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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-19-2014, 10:59 AM

Blood Bound

By Arc Angel: and Lunna Dea

OOC Thread can be found here.

Disturbing images and situations which may inclued
Psychological horror and torture scenes.
Readers discretion is advised.

It is the age of reason and enlightenment in the kingdom of Mythcoran yet still there are men and woman stolen and sold into slavery. Shining buildings rise up above the people that walk the streets few ever realizing what dangers lay in the darkness and the shadows in the doorways. People go about their every day never seeing the ones with the collars, the ones who look away, the ones locked in chains of their own making.

Now the hand in the dark wraps around a victim. Now the sound of the gavel slamming on the wood as another one is bought and taken away. Now another one is thrown into a dark pit to await their fate. Now is a master running his hands over a new one on the market, checking everything about it like it is an animal to be bought and sold. Now the screams are heard as mothers are ripped from their child who is to be sold.

It is the day of all Souls, people go to the temples to pray for those they have lost. Some go out to hold vigils hoping to see ones long dead. But there is a market, oh yes, a market of Souls. for ones a year the best of the ones that have been caught are brought forth to be bought, sold and traded for those that are no longer able to do what they must. Elves, cats, Beautiful humans, slaves of all sorts and this time there is a perfect one. one that has been whispered of as the day drew near.

the small room was filled with people just wanting to get a look at the Kitsune that had been brought in. The last one having been seen in Mythcoran was over a hundred years ago but most of the buyers here were only part human or full human. not many elves took part in the slave trade and even fewer would be seen at an auction such as this. Silv looked out though the eyes of the magic mask that hid who he truly was. The owners of this house knew of his money and they knew the face he presented them, they did not ask anything more of him. he was so well know to have money that he was one of the few allowed to come close enough to touch the fabled creature. his long slim fingered hands, artists hands, rested slight inches from the creatures skin. they had dressed it in a skirt of silk golden to bring out the hue of his skin. Silv could see the tiny hairs of fur on his ears and tail, he could see himself painting those features on a thousand paintings. They had the creature laying on its side its back to part of the room. the chains were finely crafted Smith's Silver, not a cheap item but it suited him will with its way of reflecting the light making it look to glow from within. Smith's Silver was not your everyday silver, no it was the strongest metal known to the world.

"I see you are enjoying our prize Silv, you may touch it if you like." the voice was gruff, one that Silv had known for a long time. Looking up through the eyes of his mask he took in this half elf that stood before him. the man was young looking until you saw the ears, he was just starting to have wrinkles around his eyes and his skin was to dark to be beautiful to any elf from his time in the sun. Reaching up Silv pulled the hood of his pail blue robe forward a little more as he tuned back to the Kitsune. "just be careful the sleep spell should be wearing off." This comment stired Silv's heart, he had wanted to see how wild this little creature was, how much braking he would have to do to bind the Kitsune to him. Reaching out he ran one sharply tipped fingernail down the spine of the creature. he wanted to see how it reacted to pain. A stranded of pale silver hair fell forward out of his hood over his eyes.

Last edited by Lunna Dea; 02-19-2014 at 11:07 AM..

Arc Angel
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Old 02-21-2014, 12:00 AM

Under the spell of sleep, Kieran lay bound, still, and quite peaceful. He slept without a worry, forgetting all sense of reality after he had been soothed into such a state. His chest just barely rose and fell from where he lay on his side, propped up on a table in front of the crowd as if he were one of nature's masterpieces. Dreaming peacefully, but on the brink of awakening, his lashes fluttered now and again as he stirred every so often. Under the lighting of the room, his pale skin shone and the orange hue in his blonde hair was all the more evident. The staging was set up so perfectly, yet, the creature lying there was not so delicate as his appearances.

As the elf, unknown to him, approached he stirred once more, ears twitching slightly to the sound of incoming footsteps. He drew in a slightly deeper breath at the first touch of the sharp nail to his spine, showing no immediate signs of pain, but as it was drawn down along the bare, sensitive skin of his back, he slow, whisper-soft whine would rise from his throat. The sensation sent a small shiver through him, cutting him off from his dream world. Disoriented and oblivious for the time being, Kieran let out a small yawn and stretching out on his side, eyes opening slowly to reveal deep golden orbs, pupils having a slight oval shape. Not being in the right mind to observe his surroundings at first, he sat up stiffly and rubbed his eyes with his wrists, but wait--

Feeling the weight on his wrists as he brought them to his face, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his gaze dropping to gather the sight of the bindings he was sporting. Eyes going wide in surprise, his gaze then shot up to stare down the masked person in front of him, the people gathered in the room before him, how he was set up on that pedestal and bound with so little cover. Is this a dream? Shocked, he didn't make a sound at first, but as his sense cleared from having just woken, the situation became more and more chillingly real. It's not.

Still feeling the tingle of pain running through his back, Kieran's oblivious confusion soon swept into fear, even anger. Immediate instinct to tug at his bindings, he did so, bringing his wrists together and letting out a rather feral, animalistic growl as he put all of his strength into trying to wriggle free. "Who-Who's done this?!" He demanded, clearly not accustomed to such treatment, and unsure of whom was to blame for this. "What's going on?!" He then added, voice rising, cheeks heating to a light pink color as his mixture of emotions got the best of him.

The stranger's faces before him, the shadow of others in similar circumstances, and the noises of hushed chatter made his head spin and his body feel weak. He refrained from tugging at his restraints as he sat there, distressed.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-21-2014, 01:36 AM

The sound of the animals whine fell on Silv ears like the sounds of sliver bells. it had been almost perfect for him that he was ready to tell the man then and there that he would give a thousand gold just to take this little fox home with him now and not have to deal with the auction. Looking around the room as he lay he hand acrossed the lower back, right at the base of the tail, he calculated who would be able to match him at the thousand. most of the humans there, while they wanted a chance to own this creature knew that they did not have even close to enough to beat Silv. a few of them were already standing to look at the others on display to see if any of them were worth the wait. His nails running through the fur of the tail as the kitsune sat up. they snagged, the filigree tips catching on fur, he pulled them not as gently as he could have. his eyes all the time locked on the fox's eyes.

They were a rich golden hue, richer then any he had seen on an elf. his fingers itched to sketch those eyes and paint their beautiful depths. then the realization seemed to hit the Kitsune of where he was and what he was doing here as he fought against his wrist bindings. the fear and anger in every line of his body excited Silv, his breath catching at the beauty and majesty in the form. Reaching out he quickly ran a hand down the others chest feeling the muscles under the skin move and twitch as he fought. the smile of triumph hidden by the magical mask that made Silv look human did not hide the smile in his deep green eyes. He had once been told by his master when he had been leaning art that they were like deep forest pools shaded over with rich green leaves.

