We have no choice, we have two different objectives and not much time from what I gathered from the urgent sound in the Elder’s voice” Julien explained. Jeremy noticed another path that went deeper into the heart of Victoria Island that looked more dark and sinister, “Where does that go?” “That’s Sleepywood, it’s a cursed forest.

Deep in the Ant Hill Caverns a powerful demon is sealed away” Kara informed him. “I know that, I just didn’t realize that was Sleepywood, I have never been there before” Jeremy stood entranced with that path. “Only advanced adventurers go there to train on this island. The town’s population is very small and you can figure out why” Julien continued. “Yea Julien, don’t make any detours to Kerning City” Jaster laughed. “Don’t worry, I will follow what the Elder said” he smiled. “Why do I get the feeling he’s not telling the truth!” Wing accused. “Shut up fairy!” Julien snapped. “Our journey will be shorter walking towards the coast to Lith Harbor” Julien laughed. “You guys should make it there within an hour or two at most if you don’t run into any other problems” Jaster continued. “Don’t jinx us man!” Julien pointed. “Would you be quiet already?” Kara scolded re tying her long read hair back. “Be safe sister, brother” Amelia embraced Kara and Mason. “You too sister…” Kara whispered. “Take care of our sister Jaster” Mason spoke up. “Don’t worry, I have plenty of helpers” he smiled pointing to Jeremy and Wing. “That makes me feel much better” Julien muttered under his breath. “Take care dude, I get our holy friends to Lith Harbor without incident” Julien waved as they began walking down the road towards Lith Harbor. Jaster and Amelia looked in the northeastern direction of the mountain range where Perion was located. “I’ve never been outside Ellinia but once to Hennessey, so how long will it take us?” Wing asked. “It took me and my parents almost a half days journey from the Hennessey market place” Jeremy answered. Wing sighed drooping his arms down as he continued gliding forward. At night, the road towards Perion seemed a bit more intimidating as it seemed to disappear as it began to ascend a few miles ahead. “Well if keep up our pace we should be able to make there just before daybreak” Jaster prompted. “Right” Amelia smiled as they faded into the night.

The night sky seemed a bit more peaceful as the trio walked further out into the open. The few clouds that lingered allowed the full moon to shine brightly upon them. A few other travelers were passing them by acknowledging them with only a nod. The temperature dropped only slightly with only a small bite in the air. “So you’ve been to Sleepywood before?” Mason inquired. Julien was so lost in thought that he responded only after Mason repeated the question. “Sorry, yes, I have…” he trailed off. “Well what was it like?” “What do you mean?” Julien seemed a bit confused. “You said you trained there before, how far into the caverns did you explore?” Mason clarified. “Oh, that… haven’t you been into the caverns before?” Julien questioned. “Twice, but it was mating season for the drakes and they were much more aggressive than usual both times I went so our adventure was stopped a little short” Julien seemed perplexed. “Well who did you go with?” Mason nodded shamefully. “First time I ventured with one of Cygnus’ Blaze Wizards and Thunder Breakers, but the three of us were not properly trained to deal with Drakes. The last time I was asked by a warrior and a couple rogues that were hunting for dragon scales for quick profit. It ended up in disaster. We all nearly died, luckily a brave Page happened to be nearby and came to our rescue” “It sounded like your companions were biting off more than they could chew” Julien commented. Kara walked quietly listening. “Luckily, I had trained some as a warrior awhile back, so I have some skill with a mace which is what kept me from dying” Mason continued. “Why didn’t you just train to become a Page?” Mason shook his head again, “I had a trainer back in Perion whom I just could not get along with at all.” “So you let him win and you became a cleric?” Julien concluded for him. “Make no mistake, I have no regrets, I still train with my mace and other warriors when time permits” Mason added putting his hand on the hilt of his jeweled mace. “Admirable, I don’t know if studying as a cleric is much different than studying one of the magical disciplines, but I study so much and train at it hard that by the time I’m done, I just want to chill” Julien replied. “Ew! I really wished the folk of Lith Harbor would take care of their snail problem” Kara complained as she stepped in a small trail of slime. “Wow, looks like someone has been busy” Mason observed the many empty snail shells lying around. “Probably some bored kids just looking for some adventure” Julien laughed. “Or maybe poor folk trying to earn a living collecting shells” Kara corrected. “If that’s the case, then why are there many shells lying around?” Mason pointed out. “They aren’t worth a whole lot” Kara sighed. “Did you come from a poor family?” Julien asked bluntly. Kara gasped in outrage almost but stifled her rage, “That’s none of your business” she replied flatly.
Art by Lost Writer

