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ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 09-10-2016, 01:26 PM

Inspirational Charity of Kindness
(A Halloween ICK!)


Last edited by Inspiration; 10-31-2016 at 01:25 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 09-10-2016, 01:53 PM


Our (Shadami and Inspiration) normal location is over in the charity threads at ICK headquarters.. Everyone is more than welcome to stop in now or after the event. We know how hectic events can get, especially Halloween will the thrill of adventuring cosplays and candies haunting our every action. Plus the posting drive to get as many event items as possible.

This is our first charity event and we are hoping that it will be a success. In the following posts you will find some raffles, and some games. Above all, we hope you find them enjoyable, and have a great time posting and enjoying this holiday season with us!

Gizzie and Gremlin are usually over showering sunshine on everyone here at the Gizzie Charity! Check it out after the event, or during if you're daring. Gizzie is wonderful at helping out new users on Menewsha.

Last edited by Inspiration; 10-10-2016 at 02:13 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 09-10-2016, 01:54 PM



You must post at least 10 times in the thread for your raffle tickets to count as winners.
Send all donations to Inspiration with a note of how many tickets and which raffle.
Raffles will be drawn immediately following the event. (You will be asked which raffle you would like to have your extra tickets go to after I count them)
Bonus tickets will be given out for every 25 posts in the thread. No need to count. i will check after the event.
Raffles need to reach 100 tickets to be drawn.

Raffle Options

Need a bag for my candy!

Packed with style, Gussy up travel case
Cost: 20 gold/ Tickets entered:
Tickets sold so far: 50


1-5 Precarious Fool
6-10 *Hime*
11-20 Kay
21-50 Siipu

Hanging out with the Zodiac

Keen Kaze-ten,Warmhearted Whalecow,Loyal Liondog
Cost: 30 gold/ Tickets entered:
Tickets sold so far: 30


1-20 ObviouslyAya
21-30 Kay

Hard at work

Duvalian Tophat, Sprocket team shovel, Sprocket team wrench
Cost: 5 gold/ Tickets entered:
Tickets sold so far: 10


1-10 Kay

Feeling a little hungry

Brunch of nearly champions,Chocolate Contraband
Cost: 20 gold/ Tickets entered:
Tickets sold so far: 35


1-10 Kay
11-35 Siipu

Need a little pick me up

Foamy delight, Magnus' creamy cappuchino, Mr.Mayor's mulled wine, Aimee's eggnog
Cost: 10 gold/ Tickets entered:
Tickets sold so far: 10


1-10 kay

I want art!!

Full bodied, fully colored, Fully shaded... WITH BACKGROUND art!!
Cost: 50 gold/ Tickets entered:
Tickets sold so far: 22


1-2 Kay
3-12 Queen_Andais
13-22 Roachi
23-28 Kay
29-37 M I N U X E

Last edited by Inspiration; 11-03-2016 at 09:32 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 09-10-2016, 02:55 PM

Monster Hunting


Make a small donation based on the weapon that you would like to use, each has a different size diced to attack with. (only have to donate once) The larger the weapon, the more damage it does, and the quicker you get through the monsters and receive event commons!
Send the donations to inspiration.
Roll the dice from your chosen weapon.
Once you've gone through all the monsters once you can select which specific ones to battle.
Please Ping me when you defeat a monster. Just incase I miss it. ^-^


Donation cost:10
Code: [dice]4[/dice]

Donation Cost:20

Donation cost:30
Code: [dice]8[/dice]

Donation cost:40
Code: [dice]10[/dice]

Monster Hunters

Scores here are not always accurate. I list how much damage you've DONE not what is left. i'm not keeping perfect track. so please do try to keep track yourself as well. i will of course be double checking when I can. but i trust that you'll all do a fairly good job :]
Dragoness129 - Sword wielder fighting Flaming leprechaun 0/110
ObviouslyAya - Sword Wielder fighting the spirit collector 6/15
M I N U X E - Sword wielder fighting the Knight of bearalot 2/50
kamikaze kendra - sword wielder fighting a will o wisp 0/40

Last edited by Inspiration; 10-30-2016 at 11:37 PM..