"I will pay one thousand now for him, before he goes up on the block." his own voice was a low purr as he kept his eyes on this creature he must have and conquer. never had he seen any of the Slaves that came to market so wild and spirited. he was going to enjoy finding this Kitsune braking point. Already he could feel his own beast stir at the thought of the hunt with this one. His blood sung in his ears as his fangs slowly slide from their pockets in his jaws. it had been some time since he had gotten this worked up in so short a time.

"but he is worth more then..." the half elf gulped as Silv turned his eyes, now a dark red with blood lust on him.

"Do you think any here could match my price for him?" the both looked out on the crowed gathered many of them now looking to the others for slaves to buy. there was another man that still sat among the chairs ready for the bidding to start. Silv knew what this man wanted the Kitsune for and would pay anything to keep the creature from that mans clutches and his Pleasure houses. sniffing is disgusted Silv sighed. "if you must ask him how much he is willing to pay then do so but be quick about it." the half elf hurried off to the other man to confer with him before returning. a price was stated and Silv met and added to that price. the half elf went back to the man. While the half elf when between them a few times Silv watched his prize his eyes blending between the deep red of blood and the deep green of his natural color. He did not touch the Kitsune again though his fingers longed to run over every inch of the man. in the end the price was decided on at 2038 gold and 15 silver to be payed by the end of the week by Silv.

"when the price is payed in full you will get all that he had on him when he was brought in. May happes you can find something among it's belongs that will fetch a nice price, to make up for what you have lost." the half elf said bowing low to Silv as he handed the chains over to Silv.

Arc Angel
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Old 02-22-2014, 06:33 PM

As he felt the frantic thrumming of his heart in his throat, Kieran let out a very soft whine as he sat there, receiving no answers. Ears shifting backwards, feeling threatened as he was trapped, bound there, his golden eyes scanned his atmosphere in great detail. He focused to try picking up bits of conversation, to see the figures of the others - others bound as he was - from beyond the ordinary line of sight. He swallowed hard, finding the feeling of a lump unsettling in his throat. This isn't-- something like this can't exist... He shut his eyes tight, pleading with himself to awake from this horrid dream. Kieran's bound hands came together, clasping themselves tightly in his lap, white-knuckled. Wake up. Come on... Wake up!

At the warm feeling of a hand brushing up along his chest, his eyes flicked open and his gaze shifted to the hand, surprised. Lips parted slightly, he didn't altogether mind the gesture, which acted as a little comfort. However, as he again noticed where he was, that he had not woken, and how this stranger was touching him, his golden eyes narrowed and his pupils further shrunk into their diamond-shaped form. A low rumble sounded from his throat as he bore his sharpened canines at the other, pulling himself from his reach. Who is this?! These bastards here are treating me like a pet! To make matters worse, he saw an undeniable joy in the other's eyes, which turned his insides into jelly. "You're enjoying this? You cruel, disgusting monsters!" He cried, staring into the forest-green eyes of the man hovering near him.

To answer his earlier question indirectly, the man that had been persistent with touching and staying near him offered the man beside him a price. A price for him. His heart sank within his chest, and he felt daze sweep over him. His ferocity muddled in his confusion for the time being, he calmed. Why are they doing this to me? I'd only just come to see the city... Searching for what he last recalled, Kieran sat in thought, running through images of him coming into town. They cut short at a point. He could not, for the life of him, remember the night he had been taken, much the less whom had done this. It drove him wild-- ate away at him, fueled his earlier thoughts. "This is a dream. It is a dream, and I'll awake soon." He decided, murmuring quietly as he allowed his gaze to look up at the man that had placed his bid. The idea of it all being real sent shivers through him, yet this was so realistic. He had felt the sharp nail on his back, the warm hand traveling over his chest, the nail that had gotten stuck in the soft fur of his tail.

Closing his eyes and shaking his head, he felt his eyes water as he murmured under his breath, "No, no, no..." It was not until he felt his binds move that he reopened his eyes, finding his chains were now being handed over. He had been sold. Staring up blankly at the man now wielding them, he blinked blankly, shocked, then noted their conversation. "My--!" Panicked to hear that belongings of his had been taken, he moved his hands to his neck, searching for the thin golden chain that usually hung there, keeping the small golden token at its end tucked away beneath his typical clothing. Its absence made him feel quite sick. Glaring up at them, he growled once more, this time taking the opportunity to lunge for the half-elf, "You took it away! How did you know! You took everything! You have no idea what you've done" He accused, in a frustrated mix of deep sadness and intense anger, "That can't be sold!"

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-22-2014, 08:46 PM

Watching the Kitsune scan the room Silv saw the realization of there he was slowly sink in. So many of them that he had bought before had been so dull to their surroundings that this one brought a delightful new element to the room. He could guess at what the other man was thinking sitting there bound by neck, wrists and ankles to the table below his short pedstool. He watched in wounder as its ears shifted together and separate trying to catch all the sounds around him. He wounded of a Kitsune would like a room filled with trees or just a regular room. but the that would all come later not at first. The frist thing he would have to do is teach this little fox where everything came from as he behaves.

The Kitsune's first reaction of enjoyment to a stranger touching him was a bit of a surprise to Silv then its eyes opened and the eye narrowed as he growled made Silv chuckle slightly. So the little fox liked to be touched by did not like it to be known. he would have to keep that in mind as he tried it. soon if his plan worked the fox would lay down of the touch of his nails lightly grazing his soft skin. When he had first seen it he had not expected the baby fine hairs that made it chest look so pail and its back dark. at first he had just thought that i loved to lay in the sun on its back but now, now he wanted to find out how much of its body was covered with that hair. Humans he knew had hair all over their bodies but elves did not have the baby fine hair. with his first few human slave he had removed their hair but for what was on their heads and other important parts of the body but this one... oh he would leave this one with its beautiful pelt.

Silv watched as waves of emotion washed over the kisunes face, oh how he was going to love teaching this creature to model with a face like that. as the half elf went back to the other guy to get one more bid from him Silv let his hand over an inch over the kitsune's back, the heat radiating comfort. "it is better your with me then him, unless you wish to be used by every man and woman that wish to take to bed one such as you." he could hear the other one mumbling but did not say anything to it. soon enough this one would be his and no one else would ever touch it again. they might buy paintings of it beauty but they never would know the soft touch of his pet or the warmth of his skin against theirs.

Silv was tempted to let the Kitsune rip the half elf apart as he lunged for him at the mention of the Foxs stuff. Knowing that what ever the fox was missing the most would not come to him if his new pet attacked let alone harmed the Half elf, Silv pulled back on the chain around the Kitsune's neck. The Fox lunge was brought up short by the collar and chain. "Little Fox if your wanting what he has taken back then your going to have to lean to behave. attacking him will only get it lost in the valets here in the market." his voice was soft yet there was a cold hard edge to it as his nail's dug into the skin below the collar chain joint. "now you will fallow or it will hurt you more then me." a hint of joy at the thought flashed through Silv's green eyes. with that he lead the fox out by the collar, knowing that the wrist chains would do no good if the little fox thought to attack him. he actually wanted the fox to try to attack him. then he could teach the fox the first lesson.