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 12:08 AM


Thirty minutes passes as they quietly continued on until they were finally able to see the ocean as the moon glimmered on the surface. “Now that’s something I can appreciate” Kara smiled but that moment was short lived when she stepped in another snail trail again. “Ugh! My shoes aren’t going to be worth a darn if this keeps up!” Mason looked up ahead and noticed that a group of snails were getting ready to cross the road in the distance. “Looks like we may need to go off the road to avoid a slimy mess” Mason said for Kara’s benefit. As they walked in the grass they noticed the snails were slowly turning back their direction. “Huh? It’s not like snails to pursue trouble” Julien said suspiciously. Without warning the snails began launching at them. “Now THIS is weird” Mason said pulling out his jeweled mace. Several more flew at them as one grazed Julien’s elbow. “Ok I’ve had it” Julien pulled out his wand and summoned Flaming arrows that zipped through the air leaving a trail of flame igniting four red and blue shelled snails. Julien got popped again in the leg this time sending a stinging sensation throughout his body. As Kara was summoning her holy arrows she too got popped in the stomach knocking the wind out of her. “I get it!” Mason laughed preparing his jeweled mace as if he were going to hit a baseball. Six more snails began flying at him. “Batter up!” he swung his mace and knocked one snail sending it flying far towards the beach. More snails were flying from both directions as one hit him in the back. “AAHHHH!!” he shouted charging at a small group of snails with his mace bashing two in one swing. Another hit on the side of his head stunning him. More snails were coming, but luckily Julien recovered attacking with blasts of green vile poison which seemed to slow the snails down. “We got to get out of here, *COUGH*” Kara shouted grabbing Mason’s arm dragging him along. As they were trying to rush through a gauntlet of snails assailing them from different direction Kara pointed her staff ahead while she was running swinging her staff in a crescent form leaving a bright pink aura trail as three snails were attacked by unseen claws cracking each of their shells. Mason just kept moving with Kara holding his mace up defensively. “Still using those good ole magician attacks huh” Julien laughed as they ran. “Keep moving” Kara replied annoyed. As they rushed forward, fewer and fewer shells flew as they were finally in site of the town walls. “I think we out ran them” Kara breathed heavily. “Sorry about back there” Mason apologized. Kara held her hands up to Mason’s forehead flowing with green energy as his little bloody wound disappeared. “Thanks, but I still have a headache. I’m ready for a good night’s rest” he breathed a sigh of relief, “agreed” Kara nodded. “So, where exactly are we going?” Julien asked curiously. “There is a small Chapel, Brother Shober should be meditating at this hour” Kara replied. “I would be sleeping” Julien muttered. “Those snails were strong!” Mason exclaimed. “You’re just now noticing that?” Kara laughed.