Xo~GREMLIN~oX is offline
Old 09-15-2016, 11:52 PM

Theme one~ Me and my avi
You must either be IDENTICAL twins with your avi by wearing the same exact thing or match your avi with the same theme say Romeo and Juliet, Mickey and Minnie Mouse etc etc

Theme two~ Childhood Dress up
For this theme I want your children your nieces nephews cousins daycare students any children to help you IF YOU HAVE NO KIDS TO HELP YOU THEN IT'S COOL TOO JUST DRESS AS THOUGH A CHILD WOULD HAVE PUT TOGETHER THE AVI
Submit your avi in it's child thrown together outfit
Give your outfit a name ~ what are you dressed as
Did a kid or kids help you ~ ages here or done it myself

Last edited by Xo~GREMLIN~oX; 10-24-2016 at 04:43 AM..

Xo~GREMLIN~oX is offline
Old 09-15-2016, 11:53 PM


Last edited by Xo~GREMLIN~oX; 09-19-2016 at 08:26 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 09-28-2016, 05:26 PM

Level 1 Monsters


The Spirit Collector - 15 Hit Points
The Spirit Collector is a gentle and shy soul. She goes around collecting the spirits of animals that have been hurt and collecting them to keep her company. Not being very strong herself she runs from anyone she believes may be trying to collect her.
Prize for slaying: Pick one: Glass of drinks / Employee Badge/Ragged Shirts

Nerdy Teen Bear - 20 Hit Points
Nerdy Teen Bear loves to party and go out to carnivals. She collects prizes and carries them around as her favorite souvenirs of life. But if anyone realizes that she's a bear she would rather flee into the woods than be hunted after.
Prize for slaying: Pick One:Esme Ribbon Sash /Alec Sash (or lower level prizes)


Ms.Goblin McDrunkenopants - 30 Hit Points
It was just a Halloween party, can't be any problem to attend just one. Who knew that the drink would be spiked and Ms.Goblin would be to drunk to run away like she normally would. She was just going to get a sip or two of the punch and than go home. Now where did her pants go? Why was she even still out in the open instead of hiding in the woods?
Prize for slaying: Pick One: Esme Bangle (or lower level prizes.)

Will o' Wisp - 40 Hit Points
She's a sweet soul who just wants to help people find their destinies. A loved one here and there, perhaps a bog accidentally gets in the way. That's not her fault. She'd rather keep her distance and only let them see the glow of her lantern though. Hiding in said accidental bog is a much preferred place of existence than being seen.
Prize for slaying: Pick One:Alec Patterned Bandana/ Regular bandana (Or lower level prizes)


Ms. Light Tree -60 Hit Points
Covered with lights and with bark like a prism, this tree nymph tends to erupt in brilliant rainbows and shimmering light. Becoming to much of a target in her woodland home keeps her hiding as much as possible. If she sees anyone she flees into the lightest areas she can possibly find so that she is not quite so visible.
Prize for slaying: Pick 2: Esme Shawl (or lower level prizes)

Last edited by Inspiration; 10-29-2016 at 03:31 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 10-10-2016, 01:59 PM

Level 2 Monsters

Level 2:

The Knight of Beardalot - 50 Hit Points
This party animal just adores their booze and dancing. You can find them out at a party pretty much any day of the week, it's also how their hair has gotten so wild. They forget to tame it. Unlike their cousin Ms. Goblin, they don't run away from a conflict. They won't start one either, but they will finish one.
Prize for slaying: Pick One: Esme Wrap /Male vests (Or Lower Level prizes)

Ghibli Ghoul - 60 Hit Points
Innocent as a lamb when encountered, it is just a lonely soul looking for its place in the world. When frightened or overwhelmed it can turn into a giant monster ready to devour anything in its path.
Prize for slaying: Pick one: Esme Barefoot Sandals (Or lower level prizes)


Zombie Ninja - 70 Hit Points
When a ninja dies and becomes unborn it still holds onto the honor it had in its life. This zombie ninja is no different, refusing to attack anyone that does not deserve it. All bets are off when it is fighting for its un-life.
Prize for slaying: Pick one:Alec Pants (or lower level prizes)

Momma Bear - 80 Hit Points
A bear can be quite cuddly and friendly, but when a momma bear is protecting her cubs everything can change. You have to fight for your life or your limbs.
Prize for slaying: Pick One: Esme Embroidered Top / Regular Top/ Male vests (or lower level prizes)