Arc Angel
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Old 02-25-2014, 09:11 PM

The soft hairs at the back of his neck rose with his fury, but Kieran soon realized that they indicated something else. Fear. As the elf beside him mentioned that he was the better option, as opposed to being used as a sort of sex instrument. Swallowing hard, Kieran took little comfort in that statement. Saying that his ownership of me will be better than another selling out the use of my body is hardly comfort at all. What he didn't realize he was doing was shaking-- just a little bit, enough so that one could notice only if they looked at him carefully. Still, his gaze remained fierce and his canines sharp as he stared down those in the room with anger. This is disgusting. He gave the elf no reply out of pure spite, only shifting his gaze to instead glare up at him for the moment.

After lunging for the half elf, his hand with sharpened nails a few mere inches from the man's chest, he was taken aback by the hold on his neck. When his lunge was cut short, the pressure on his throat caused a short, soft choking noise to sound from him. Leaning back to give his neck slack once more, frowning, Kieran looked at the elf whom held his chains and growled. "It should not have been taken to begin with." He replied darkly, but did not attempt lunging at the man again. He has a point. I need it back back. One of his hands rose to clutch at his neck once more, where the collar bound him, in place of his token. The sensation was bone-chilling; it just felt wrong. Recalling his earlier words, the kitsune let his golden eyes stare down the figure now holding his restraints. If that man were to sell my body for others' sexual fulfillment, what sick acts will this man request of me? Just the thought lead him into another fit of slight shudders.

The feeling of nails digging into the sensitive skin of his neck along his collar lead a delicate whimper from his throat, layers of his skin breaking from the pressure the man put there. You need to find it first. It comes before violence. He told himself, shutting his eyes tight as he forced himself to simply deal with the treatment for now. As he hesitantly obeyed for the moment, he would reopen his eyes only to glare up at him. Canines bared, he stalked behind him nearly like a wild animal after prey, lying in wait. Find it, then you can show these monsters what a creature they've chained up. His tail swayed and a mischievous gleam lit his eyes as he immediately planned vengeance. Oh, he would relish sinking his claw-like nails into the middle of the elf here. Next would be that auctioneer, then whomsoever else had tried to make a 'purchase' today.

Playing the part for now, he slowly let his previous thoughts surface. "What do you intend to do with me?" He asked, feigning a nervous tone as his eyebrows knit themselves carefully together.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 02-25-2014 at 09:14 PM..

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-25-2014, 10:33 PM

As the Kitsune turned and growled at Silv he smiled. "things get taken, things get lost. that is why things are and you just have to live with it or find a way to fix it." he watched as the kitsune's fingers slowly ran along the filigree of the collar. he had not realized that the fox too had claws, though his was natural while Silv's were just silver filigree over his natural nails. Images of those nail along his skin sent shivers along his spine. Silv's eyes narrowed as he saw the shivers in the fox for the second time in moments.

The whimper sent sparks through Silv's blood driving an answering growl from Silv. pulling his fingers back he saw the tiny dots of Jewel red in the fine hairs along the back of his neck. gently he wiped the blood from the fur and licked it from his hands. his eyes closed to savor it, the smell and flavor was not what he had expected, it was better. opening up his eyes again the green had turned into a deep blood red as he looked into the face of the Kitsune. "you think to make me fear you with your fangs and your anger?" leaning in he let the mask fall as he opened his mouth in answer. his fangs dropping to their full feeding length. then the mask was back and only his eyes could be seen. "I think we are going to have an interesting time of this." turning he lead the Kitsune away through the crowds of people who all stared and reached out to touch the fox. yet not a single one ever did touch him.

reaching a carriage Silv stepped into it as the door was opened by a young elven boy. before the Kitsune could do anything he pulled the chains to bring him into the carriage. "my plans for you?" he laughed at the thought that this creature would be nervous, not after those displays of anger and rage. "I want to paint you. I am an artist and you have caught my eye." letting the chains fall to the floor as the doors locked and the driver turned onto the street beyond. this would be the first chance the fox would have to take him out and he wanted to see if he would try.

Arc Angel
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Old 02-25-2014, 10:59 PM

As the pressure of the other's nails moved, Kieran's attention turned to the elf's hand, assuming he may take a different sort of painful grip. This time, he planned on avoiding it. Kieran was surprised when instead, he wiped some blood from him and lifted it to his face. He licked it. Swallowing a bit uncomfortably, he shifted his gaze quickly, feeling an unsettling vibe from that display. Maybe he intends to eat me? He enjoys blood, what sort of torture may he try? His light pelt bristled again at the idea, leading him to shake his head, trying to clear the visions he was conjuring up. I can't leave with this man. I can't wait until the week's end. I'll have to find it for myself. His clear lack of care of the fox's personal affects also lead a bout of despair from within him. He couldn't lose it. He needed that token. "I wouldn't expect you to understand it's value." He replied snarkily, attitude clear as he didn't bother to tell of what he was even speaking of in particular. It wouldn't matter if the elf knew of his tie to his token, especially if he planned to kill the man.

Hearing the other's words, he allowed his gaze to drift up to his face again, eyes widening a bit as he found crimson eyes replacing their forest green counterparts. Shifting backwards, away from him, Kieran stared him down with a touch less ferocity. Instead, he paused there, in a sort of shocked disgust. A vampire? His muscles tensed as he walked, his pace slowing as he felt a stronger urge to stay away from this man. He didn't wish to be anywhere within his reach to begin with, but this show of his asserting power only heightened his distaste. He replied to neither set of his words at first, instead allowing a low, rumbling growl to answer as he persisted in his shows of anger. "I don't care to intimidate you," he spoke coldly, voice soft and nearly as scratchy as his growls were. Spotting the carriage let him know that they'd be leaving; this he couldn't have. He needed to find what was his before it truly was lost.

Kieran planned to not even enter this carriage; he had bee working to make a break for it then and there. However, before he could, he received a tug on his chains that brought him into the blasted vehicle. The laughter rising from the elf only enraged him, and although being painted did not seem horrid in other circumstances, he was disgusted by the tone in which the other was speaking. "'Caught your eye?' You can not simply own another because they suit your fancy!" He replied, golden eyes burning with anger as his chains were dropped. Better to act now, before we leave this place. A sly grin perked up one side of his lips as he immediately pounced towards the other, movements fast, despite the chains that acted to help weigh him down. Canines bared, he aimed to bite the other's neck, his arms in front of him poised to tear into the other's flesh.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-25-2014, 11:30 PM

"I have more care for you and what was yours then you think little fox." his voice was low as he watched the Kitsune's body range of emotions it showed with just the fur and movements. I wounder why he would think that I would have no care for what is his and now mine? what is it that he has lost and now fears never to get back? his whole plan was to have the bill payed off by the end of the day and have everything back to his place before midnight. whatever was making his Fox jumpy it was something very important to him.

as the fear of the vampire sunk into the fox Silv sighed, he had not planned on allowing this creature to see his other half but some times that just could not be avoided. his lack of fear only added to the feeling of joy and pleasure Silv now fought to hid form all around. he did not want others to know what hold this fox had on him at this time. a slave was just that a slave but this one, oh this one was going to be a challenge to be faced and overcome. maybe in the end he would offer the fox its freedom. not that he expected it to ever want that in the end. "and who said you were even coming close to intimidating me?" his voice lilted with laughter unsounded.