As they finally walked up to the town walls they were greeted by watchmen. “What are you doing here at this late hour?” one older guard asked dressed wearing simple chain mail holding a spear in one hand with a buckler strapped on his back. “We’re here with official business from the Elder of Ellinia, we need to see Brother Shober” Kara announced. The guards regarded them suspiciously but the older guard waved his hand, “You may pass, but watch yourself” he warned. “Thanks, I think…” Kara mumbled to herself. “I wonder what they could be speaking of” Mason said looking around. The town was fairly large and white villa looking houses with blue roofs were scattered in various places. The town was lit with lantern lights among the streets. “I forgot how big this town was, it’s been awhile since I’ve been here” Julien yawned. Only a couple of town folk and city watch were out this late at night. The once bustling harbor only had a few ships docked. Burdened with exhaust, the trio rushed to the small chapel. “Here it is” Kara sighed in relief. The chapel was an old stone building with a small statue of the Goddess in a belfry. The building looked like it had been neglected a long time as the stones were weathered and the wood on the door was dried out. “I hope they have beds for us” “This isn’t an inn…” Kara stated flatly. “They have beds I’m sure…” Mason said putting up his hand stopping another argument before it started. Kara walked to the door and banged the knocker against the door three times. The only window was a stained glass circle of different symmetrical shapes. No one answered. Kara knocked three more times and still no answer. “Maybe he’s sleeping it is a bit late” Julien surmised. “No, I’m not…” a deeper voice responded startling the three out of any exhaustion replaced with adrenaline.

They turned around to see a robed man in white and purple robes and a staff walk up to the door. “Father Shober, it is good to see you again” As Father Shober opened the door he realized who she was. “Kara, welcome back!” he seemed to come to life. “Come in, come in…” They walked inside the dimly lit chapel. A few candelabras were lit each holding seven candles. There were about ten rows of pews and stained glass windows depicting a picture. The floor was hard stone and a small alter with a shrine at the front of the chapel were all that could be seen well in the dim light. Father Shober led them through a small door that led to the back of the chapel. A small pantry, a couple of bedrooms and Father Shober’s office were clustered in the back. Each room was very small. “When I sent for other clergy, I didn’t realize it would be you Kara” Father Shober explained as he lit a lamp, revealing more detail of their environment. “Our Elder said it was very important” Mason added wanting to hear what the reason for their summoning. Julien sat quietly in one of the wooden chairs with his arms folded. “Well, murders have been happening and shortly after their buried, their body is nowhere to be found” Shober said in a serious tone. His dark hair was cut short as the lights in the room reflected from his dark eyes. He stood just taller than Julien but was stocky like Mason. He was a middle aged man in his early forties. “So you think we are dealing with a necromancer?” Kara guessed. “No… a vampire” he replied gravely. Julien’s eyes grew wide and goosebumps began forming all over Mason. “Vampire? I didn’t know they were still around” Father Shober nodded. “Well it’s late, I can tell all of you are weary with sleep, we will discuss more tomorrow. Kara you take your favorite room you used to study in. You boys can have the guest room, there are bed rolls, this isn’t an inn but we will share what we have” he smiled. Julien and Mason were still digesting what they heard to even ask any more questions as Kara led them to their room. “Please try to behave, you are in the house of the Goddess” Kara reminded. Julien was too tired to protest, it was only a few hours before sunrise. Kara walked back to her old study room. Memories began flooding her mind. She changed into an old oversized night gown she used to sleep in. It was still oversized. She still had items in here she had from over five years ago. The small plump bed in the corner was just below a small stained glass window with an angel above it. The wardrobe still had clothes from her childhood. The sudden nostalgia gave her a sense of security as she curled up in bed and hid under the fluffy quilt. She said a prayer to the Goddess asking for Amelia’s and her sister’s companion’s safety. Even with all of these nice thoughts, she suddenly wondered why Father Shober was out so late? Then she dismissed it thinking that it really was none of her business. Thoughts flashed through all their minds until sleep overcame them.
Art by Lost Writer

