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Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 03-16-2014, 10:36 PM

I loooove to read! I'm constantly reading books! There are few books that I can just read over and over and over again. Anything by Tamora Pierce is always great to me! Lord of the Rings is always a good read as well!!

What are books that you can read over and over again without them getting old?

Lexadis is offline
Old 03-20-2014, 05:43 PM

I can and have kept reading The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis and The Host by Stephenie Meyer. They somehow fill me with happiness as I finish reading, and every time I read them there is always something that is new about the book. I love them so much! <3

KittyCat18 is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 12:24 AM

Harry Potter is one that I tend to read over and over. I turn to a random page and just start reading it while I'm eating breakfast, lol. The Hunger Games trilogy is one I've read over and over again as well~

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Knerd is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 06:39 PM

I can read and reread Ray Bradbury's short stories every year. I know most of them by heart at this point, but it's just so comforting to revisit them whenever I have the time. They go perfectly with autumn weather.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 03-21-2014, 10:15 PM

I can read anything by Tolkien over and over again, but the one books of his that I've read the most is The Hobbit. Somehow I always find myself going back to it. Also, I think I could probably read Dune by Frank Herbert again. That was a spectacular book

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 03-25-2014, 12:34 AM

Every book I own has been read more than once, but some have been read many times, let's see:

Any Dick francis - He's a British thriller writer. He was a champion jockey then starting writing once he retired from riding. Every book he's written involves horses in some way or other, in the first one he wrote the main character was a jockey, but that horse link is often peripheral, in no way are they "horse stories". He's a really enjoyable author to read.
Any Stephen King - apart from a few. Gerald's Game is one I'll not read again, just too creepy. Cujo I don't read beyond the dog turning rabid because it's upsetting. Misery is another that's too creepy. But any of the others. A favourite is Rose Madder. But my absolute faves are the Dark Tower series.
Any Discworld - The chap in the secondhand bookshop here in town recommended Discworld to me, how right was he! I love them. =3
Any Sue Grafton/Kinsey Millhone - I got I is for Innocent free with a magazine years ago, and enjoyed it, I have all of them up to R is for Richochet now.
The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
Any Ellis Peters/Brother Cadfael - Cadfael is a medieval sleuthing monk in 12th century England. I mean come on, how could you resist? xD I love these books though!

I also have a fair amount of Colin Dexter/Inspector Morse books. But I don't read those as often because Colin Dexter mildly pisses me off. He likes to shove his education down the reader's throat, in my opinion anyway, peppering stories with Latin phrases and other things only people with a classical education could have a hope of understanding, and it makes me want to punch him ><

I have about 10 Patricia Cornwell/Kay Scarpetta books, but I find I tend to choose something else rather than re-read those. Can't really say why.

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Sun is offline
Old 03-25-2014, 09:03 AM

I don't often read books twice for some reason, but one that i could pick up no matter what time of day and just vanish within, is The Silver Brumby. A childhood favourite that just captivates me.

The Count of Monté Cristo was amazing too, and i've been meaning to read that again for a little while now.

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Chexala is offline
Old 03-26-2014, 01:11 AM

I reread Harry Potter every year or two, usually by listening to the audiobooks. I'll probably keep doing so for the rest of my life.

The other book that I keep rereading is Maia by Richard Adams. Adams is mainly known for writing Watership Down, but the rest of his books have been pretty much forgotten and gone out of print. Maia is a strange book, part low-fantasy, part romance, part political epic, wherein the main character is a sex slave. I have a hard time putting my finger on just what it is I love so much about that book, but it utterly fascinates me.

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PrincessBane is offline
Old 11-14-2014, 02:15 AM

Dracula by Bram Stoker is one that I've read many, many times. I absolutely love the story and I don't think I could ever tire of it. Also, anything by Lovecraft. He is a completely racist, elitist jerk....but he is such an amazing author, I can't even begin to describe how prolific he was. Any Arthurian legends, Robin Hood, oh! How could I forget? Shakespeare. I can read Shakespeare anytime, anywhere. All the time. Lol. My favourite plays are Titus Andronicus, Julius Caesar, The Tempest and Othello. Also, Edgar Allen Poe's work. All of it.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-14-2014, 03:34 AM

I have read the book Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, multiple times now. Every time I read it, I seem to notice details that did not stand out to me before.

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Aimless.Wanderer is offline
Old 01-12-2015, 03:42 AM

I have been reading Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison over again since I haven't touched it since last year. I read the book in school as a part of the curriculum and I absolutely loved it! I loved the plot and how deep it was, even though it seemed shallow at times. It was also written during a time where segregation in American society was rampant, and it's filled with little things that I never even thought about. I think it was also a banned book at one point, but I think my teacher has a thing for banned books. I don't really blame her, though; those books are some of the best I've ever read!

I also read Little Bee and Incendiary by Chris Cleave. His work is really good, and I can't ever put it down! They are just so good, and even though he uses laymen terms for complicated ideas (most of the slang is British, since he is a British writer after all), it still affects me just as much. I really want to read Gold if I get the chance (too much going on in school right now), I've heard nothing but praise for the book

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LoonyLunetta is offline
Old 01-13-2015, 06:10 AM

I have read quite a few downright awesome books in my time and I would say my top 5 books to read over and over are as follows;
•Any book that has Special Agent Pendergast By co-authors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Period. No question. They are mystery novels but OMG that are a seriously awesome adventure and I have the hugest book crush on Pendergast<3 seriously I can hear his new orleans accent while reading it and I just melt. (Ps not a romance he's just that awesome)
•Ella Enchanted- the movie sucked the book was amazing!
•Enders Game and Enders Shadow- goes together because they are the same story retold from 2 perspectives and told brilliantly I might add!
•Beauty by Robin McKinley- this is a retelling of beauty and the beast but I have to say she paints a beautiful story.
•Finally because I read the first book 8 times before I got the second book this spot be reserved for one Mister Harry Potter for without him there would be no magick in my life.

Kaii is offline
Old 01-18-2015, 05:24 PM

@SuperZombiePotatoe: Dune. Yes. I am so pleased to see another reader of that wonderful book!

Dune by Frank Herbert and White Fang by Jack London are my top two novels. I go more into detailed reasons why in my introduction thread - I would rather not repeat myself.

A person can live by the Litany of Fear as written in Dune. At least I think it's called that. I really need to reread that book again...

Last edited by Kaii; 01-18-2015 at 05:25 PM.. Reason: Added authors.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 03:59 AM

J.R.R Tolkien (anything)
Terry Pratchett (anything)
Juliet Mariller (anything)
Stephen R. Donaldson (particularly Mirror of Her Dreams & A Man Rides Through)
Diana Gabaldon (Outlander novels)
J.K. Rowling (All Harry Potter, all the time)
Jane Austen (Everything! Duh!)

Honestly...if it's on my bookshelf, I've reread it at least twice. I've read my favorite novels more times than I'd like to admit...honestly. Sometimes I'll reread them twice in one year. Nothing like revisiting novels you love.


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