"and who are you to say that I can not own you or any other that suites my fancy? can you make me give up your chains?" he had been waiting for the attack and so was ready for the animal reaction to his spoken word and actions. this would be the first time he would let the fox go, let it think it could be free from him. and it was this he planed to brake it with. Slipping down to the side of where he had been Silv used his vampire speed to avoid the attack. pulling the mask off he laughed at the attack before moving in to attack on his own. pushing the Kitsune face first into the seat he had just been in Silv leaned his weight on his back his left hand nails digging into the fox's lower back near the base of his tail. his Lips barely brushing the fox's left ear as he kissed the skin there below the ear. "I had planed on letting you keep your name but after that display. I will pick your name that I shall call you form now on." sighing he grazed his fangs along the skin there. "you should be careful about how you attack me pup."

Arc Angel
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Old 02-26-2014, 12:06 AM

Kieran disregarded the elf's words on how he supposedly cared about him and his belongings. Care? Of course you do not care. You wish to make a pet of me. What care do you have for what is time? His muscles tensed, anger stirring inside of his frame. The kitsune was by no means built, but he had lean muscle that gave him his swift, agile nature, and it would be seen in his angry bursts of tension. This is no dream. I have to find a way out of this. Ears still shifted backwards, showing his extreme discomfort in this situation, he tried not to focus on the voices he heard as he exited, on the comments made. People acted as if he were some trophy to be claimed by the highest bidder. Hell, that is what became of me... Shutting his eyes tight, he sorted through his options. The only thing that resonated there was that he needed to get out of these binds, and get rid off this man.

The last thing he expected was the speed that the other man moved at, not even granting Kieran the freedom of time in which to counter the force with which he was shoved face-first into what had been his seat. Letting out a soft cry, a soft whine left him as nails again pierced his soft skin. He writhed within the other's grasp, muscles tense with discomfort. Then, a show of tenderness. The kiss laid beneath his ear was a soft, warm sensation, but it gave Kieran the chills. His jaw tensed as a soft growl was his reply to it. This man is a monster. A monster. A dark chuckle left Kieran's lips, his muscles tensing as his arm shifted behind him to grab one of the elf's forearms, digging his sharpened nails towards his skin in the roughest way he could manage from the position.

"You think you may choose my name? Ha!" He spoke firmly, voice unwavering, "My name is not something you're even worthy of knowing!" His smooth voice dipped into a growl towards the end, his voice rising with anger as he continued to harshly writhe from within he other's grasp. If not stopped by now, Kieran's hand that had grabbed the other's forearm would dig its nails deeper into the flesh there, meaning to cause the most damage he could from his place. "Kistune cannot be tamed. I will find a way to hurt you." He spoke in a softer pitch this time, but the tone remained stone-cold.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-26-2014, 07:39 AM

Running his fingers slowly through the fur at the back of the Kitsune's neck he sighed enjoying the feel of his skin and the sound he was making. As the nail's of the fox started digging in to his skin he growled trying to avoid letting the fox know that he enjoyed the feel of his nails in his skin. moving his lower hand he allowed the claws to dig in just ever so slightly as he brought his own hand to hold the fox's hound. "yes I think that I can chose what i call you and you will learn to answer to it." his voice was a bit more husky then it had been only moments before. fighting back his hunger he pulled the Fox's chain and hooked it over a hook designed to keep a slave from getting at the rider or the chain. "I think I will call you Leopold, a good strong name for such as you."

Sitting back down he watched the fox, no Leopold as the carriage moved through the streets of the city. He wounded what was going through Leopold's mind as he sat there acrossed from Silv. "you think that you can not be tamed by me? all men can be tamed to the hand, and you are not acceptation to that rule." the rest of the ride he spent watching Leopold and thinking of the many paintings he could do with that beautiful body. pulling out a pad of paper and a stick of charcoal and started sketching.

They arrived at one of the many towers of the rich lords. they were driven to a privet entrance where a young male elf opened the carriage door and bowed to Silv. a flash of silver could be seen around his neck as he stood again at attention. "did my lords shopping go well?" reaching out he offered to take the chains of Leopold only for Silv to push his hand away and take the chains himself.

"It went well but it would not be wise for you to deal with this one till he has accommodated to our home." tightening his hands on the chains he gently tugged at chains to lead him into the hallway and up the spiral stairs. Lepold would feel the magic at work as they climbed the stairs. in a matter of moments they walked out onto a large balcony that overlooked a large room below filled with plush furniture and the trappings of wealth. "welcome to my home Leopold. I hope that here you will find all you will ever need." whispering a few words he removed the chains from the braces and the collar. "do not think to escape through the doors the spells wont let you."

Arc Angel
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Old 08-31-2014, 04:19 PM

At the feeling of his claws having successfully dug into the other's flesh, Kieran from his trapped position at least took comfort that if anything, he was able to cause this man pain. This cruel, twisted man. The growl that came from him was a treat. As he was given a new name, Kieran's eyes widened, turning to face the man as his chain was moved to the hook and he was released from the other's hands. Staring in quiet disbelief at the other, he took a moment to gather himself back up again. Then, golden eyes narrowing in on the other with hatred, he spat in his direction. "A name for filth. I refuse it." He demanded, resolve strong even as he had just been pinned not moments earlier.

"I will not be tamed." He then retorted, but no longer saw any point in arguing with the man that just sat there with his pad of paper and charcoal. He's so damned cocky... Growling lowly, clearly still rather riled up, Kieran sat without a further word for the rest of their trip, eyes instead peeled as he gathered in what he could see outside the windows. They were in a part of town he'd never seen, he'd never known. The lifestyles of the extravagant was a foreign concept to him. Then, daring to look over at the other man, just the tiniest spark of curiosity bubbled up in him. Sitting up a tad straighter, he attempted to catch a glimpse of what the other had busied himself sketching. When he did catch said glimpse, Kieran's ears perked up just the tiniest bit. Is that... me? Curiosity danced in his gaze, but he refused to damage his pride by speaking to the man any further. Especially not if it may boost his ego. So, pouting, he tore his gaze away and attempted to think over a new plan.