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-23-2012, 04:39 PM


Jeremy stared down the empty path that led to Sleepywood. The path led down into a dark ominous hallow overshadowed by Hemlocks, Pines, Sycamores, Oaks, and Bamboo. A slight draft could be felt blowing across the way as they passed. Not many people ventured to Sleepywood these days as merchants were constantly in need of mercenaries or adventurers to protect them from powerful creatures. The more he stared down the empty path, the more his eyes began playing tricks on him. He wasn’t sure if he was just imagining things or the objects or things he saw were real. “What are you staring at” Wing asked with a hint of absurdity in his voice. Jeremy jumped as his heart almost skipped a beat. “Um… nothing” he quickly regained his composure. “You’re going to have to be braver than that kid if you want to be known as an adventurer. “Maybe you should practice what you preach” Jaster pointed out. “Of course I’m brave” Wing boasted. “Disappearing back there when we needed your help wasn’t very brave” Jaster shook his head. “You guys, you and your bravery” Amelia laughed putting her hair up using a clip as they walked. “It’s not like you’re a warrior” Wing smiled zipping around to Amelia’s left side. “If I had to use a weapon, I could manage” Jaster said evenly. “Sure…” Wing mocked. “Has anyone ever told you that you are one insufferable brat?” Wing looked at him with confusion. “What’s that mean?” “Never mind…” Jaster rolled his eyes. “Knock it off you two, if there is anything out here they will hear us a mile away” Amelia cut in. While they continued back and forth, their voices seemed to be tuned out from his ears. Jeremy’s eyes were drawn back towards the hallow that led deep into Sleepywood. They were at least a few hundred feet away, and the only light they had was the full moon shining down on them. The moonlight seemed to be barely illuminating the way towards Sleepywood. Jeremy squinted once or twice and began walking backwards as the continued. “At least I don’t try to have others do my homework for me” Jaster laughed and noticed Jeremy walking backwards until he stopped as the color faded from his skin and his eyes were widened in horror as his mouth was opened wide as if he were going to scream. “Jeremy?” Jaster’s smile gave way to a perplexed look. He slowly continued moving backwards as a look of terror was etched on his face. “Jeremy!” Amelia looked back in the direction he was staring. “What did I tell you kid?” Wing continued on his rant but the smirk was wiped clean off his face, “AAIIIEEEEE!” “Wing! Hush!” Wing did a one eighty degree turn and flew as fast as his wings could carry him. “Wing! You coward! Get back here!” Jaster yelled. Jaster and Amelia finally saw what it was that had Jeremy terrified.

A hundred yards back, deep in the hallow towards sleepy wood, a monstrosity on four legs and red glowing eyes popped out of the bushes standing on the path growling ferociously. “What is that thing?!” Amelia said grabbing Jeremy by his wrists. “I don’t know but we’re not staying to find out, let’s get the hell out of here!” They turned to run. “They’re coming for us!” Jeremy cried as they ran. “Who?” Amelia demanded at they ran. Jeremy could not respond as he was focusing all of his energy into his legs. Jaster pulled out his wand as they ran blasting cold beamed ice daggers at it. Only one of the ten blasts that he did actually hit but the creature just shrugged it off. “How could this be? No creature that lives in this area can resist my most powerful spell?!” he thought to himself. Jaster’s heart sank as he knew it was only going to be a matter of seconds before the beast would be on them. Suddenly a familiar humming noise hit his ears. “Wing?” Jaster muttered as his stamina was fading. “Jaster let’s use our teleport magic--- I can’t keep running --for too much longer” Amelia panted. To Jaster’s surprise Amelia then Jeremy disappeared before his eyes, then he too disappeared. “Use your magic you fool!” a familiar whisper buzzed in his ear. Jaster finally understood what was happening and he summoned all of his magical might to teleport himself quickly and further away from the beast as the foot hills into the crags was only a hundred yards ahead. Jaster looked back behind them as the creature stopped momentarily a bit disoriented. Jaster’s heart rose, “Keep teleporting guys, he can’t see us!” Jaster whispered hoping Amelia and Jeremy were with him. For a few minutes they continued teleporting closer and closer to the crags until they could teleport no more. Jaster mustered all of his physical strength to start up the rocky path towards Perion, “Guys, are you here?” he hoped. “We’re right behind you” he heard Amelia’s voice. A huge burden fell off Jaster’s back and a few seconds later they were visible once more. They quickly hid behind a boulder and peaked out to look but it appeared they had lost the creature. “Where’s Wing?” Jeremy asked looking around. After a moment a familiar humming noise zipped by and Wing appeared very fatigued. “You guys OWE me!” he said trying to sound brave as he landed ahead several paces to rest. “Yes, we do” Jaster smiled. “I hope Kara, Mason, and Julien are faring better than we are” Amelia sighed. “We can't go back, that THING will devour us if we try!” Wing advised. “What was it?” Jaster demanded. “I don't know, it looked like a wolf that had some red shiny eyes, but then again I've only seen one wolf, I'm not like you humans who go out getting into trouble” Wing concluded. “Did it see you?” Amelia continued. “I was invisible, of course it didn't see me” Wing replied in frustration. “We need to move” Jaster suddenly said seriously. Amelia nor Jeremy questioned him as they prepared to follow Jaster up the rugged path. “What do you mean? Can't we rest a bit more?” Wing protested. “No, we cannot, we must go now!” Jaster said with more urgency in his voice. He took out his wand and made Amelia and Jeremy go in front of him as he brought up the rear. “You know, you could stay 'invisible' if you like and watch the rear a bit further back since you can fly as well” he pointed out. Wing sighed and disappeared.

