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MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 01:55 PM

(these stories that I will post are FICTION pure works out of my dark mind)


The air was thin and smug, smelling of smoke and bomb residue. The young soldier of only nineteen years was running through the haze, his group behind him, or so he thought them to be. When he turned his head slightly to check there was only the smug foggy air trailing behind. They were gone, the whole lot of them, twenty men gone. The soldier could only hear the faint cries and moans for help coming from the ground that was coated by a dark mist. He was glad for the mist because he didn’t want to look down for he knew if he did all he would see was death. So he kept on his run.

His gun slightly rattled as he ran towards his destination, he knew he would die if he didn’t make it there. For a few seconds he was contemplating just dropping his gun and running faster because he knew he could if he wasn’t lugging this with him. But before he could make up his mind he tripped and fell face-first into the dirty muddy grass-burnt ground. He lifted his head and the first thing he saw was a pair of ice blue eyes looking back at him. But the soldier could tell these were the eyes of a dead person, no these were the eyes of a child’s.

This, in front of him, was the body of a dead German soldier, but he was only a boy. How could this be? He knew the boy was dead for his eyes were glazed over with a thin white layer and he showed no signs of breathing. His uniform was soaked in dry blood. The soldier wanted to look away but he found that he just couldn’t. It’s like those eyes were holding his prisoner saying, ‘look at me look at what they did to me! Do you think this is justice? If you do you are sadly mistaken. I was forced to fight and now no one will care that I’m dead. But you, you’re still alive you can fight, you must keep going press on for peace. This war is nothing more but a power struggle gone too far, there is no justice in that at all. But if you win peace might come, hope might come. Please keep going on, save us all.’

At that moment the soldier knew he had to press on, he may not be German but he knew that this nameless child did not deserve this grew sum death, no one really did. But just as he was about to get up and keep going he heard the loud stomping of boots coming towards him, he froze and dropped his head into the dirty ground. He stopped his breathing hopping he looked like he was dead. But oh was he wrong and he knew it as he heard one of the other men stop. He heard the gun click into place, and right before the bullet penetrated his body he looked into the eyes if the dead boy and shed a single tear for him, the first and the last he would ever cry.

The Soldiers Death March:

This is the way his world ends,

This is the way his world ends,

On a battlefield in a war with no end.

---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 09:56 AM ----------

The Ones With Stars

Blood, it was a common thing to see here, thought the young boy as he walked the dark cold streets. People being dragged out of their homes, crying out for help that will never come. No one will help those marked with star, for that would be betrayal, which would mean certain death.

The boy was told that they were the bad people, that they would be the downfall of everyone. At least that’s what the important man said the one who the other people listened to for some reason, but the boy didn’t like that man. The boy thought that man was evil, and the boy felt that he spoke nothing but lies. But the boy also realized that the people followed him because they were broken and they needed a leader. After the war his parents explained to him that everyone felt broken and that this man had picked up them up and promised the m the things that they needed, the basic things that they really didn’t have.

The huge war had taken so much from everyone. That war had taken more than just basic possessions from the boy it had also taken the lives of his brother and uncle; had taken away some of the lives of the people he called his friends. He knew that the war had taken something from everyone and in some way everyone was broken. But still that doesn’t mean that the people should listen to that man, the one who spurts lies and makes promises that never will keep. But the boy also understood that people liked the sense of hope that the man gave them. That didn’t justify what this man was doing though, nothing could justify what this man was doing.

The boy had a reason to hate the man, because of his orders he watched his friend be taken away right in front of him. His friend had done nothing wrong but be different. The man had told people that the ones with stars were evil, but he was the real evil one. He told the people that they weren’t human, but he was the one that wasn’t human.

As the boy sulks down the dark dirty street he thinks to himself, what gives that man the right to cause so much pain, so much misery. Then turn around and lie saying it’s for the better of humanity. There’s a fine line between right and wrong and he didn’t just cross it, he cut it to shreds and burnt it and laughed at the ashes as the fire blazed.

The boy stopped when he finally made it to his destination, a house. But not just any house his friend’s house, the one who got taken away. He liked to come here, and didn’t care what anyone said. He liked to look at the house and think of his friend and how many times they had played in the front yard that was now covered in dead grass, dirt and rubbish. He imagined that his friend was still safe and alive and waiting for him right inside the door, but he knew he was only kidding himself. If he walked through that door all he would see was a dusty neglected interior, empty of all life. It was stupid to give himself false hope when he knew the harsh truth was his friend was gone forever and that was that.

The boy knew he should stop hoping for a brighter future, one where it didn’t matter who you were; because the world was divided by race, religion, and opinion, and that was never going to change. His friend never even had a chance he guessed, and his friend probably knew it from the second he was ordered to wear that bright yellow star. He was different and being different was and always was going to be be a crime in the eyes of this world.
All I can do is be me, whoever that is~Bob Dylan
"Red like roses..."
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