First and foremost, he needed to know where they were going if he had hopes of escaping from it. This carriage, as he had already found out, was not making for an easy escape route. As they arrived, Kieran looked up at the tower they stopped before with an attempted look of disgust, but inside he marveled at how beautiful this part of town was. How magnificent the towers appeared. As the door was opened, he tried to surge forth on his own, but was stopped as Silv caught his chain in hand. Growling, he glared back at the man, almost having forgotten the circumstances he was in. Seeing the man standing there with a collar as well, he stared at him curiously, half hoping he would do something to assist him. It was a silly notion, as it turned out, for that man seemed completely subservient. It was a pain to see. Whimpering involuntarily as they passed the servant, he sighed heavily as he was pulled to follow Silv.

He had no choice for now, that he knew, but his keen eyes looked around carefully as he was lead up the stairs. He looked for passageways, people, potential escape routes and comrades-- all that he could remember, he would engrave into his mind best as he could. When they stopped, Kieran's gaze finally drifted back to the man releasing him from his bonds. Baring his sharpened canines, he growled lowly, crouching backwards as he glared up at him. "I felt your magic as we entered, true." He admitted, though a devious glint lit his eyes, "but that cannot save you from what I will do." Again pouncing towards the other, canines bared and claws readied, he aimed for a lower target this time: his mid-section.

Lunna Dea
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Old 08-31-2014, 11:18 PM

Silv watched as Lepold gathered himself back up again. It had been a long time since last he had seen any slave with this much fight. It was exhilarating to think that he would have a long time with this one. Locking eyes with him Silv slowly licked the blood from his own arm where the Kitsune had broken skin. He did not hide the enjoyment from his face as he cleaned it up. He would have to replace the robe but then it was not to much trouble to do so. He raised his eyebrow as Lepold spat at him. It landed on the tip of his shoes. Usually he would have forced a slave to clean their spit from his shoes if they had done such a thing, yet this did not seem the time to teach him that lesion. “Lepold is your name, you will learn to come to it or die. I will not tolerate you not to.” He knew that it was an empty threat but the kitsune did not.

“if you will not be tamed then you will not have a good life.” He said off handedly as he started to sketch. He watched over the pad as Lepold watched out the window for a time then become interested in what he was working on. As Lepold sat up a bit straighter to get a look Silv tipped the pad so that the sketch could be seen by him. It was of Lepold asleep in the middle of a garden scene, little foxes seemed to be dancing around him in merriment. There were also a few sketches of his eyes and ears. Caught at different moments, different emotions. Now he was sketching a scene of Lepold caught in mid dance step. The picture seemed almost to move on its own. “They are not the best but they are a start.” He said dismissively.

Lepold’s reaction to his young servant made Silv wounded if maybe another slave could be used to break him of his sprite. He smiled as a thought formed, if the usual ways of braking him did not work then he would get a new slave just to brake Lepold with. He had heard of men doing this to make a quick turnaround with a slave but he had never once tried it before. It was said that the slave one used to brake the other might never be useful again but he could think of a few ways of making that work out for the better of them all.

“I do not need my magic to save myself from you.” He let Lepold reach him this time only at the last second to grab his wrists and flip him to the ground on his back. They laid there, Lepold on his back on the floor his wrists and ankles held down by Silv’s hands and legs. Silv’s eyes were blood red and the enjoyment on his face was clearly evident. “Little fox you will have to try harder to get me like that again.” Leaning down he pushed Lepold’s head aside with his and bit down upon the skin above Lepold’s collar bone. His fangs ripping into the skin causing pain as they pierced the blood vain there. Then the pain would disappear in a flood of pleasure as the enzymes in Silv’s saliva went to work on him. After feeding from him for a few moments Silv sat up pinning Lepold’s lower body with his as he cleaned his hands of any blood that might have happened as his claws came in contact with the kitsunes wrists as they fought. “just keep fighting, I can keep this up all year if you want.”

Arc Angel
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Old 09-01-2014, 02:46 AM

All of these little, cocky phrases from Silv just burrowed Kieran's hatred further. He did not even seen to know how to accept a complimentary glance at his paper when he was granted one! He was such a frustrating person to have forced into his company, and it did him no good that he was already not allowed his name, freedom, or personal token. Instead of giving him the pleasure of a response from him to any of his further words, Kieran instead pursed his lips and avoided catching the other's gaze. He would not grant him whatever pleasure he was finding in putting him down, in trying to break his spirit. Kieran was more than certain that he could rise above the challenge of escaping then maiming this man. Oh, he would pay. Kieran wanted to make Silv pay dearly.

As his attack again failed and he was thrown mercilessly into the ground back-first, Kieran let out a pained yelp of surprise. He attempted to clamber up back onto his feet, but much to his dismay, he was quickly pinned by the other's body. The feeling of the other's skin, the heat of his closeness, his breath, it all made him shiver with uncertainty. He writhed where he lay, ears flattening themselves as he prepared for pain. As his neck was exposed, his eyes grew wide as he suddenly knew what was to come. "No! Please!" He let the words fly out, eyes watering as the pain of the other's fangs piercing his skin met his sensitive flesh. Kieran let out a short scream of pain, followed by more thrashing until the pain seemed to dull. Then... what was this? The pain seemed to turn into some warm sensation, some tingling pleasure-filled act. Eyes widening further, he bit his bottom lip, no longer writhing beneath the other, but certainly not relaxed there either. He just felt admittedly helpless in this scenario.

When the other sat up, Kieran felt a bit dizzy, presumably from the loss of whatever amount of blood the other had just drained. Then as he noticed the other cleaning his hands of blood, his gaze flew up to his pinned wrists, bloodied and sure to scar now. Eyes watering once more, feeling rather helpless indeed, Kieran went limp there and closed his eyes. This had to be a dream. No, it was a dream. He just had to wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up!

No, it wasn't. Opening his eyes moments later, he was met with the other male again, the sight of which causing his eyes to immediately narrow. "I take that as a challenge." He slowly allowed himself to word, making note to be more creative next time he did attempt to harm him.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-01-2014, 03:08 AM

That dark part of himself that Silv enjoyed letting out on new slaves took great pleasure in the thrashing of Lepold below him. He could feel his nails piercing the flesh as his fangs did the same. he could hear the Kitsunes heart races in fear as his mind realized what all was going to happen. There was more that Silv could do to him in this position that would create a response that would make his own heart race but if he pushed this beautiful creature to much he would not be able to protect him from himself. As it was the exotic tasted of his blood caused him to want to drain the creature below him dry just to let it sing through his veins. Pulling back he knew that it was going to be a fight of wills with them. He had to be careful what he allowed Lepold to see.