The path was rocky as it was littered with pebbles and stones from falling rocks from the cliffs. The further they followed the winding road up into the mountains the more narrow the path became. Almost three hours passed without incident as Jaster brought up the rear with trepidation holding his wand praying that his spells would best any creature before they got to him. He knew if he were to fall that Amelia and Jeremy would not stand much of a chance, even if Wing would stay and fight by them. Jaster did not hear from Wing so he guessed everything was fine from his end. Then it occurred to him an attack could always come from the front. He figured Amelia would at least be able to hold them off long enough for him to join their ranks. Jaster's Fairy Wand glowed with a lite blue light illuminating a few yards around him. “Jaster” Amelia watched Jaster shake just a bit but quickly regained his composure. She could see sweat pouring from his brow even though the nightly breeze brought a chill as they traveled higher in elevation. “Yes” he said holding his wand lower. “Jeremy says we're almost there, the rest of the way is down into a smaller valley” “That's a relief, I forgot how long it takes to physically walk here” Jaster said with exhaustion. “There are some minor spirits that roam this area, if we avoid them they will not bother us” Amelia informed. “Yea, I remember them, they aren't too aggressive unless you attack them—usually” Jaster emphasized. “Unfortunately, the native inhabitance we have been encountering lately does match up with what we normally would see. So much has changed” “Aye, the Black Mage has turned our island into a nightmare” Amelia agreed. Jeremy waited near the top of the ridge until they arrived as he hid behind a boulder watching. “If my memory serves me correctly, we go west from here” Jaster said as the path split two different ways. “I believe you're right, my feet are killing me” Amelia sighed. Jeremy remained quiet and followed stoically. Jaster stayed behind as Amelia and Jeremy continued on and Jaster prepared his most powerful spell for anything foolish enough to come at them. He realized his cold beam wasn't as powerful as he thought, but he debated to himself the creature was a distance from him.
Art by Lost Writer

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 11-28-2012, 11:49 PM

CHAPTER 6 ( end of chapter 6) PART B

Almost a half hour went by and it got really quiet, as Jaster passed roaming ghosts who frequented this barren wasteland riddled with deforestation. Suddenly a stinging pain assailed Jaster in the back, he swiftly turned around to face his assailant, a stealthy shadowy figure leaped from side to side, but Jaster's eyes proved quicker, “Freeze scumbag!” he gritted through his teeth. His wand illuminated the area with a bright blue glow and a frigid cold energy formed and ice daggers blasted the would be assailant slowing him down. “Stay your spell Wizard-- if you want your companions to live” a voice from further ahead warned. Jaster could feel the stinging in his back but pushed it back to focus on what was going on ahead.