“if you don’t want to exspearance something like this again then don’t attack me.” Reaching up he gently moved Lepold’s left wrist to his mouth and gently licked it. Quickly the wounds that his fingers had caused closed up leaving no trace of damage behind. He again did the same to the other wrist. He had bought this beautiful creature for its beauty and he was not going to leave it scared in places he did not damage on purpose. The wounds at the neck, while healing would have a small scar, to remind the kitsune of what an attack would bring. “cant have those turning into scars now can we.”

Reaching out his fingers barely brushed Lepolds jaw line before wrapping around the loop on the silver collar. “then a Challenge it is my little fox.” His eyes twinkled with joy at the thought of trying to match wits and strength with this creature of beauty. Maybe he would not need to have a second slave to brake him, maybe he could wear him down this way. He leaned forward again pushing the collar down againted the floor as he did. ”but know this my little fox, your not going to be winning this fight any time soon.” He knew that he was opening himself to another attack by holding him down by his collar and not by the wrist but he wanted to see if the fox would attack so soon. Their faces so close he could feel the breath of Lepold on his face as he sat there waiting for a reaction.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-01-2014, 03:39 AM

As his wounds were licked, Kieran's eyes re-widened, gaze once more flying up to his wrists as he watched the other man lick them. It hurt, yes, but curiosity clouded over the pain this time. They wouldn't be scarring? Frowning a little, he felt too much of a grudge to even begin to thank him for preventing the scars. He had given them cause to appear, after all. Yet, he did feel the slightest bit grateful despite himself. He denied himself the ability to even respond verbally. Instead, he became thoughtful as his back rested against the floor more peacefully now.

His body now ached, sore and throbbing now as he glared up at the other. Despite his hatred, he knew better than to attempt attacking again when he clearly held the lower hand as of right now, especially as he was still held beneath the other, if only by his collar. He would be expecting it, and that would mean he could prevent himself from being harmed. Kieran, however, was not up to the task of being harmed again after dealing through the pain of the bite.

As his jaw line was brushed, he made no move, instead staring up at the man in disgust. "I may not win soon, but be warned, I will one day win in this." He spoke darkly, voice deep and heavily weighted as he tried forcing his body to relax. Tensing now wouldn't do him any good. Closing his eyes, he meant to show Silv he had no intent on further attacking him for the moment.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 09-01-2014 at 03:41 AM..

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-01-2014, 03:56 AM

Slowly standing up Silv looked down at his new slave as he stood over him. The Kitsune seemed to want to please him unwittingly but his sprite would not let him bow to another man’s wishes. So even if he did brake him he would have to over and over reinstate who was master here, unless he set out to brake that sprite as well as his will. No he like that defiant sprite to much to drive that from Lepold. “I don’t see you winning any time but if you wish to believe that you will, then keep that belief.” Stepping back he waited for the kitsune to stand so that he might show him the house and where he would be living for the rest of the time here that they had before he bowed to his wishes.

After a few moments he grew tired of waiting and gestured, magic unseen lifted Lepold up by the collar and gently pulled him along to fallow Silv. “you will call me master. You will not like the other call me sir, you have not earned that yet.” He glanced over his should as he lead them along the ornately decorated balcony towards a set of spiral staircases. The wall along the back of the balcony was covered in pictures of people and places. Each one evoking a hit of emotions that seemed to fade as they passed them. it was clear that the same artist painted all of the paintings. The walls themselves were covered in gold filigree along the top and bottom. This filigree was echoed in the detailed carved banisters and railings as they passed onto the stairs and then down. “most of my home you will have to earn the right to be allowed into on your own. Do not think that the servants or other slaves will aid you. They know what will happen to you and them if they brake the rules.” He did not look back as he spoke as they reached the room below the balcony. It too was covered in paintings and filigree. The couches and chairs were warm and inviting. Their fabrics ones that would have cost most men half their years wages just to afford a scrap of.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-01-2014, 02:40 PM

As he felt the other man's weight leave his, Kieran let out a low sigh of relief. He wouldn't be hurt anymore for right now. While he was altogether mortified about his situation, that at least provided him with some time to let himself heal and his body relax again. After a few moments, he opened his eyes to attempt standing, but was caught off guard by a sudden, swift jerk of his collar. His eyes widened as he recognized that this was magic lifting him, pulling him to follow along behind the man. Kieran found upon realizing this. The man, of course, had magical abilities. Kieran did too, granted he had what was his on his person. That passing thought caused the quietest of growls to leave him. He needed that back.

One of his hands slowly rose to feel the mark still along his neck as they walked, the reminder of what had just happened. Resolve suddenly hardening again, he decided that this was his mark of pride. He fought, and he will continue to do so. Such was the will for freedom of the kitsunes. "I will." He spoke quietly, gaze lowering as it became rather intensely focused on the floor. Of course he would keep fighting; he would not submit to being a mindless slave to this awful man, nor to anyone.

As he followed him throughout the rooms he was shown, Kieran willed himself to relax again. His body was begging for it, after the trauma of the day, and he needed to relax to nurse his wounds and regain his strength if he was to fight. So, for now, he would have to play along with all of this. Not that that sounded particularly pleasant to him. His eyes roamed the place to map it, though he couldn't help but catch the beautifully ornate, rich detail that went into his decor. It was rather breathtaking to Kieran, really, but he wouldn't allow himself to admit that. Instead, he kept a straight face as he quietly walked along behind him. As he was explained a couple of basic rules, Kieran felt a bad taste enter his mouth. Call him master? He must be joking. Not to mention the fact that he were not allowed in some of these rooms on his own, as if he were but a child. Sighing softly, he tried to keep his voice steady and calm as he asked, "Where is it that I am allowed?"

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-01-2014, 05:41 PM

The growl sent micro shivers down his spine as he walked. So the little fox did not like to be lead around by magic, good to know. Silv smiled as Lepold said he would keep fighting, no need to let the kitsune know that that was what he was wanting him to do. How would he react if he knew that Silv was looking forward to all the fights that were to come. His heart raced just with the thought of those claws at his own throat, cutting into his flesh. In fact he wanted Lepold to react to what he was saying, to get upset.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs Silv pulled the hood of his robe off and removed the mask that made him seem human. His long white hair cascaded down his back as he shook it out. No human let along most elves would have had that white of hair. It was something that many of the elves despised the blood elves for but would never openly say so. As he set the mask down on an ornately carved dining room table he turned and looked over his prize. His skin was pale like the moon only a bare hint of pink could be seen in his cheeks and lips. He was slender and graceful like most elves but he had an air about him as if he knew and did not care how lilt he was. Looking down at Lepold he smiled a cold smile.

“I can show you to your room if that is what you are wanting.” The robes dropped to pool around his ankles. Reveling a body just as pail as his face. The top he wore might have been called a high necked vest by most. Yet it was cut in places to show more skin then cover. Most found this alluring. His pants were a simple, yet lavishly embroidered knee length breeches that tightened at his knees. He did not have any socks about his lower legs as was the fashion but his simple golden sandals seem to fit him nicely. The pail blues of the cloth of his clothes only seemed to add to the beauty of his body.

Turning back he lead Leopold through a maze of hallways. Each one looking just the same as the last until they came to a room full with paints and props. “this is where we will work, when you are ready.” He turned to a wall filled with books of artwork. Waving a hand in front of the shelf it faded and a new hall was reveled. This one did not have all the filigree along the walls. The lights were high on the wall behind simple cages to make sure that the people locked in that part of the area could not brake them. there were three doors that lead off of the hall.

“here you will find all the space your allowed to roam free, yet if you do any damage to anything in here I will lock you up in a different area of the house.” Walking forward he let the magic that lead the kitsune behind him drop. “this here is your bath room, simple but effective.” He opened the door on the right to revel a simple yet elegant powder room. The sink was of a pail white marble with silver handles. The toilet to was made of marble. A frosted door lead into a large room with a pool of warm water. “I expect you to bath at least one ever two days.”

Arc Angel
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Old 09-02-2014, 03:50 AM

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Kieran stopped short as Silv began to unmask and de-robe himself. Having a bad feeling about this, Kieran felt his baby hairs begin to stand on end. Was he to try having his way with him now? Was that the sort of sick things he would be up for? Not if he could help it. Shivering, Kieran backed away, baring his fangs at the gesture of his robe dropping. That man wouldn't dare touch him again, if he had anything to say about it. However, it appeared that his assumption had been entirely wrong as the man remained clothed and instead sent a smile in his direction. Recoiling still, Kieran glared up at him, a fire still burning in his eyes. "What?" He snapped, attitude think in his voice.

While the male before him could be described as handsome, his white hair a rare feature, Kieran still glared on at him. That would do little to sway his opinion, even if a tiny part of him did say that he did have an attractive form. He was still a cruel, cocky stranger with a bad attitude and a death wish, in Kieran's opinion. That wouldn't be changing anytime soon. As he was lead along further, he tried in vain to keep track of the hallways, though the maze of them made it rather difficult to do so. His interest was only caught briefly when they entered what appeared to be a studio. So, this man was an artist after all. At least he hadn't lied about that. Then lead to the area in which he would be staying, a frown passed onto his face at the duller features, the cages over the lights. I guess that meant he couldn't very well tamper with them. At least, not without proper planning.

Sighing heavily, he felt the magic carrying him along release him, and took a little bit of comfort in that. That, and the fact that he'd be allowed a bath. Bathing was a relaxing past time for him, regardless of circumstance. Yet, the given expectation the other presented him lead an unconstricted, feral growl from him. "Any other expectations, while we're at it?" He spoke darkly, glowering at the elf. He may be beautiful, his estate may be grand, but Kieran's hatred reigned supreme.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-02-2014, 04:28 AM

Noting that Lepold had been bearing his fangs at him Silv shook his head with a smile. “you really think that I am going to attack you again after such a show up there?” his voice had changed, where once it was fair now it was just as lithe and musical as he was. Even when standing completely still he seemed to be in mid step of a dance. “no that is not my way, Lepold. You were the one that brought that attack on, not I.” There was no anger or rage in his voice only amusement.

As they moved through the halls Silv knew that Lepold was trying to learn how to escape from his home, yet no creature would be able to find their way from his home if he did not want them to. He would let Lepold figure that out when next he tried to break free. For now it only amused Silv how determined this new acquisition was to being free. Maybe it would be fun some time to hunt him through the halls here in his domain. Let the fox tire its self out trying to brake free of a maze that answered to only one master.

After letting Lepold have some time to look through the bathroom Silv gestured them down the hall to the next door. “I would expect that you would not destroy the rooms that I have given to you. What you break will not be replaced unless you earn them.” He waved at the lamps behind the cages. “Those are there because to many thought to kill themselves with the lights. In time you might earn the removal of the cages. It dose seem to make this place a bit more drear.” He opened the second door this one acrossed and down the hall from the bathroom.

Inside was a simple large bed with clean sheets and pillows. There was a desk and book shelf but they were empty. Along the walls placed at veering heights and angels were hooks. In the far corner from the door was a wardrobe with filigree detailing. It was the only nice looking item in the room, it also looked so heave that it would not move from where it was placed. “this is your bed room, and also where I would expect to find you when I am not having to punish you.” He said as he stepped inside the room to point at items. “The book shelf can be filled with books if you wish for them, but like everything you must earn them. the wardrobe has clothes in it, I expect you to change into new ones each day and leave the old ones in there. They will be cleaned so you need not worry about them smelling up the place.” Reaching up he ran a loving hand along one of the hooks on the wall. “and these are if you try to attack me, they are used only for minor punishments but they can make life dreary.” Slipping back out of the room he pointed down to the last door at the end of the hall.

“there is where we will be dealing with your training. If you wish to look at it you may but I must make sure that your dinner is prepared.” Turning he started to walk away from Lepold towards the studio only to turn back and look at Lepold. “is there any food restrictions that I should be aware of? I have never had one of your kind over at my home.”

Arc Angel
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Old 09-02-2014, 03:50 PM

"Yes." Kieran spoke without hesitation, gaze wary of the man before him. Silv appeared too... perfect, in a way. He looked much like a porcelain doll, and how he came across as so graceful even as standing still. It both puzzled and disgusted him. Lips puckering in distaste, he tore his gaze from the man, finding his words and appearance contradictory to his actions. To Kieran, he had certainly brought the attack on. He was trying to enslave him-- of course he had to retaliate! Kieran was on defense here, yet this amused prick had the audacity to suggest that he was the violent one here. Silv had been the one to purchase him, feed from him, expect him to live like a pet. "Keep telling yourself that." He replied darkly, voice dry and lacking the amusement the other had somehow found in this.

He quieted as shown he was shown his new bedroom, suddenly feeling rather homesick as his eyes trailed sickeningly over the bland state of things. Visions of the deep colors of his own home, cozy but comfortable, came to mind. The piles of pillows of all sizes he had kept scattered among his bed, the shimmery fabric the draped across his low ceilings, the small garden he kept outside-- all was lost to him, and that was what finally brought his eyes to a watering point. He would not allow that man to see this. Silv did not deserve it, much like he had not earned many of the things that were explained to him. Sulking, Kieran leant dismally on the wall beside him, finding no comfort in it but preferring it to accepting the blank slate of a room as his. He would not have it.

As he was told the man was leaving, he took some comfort in that; at least then he would be free of his cold gaze and amused comments. He would also be free to plan, and through the dismal attitude he now kept, he began to nurse the fire of his determination back to life. Yet, for now, he still acted rather melancholy. "Fresh vegetables or meat, for me. Artificial things may make me ill." He spoke slowly, truthfully, though without much care in his words. He felt as if he were reciting how to care for a dog, not himself, and that's how he needed to think about it to even give an answer. Kieran had to distance himself from his situation. He needed to stay strong, which meant the right food, regardless of how he felt about being here. Without another word, he turned his back to the man standing beside him to face the emptiness of the room he was given, face blank.