Two more figures emerged from the Shadows with Amelia and Jeremy poised with knives at their throats. “What do you want?” Jaster demanded. “Your mesos, PLOX!” the thieves laughed. Jaster took out his coin purse. “Put it on the ground and throw down your wand” the robber instructed. The injured robber was slowly recovering from the cold beam but had a nasty wound on his arm and left hand. “Can I kill him boss?” the robber begged. “Count the mesos” one of the other robbers commanded. Jaster tried to get a look at his assailants, but they were all dressed in dark leathery clothing and wore masks. “Ten thousand...ugh” the robber grunted. “You guys are worthless, only thirteen thousand?!” one robber said shoving Jeremy to the ground. The other robber looked at Amelia and laughed, “This one is probably worth the most, we could take her back and she could pay her way out of this one way or another...” the robbers laughed. “You bastards!” Jaster grunted. Jeremy lied on the ground crawling to his knees. “Jaster!” Everyone was taken by surprise as a voice from above began hysterically shouting. “Jaster, Jaster, its coming! Run! Run!”'

“Wing!” Jaster thought. The split second was all Jaster needed, he grabbed his wand. “Electrify!” his wand glowed a bright blue color again and three orbs of blue sizzling energy blasted the three robbers with an extremely painful bolt of lightning. Jeremy swiped his wand and Amelia tore free from her captor. The trio bolted past the robbers rushing down the winding path as quickly as they could. It took Wing a moment to figure out what was going on but by that time the seven foot long wolf like creature appeared as the robbers were going to pursue their victims they heard the unearthly growl and turned to face their newest foe. One robber threw stars with direct hits, but the creature dived at him knocking him to the ground then biting him viciously on the shoulder slinging him against a boulder knocking him unconscious. The other robber threw three more stars scoring a direct hit, one on the side of its huge snout. It turned and barred its fangs and the robber saw the red glowing eyes he and the other robber turned to run, but the creature caught one robber by the calf before he could take his second step dragging him to the ground screaming.

Jaster looked back one time feeling sorry for even those low lives who would murder for money. “Aaarrrgghh!!” he heard two men struggling for their lives. “If three seasoned highway men couldn't best such a beast, neither could we” Jaster thought as they ran. After five minutes of running Jeremy fell down tumbling down the path. Amelia tried to grab him but she too lost her balance and fell. Jaster could her them crying out in pain, but he could do little to help. The screams from behind finally stopped. “Keep running Jaster” Wing yelled to him who was still invisible. Again suddenly he too was invisible and then Amelia and Jeremy once again disappeared. They finally came to a stop at a flat area. Jeremy grabbed his stomach in pain as the wind had been knocked out of him from the fall, and the palms of his hands were skinned up. Amelia's knees were skinned and she had a painful gash on her pretty forehead. Amelia struggled to stand, “Jeremy?” she frantically searched. “He's right here “ Wing said nervously glancing up the hill waiting for the creature to come trotting down after them as well. “I-I can't move---ugh..” Jeremy gasped. Amelia's knees were really sore. Jaster nearly tripped but was still in pain from the two stars stuck in his back.

“Sorry Wing, I know we don't have time, but we're in too bad of shape to continue on without some healing--”Amelia gasped. “Oh goddess, help us!” Green energy surrounded them dispelling Wing's invisibility spell. Slowly, the pain began to subside as their wounds began to mend. “RAWR!!” Distracted, Amelia looked up the hill but could not see the creature. “Perion isn't too far ahead” Jaster remembered. “We still have some distance, but we must keep moving or we're finished” Jaster said grimly. Amelia grabbed her staff and Jeremy pulled out his wand with each of their pain within a threshold where it was somewhat bearable and began quickly using all of their magical power to continuously teleport themselves further ahead. For ten minutes they continued, but Jeremy ran out of magic power and just began running. Jaster and Amelia were both watching him and realized they had to stay with him. Wing became visible flying above them continuously glancing behind them. My magic power is just about spent, Jaster warned. “I can't perform miracles, if I overexert myself” Amelia agreed as well. “Ok guys, this time we must save our magic” Jaster nodded. “We can make it, now run!” Jaster shouted. They ran as fast as they could ever hope to run. “Thank... the Goddess!” Amelia panted as they saw the town encampment ahead. “Hurry it's gaining on us!” Wing yelled.