What am I to do?

Wishing for alone time, he finally made a demonstration of his own magical abilities, limited as they were for now. The door slammed close behind him on its own, leaving him alone in his new bedroom. From the outside, it would appear that a wall were now formed over the space. He did not want company, and though Kieran was unsure of whether his little trick would do anything, he didn't care. For now, it left him alone with his thoughts.

Lunna Dea
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Old 09-02-2014, 06:03 PM

“Lepold if you really are wanting a repeat of what happened up there I would happily comply with your request, but I don’t think that you are wanting that are you?” Silv watched the play of emotions acrossed Lepolds face and smiled slightly. He was going to enjoy spending time in this creatures company, once he was tamed to hand of course. All the paintings that he could create, the money that people would pay just for a reproduction of his beauty. “was it not you who tried to attack me?” his voice raised ever so slightly as he spoke. “I was only reacting to the threat perceived. I did not advance on you and attack with no provocation. If I had done that…” he said as he slowly walked towards Lepold his stance one of a predator on the hunt. “I would have done it quite differently.” Reaching out he brushed a hand quickly along Lepold’s cheek before turning and walking away.

As he watched Lepold look over the room he wounded what was causing the kitsune to look the way he was. There seemed to be something wrong in the way the room was in the kitsunes thinking. “if you want the room to be different, something added you have but to ask it of me. If I think that it is not an unreasonable request I might even grant it.” He wished that he had had more time to prepare the room for the kitsune but with no knowledge of what they liked he had been only able to create a clean slate where anything was possible. Maybe a kitsune liked a den more than a room. He would have to look into that Idea later. For now if Lepold decided to tell him he would change it as he earned it.

Turning back to look at Lepold as he listed off the foods he could eat Lepold smiled a warm smile for the first time. “I would never have those disgusting counterfeit things the humans call food within my home, so you may rest at ease that you will have good food. Do you like your meat cook well, medium well or rare?” he watched as the young Kitsune turned his back upon the door. His hands itched to pet the fine pelt again, but he knew that he was going to have that honor in a long time. Not until Lepold came to his hand willingly. I would have made this place more to your races liking if I had known how your kind likes it. his lips tightened around those words. He could not let Lepold see the kind side of him just yet.

As he walked away from the room he smiled as he felt the magic stir and slam the door closed. If he had wanted he could have stopped that childish display of anger but if it made the kitsune happy then he would allow it. Little tricks like that were nothing to worry about in this house but on the streets others might have worried. Maybe a friendly face who is also in his plight might help him. Someone to do the kindness I cannot at this time. Nodding at the thought he closed the magic over the hallway and walked over to the blank canvas to start sketching. He would have to think of who in his collection might be a good partner in this.

Arc Angel
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Old 09-02-2014, 06:58 PM

Though he was given the option to make requests for his room, stubbornly, Kieran pouted instead of wanting to answer. Eyebrows drawn together in a definite sadness now, he shook his head. He did not wish to earn things by acting kindly to this stranger-- he already had them. He had a home, he had family and friends, he had a life. Now he was no longer supposed to be himself! His arms crossed before him, partly in a gesture of attitude, but more so to feel the comfort of the pressure. It was a half hug, and his best attempt to give himself the comfort he desired to calm himself. He needed to be focused, to be calm if he were to escape this. As he was spoken to once more, he couldn't comprehend the words. Instead, dazedly, some part of him gave a soft reply.

"Rare... please..." His first word was soft, surely, but his second was under the tone of a whisper. Nor was the please really directed at Silv. Instead, it was his mind begging him into calm. Please, calm down. Relax. You'll be okay. This is a dream, and it'll be over soon. As he shut himself in for now, and the man finally left his presence, Kieran sought self-comfort. This came in the form of curling up on the bed provided, though it was not in the least what he was used to. To make it just a bit more like home, he was quick to remove the sheets and blankets from their original positions and instead carefully wind them around in a circle on the bed. The pillows he stacked beside one another in the middle of the bed, and once everything was just so, he carefully curled himself into a near fetal position in the center of the little nest of sorts he'd made. Closing his eyes and burying his face in the sheets, his tense body found some release and his mind began to work at a more natural pace.

All at once, everything slowed, and his exhaustion coaxed him into sleep.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 09-02-2014, 07:56 PM

As Silv brushed layers of paint along the canvas he thought back to the kitsune’s reaction and his hand faltered. He was frustrating, yet enthroning, he had a chance to make a change in his life yet he did not take the chance. Silv knew he did not brake the kitsune but the way he was acting was that of a broken animal. His brush slipped as his eyes blurred. He did not want the broken creature that he had dealt with years ago. He wanted the kitsune, powerful and proud, not broken and mad.

“my lord?” her voice was soft as she gently touched his back. He sighed and leaned back into the embrace of his oldest slave. Sighing opened his eyes t see the painting that he had stated. It was ruined now. The paint was drying and smeared all over the sketch he had started. “you look to be in pain my lord.” Slipping her hand around his chest she hugged him. “your hand maiden has brought you a gift.” Turning around he looked at her. She was tall for a human, though now she did not look like a human. Over the years her old master had done things to her that no true elf would have done to a human. Her whiskers twitched as she tried to figured out what he was thinking. Reaching up he ran his hand slowly over her fine tabby pelt. Her ears twitched as she smiled, how easy he could see her emotions with those ears.

“and what gift have you for me?” stepping away she giggled as she picked up a pack of deep rich colored fabric form next to the doorway. “and what is that bundle of…” he was going to call it dung but as she walked closer to him he could feel magic, strong magic. Slowly she opened it up to reveal a small ball that glowed deep with magic. Reaching out he gently took the bundle from her. “this belongs to our new friend?”

“yes my lord. I knew that you wanted it as soon as you could. I had the money ready before you even bought him. I wanted to surprise you.” Taking out what she saw as a gem she smiled as she rolled it along her skin. “let me help him. You don’t want him broken like me.” He nodded as he took the bit of magic from her. This must have been what the kitsune was looking for when he first woke. Turning she walked towards the hall that held the kitsune as he created a chain to hold the magic close to him.

Walking down the hall she hummed softly as she ran her fingers down the wall. Her voice was tuneless yet there was magic in it. It had been bound in to her bones and blood when she had faced the pain that reshaped her body into this beautiful creature she now was. Her tail swayed back and forth as she tilted her head looking at the place where the door should be. He had been in there long enough to have rested that he did not need to be hiding like this.

“hello, I have some clothes here for you.” Her voice was loud enough to cut through the wall and into his mind. “would you please open your door for me. I am not able to get in and I think you may want these.”


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