Jaster looked back and indeed it was coming for them. Jaster had his wand in his hand preparing to die if need be to protect his companions. Wing blasted the creature with a blast of shiny dust, the creature slowed momentarily but continued to pursue them. They were almost at the edge of Perion. The creature was quickly gaining ground, Jaster glanced back and it would only be a few more strides and it would be on their heels. Jaster nodded his head as he ran accepting his death. “Jaster!” Amelia screamed as her and Jeremy were a few paces running ahead. Jaster turned around in a final stand to defend himself and summoned the last of his magical power to cut into the creatures hide with his Cold beam. “Freeze in the ninth circle of hell you foul beast!” Jaster screamed as his wand turned a bright blue and three dagger sized ice shards formed and launched stabbing the creature, slowing it for a moment. The creature countered with a claw knocking Jaster six feet back to the ground. Jaster was barely conscious at this point. “Oh Goddess give me strength to smite this evil!” Amelia cried taking her final stand. She held her staff bravely standing over Jaster and launched a Holy Arrow blasting the creature in its abdomen causing it to slightly wince. Jeremy stood next to her as he waved his wand in the air making an orange crescent trail, and the creature was clawed by two orange looking magical claws of energy twice. The creature growled loudly as it prepared lunge at her and Jeremy.

Suddenly Wing quickly flew by the creature and blasted it with two green orbs of force in its face distracting it. “Come on you ugly demon! Come and get me!” Wing taunted it as he flew. The creatures head moved around trying to get a lock on Wing to shred the sprite to pieces. Jaster raised his head with his wand in his hand he summoned one more powerful energy bolt and blasted the creature. Jeremy did likewise, but two energy bolts flew out of his Hardwood wand this time hitting the creature in the neck and in the face. It roared out in pain. Amelia tried in a desperate attempt to heal Jaster's gash and scratches hoping he would regain some strength to stand. “Take this you over sized mutt!” Wing yelled blasting it with two more balls of green force making the creature swat blindly at him with its paws. Wing dodged all of the except the last one which sent him flying into Jeremy unconscious. “Wing!” Jeremy cried. The creature licked its lips preparing for its feast. Amelia fired one last Holy arrow delaying the inevitable. The creature charged at them. “No!” Amelia cried. Suddenly a flash of white light prevented the creature from getting any closer.

“Am I dead?” Amelia thought. She looked up and two warriors, both with swords drawn stood between them and the creature. A white looking spirit followed the swordsmen as he ran at the creature with a war cry, “I will banish you back to the hell from which you came!” he shouted and slashed. Another warrior hit the ground summoning a powerful shock of purple energy which drove the creature back a foot. “Down here!” the female warrior screamed. Intrigued by its newest foes it saw more warriors coming to slay it. It quickly turned around not before taking another slash to its hard hide before leaping away into the night. Amelia began to feel dizzy. Both of the warriors ran to her side . “Don't worry, you're safe now sister” the female warrior consoled. Amelia smiled and darkness took her. “Boy, are you ok?” the male warrior asked. Jeremy was weak with injuries and weariness and he too collapsed to the ground. “We got to get them back to town” the female warrior replied as town guards with axes and spears arrived. “That was some creature! I've never seen anything like it!” the female warrior admitted. “I haven't either...” Jaster lied there unable to move and finally let the exhaustion overtake him satisfied they would live to see another day.
Art by Lost Writer


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