The Coffin Cleaner - 100 Hit Points
Your house is dirty so you hired a maid. You didn't expect a zombie maid, nor did you expect her to arrive in a coffin. She cleaned well though, staying out of the way and getting things shiny. Until the day your milk stopped arriving on the front porch and you started finding blood on the walls and floor. . . Like she'd been painting. Than mail started not arriving and the walls began to really look more red than black. You know what. Let's just not ever make her mad or startle her.
Prize for slaying:Pick Two: EGA Striped Socks (or lower level prizes)

Last edited by Inspiration; 10-29-2016 at 03:48 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 10-10-2016, 02:03 PM

Level 3 Monsters


Fire Fan Demon - 90 Hit Points
Living deep within an island volcano this low level fire demon lives its life a little differently than others. It creates fiery minions to attack those she despises. They'll burn buildings, creating one exit where the Fire Fan Demon waits. There she uses her blade edged fan to strike them down as they retreat from her controlled fires.
Prize for slaying: Pick One: Alec Boots (or a common from lower level prizes)

Bloodthirsty Witch - 100 Hit Points
If you've never crossed a witch before, this is not the witch you want to start with. While other witches may place a curse on you so that you forever have bad luck; or no teacher in a certain position lasts more than one year. This witch will curse your very blood, destroying you from the inside out, and devour what is left.
Prize for slaying:Pick One: Esme Skirt (or a common from lower level prizes)


Flaming Leprechaun - 110 Hit Points
This guy has a pot of gold you don't want to find. The coins melt and burn when taken, and teleport you to his humble little home where he isn't afraid to finish off the job and turn you into a pile of ashes.
Prize for slaying: Pick One:Simple Updo Wig (or a common from lower level prizes)

Bride Left at the Altar - 120 Hit Points
A woman scorned leaves a pile of skulls behind. They might be wedding guests, the groom to never again be's family. Who knows? Well she does, but I don't you want to get to close to find out. She's turned into a bit of a possessed monster since she died and started taking people with her. Let's just hope you aren't a groom to be that plans on leaving your soon to be wife at the altar. She may show up.
Prize for slaying: Pick One: Esme Embroidered Skirt (or a common from lower level prizes)


lava Succubus - 130 Hit Points
Innocent looking, barely wearing clothes, wild hair whipped around by still air. Okay maybe she's not so innocent. This lady will draw you in, and than slit your throat.
Prize for slaying:Pick Two: Amarande Cape (or a common from lower level prizes)

Last edited by Inspiration; 10-29-2016 at 03:43 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 10-21-2016, 03:19 PM

Monster Slayers

The Spirit Collector: Dragoness129(redeemed), kamikaze kendra(redeemed), M I N U XE (redeemed)
Nerdy Teen Bear: Dragoness129(redeemed) , Kamikaze kendra(redeemed), M I N U X E(redeemed)
ms.Goblin Drunkenopants: Draongess129(redeemed), Kamikaze Kendra(redeemed), M I N U X E(redeemed)
Will o wisp: Dragoness129(redeemed), M I N U X E(redeemed) ,Kamikaze Kendra(redeemed)
Ms.Light Tree: Dragoness129(redeemed), M I N U X E(redeemed)Kamikaze Kendra(redeemed)

The Knight of Beardalot:Dragoness129(redeemed)
Ghibli Ghoul: Dragoness129(redeemed)
Zombie ninja:Dragoness129(redeemed)
momma bear:Dragoness129(redeemed)
The Coffin cleaner: Dragoness129(redeemed)

Fire Fan Demon: Dragoness129(redeemed)
Bloodthirsty Witch: Dragoness129(redeemed)
Flaming Leprechaun: Dragoness129(redeemed)
Bride Left at the Altar:Dragoness129(redeemed)
Lava Succubus:Dragoness129(redeemed)

Last edited by Inspiration; 11-03-2016 at 11:46 AM..

Xo~GREMLIN~oX is offline
Old 10-21-2016, 11:14 PM

Ok good to go :)

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 10-24-2016, 02:19 PM

And we're Open when the Event is :D
Nephila: can you move this to the event when it opens up please?

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:12 PM

Yay raffles! Looks good, guys.

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:12 PM

Hurray, more games.
See you tomorrow :3

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:16 PM

Wow this looks so fun <3 hi ICK!!!

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:30 PM

Cause you're off to.. work ? right Hime? :] see you tomorrow !!

thank you llama ^^ Thanks salvete. i do hope that it ends up being loads of fun. still getting my second browser open so i can keep an eye on this thread with inspiration on my second monitor.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:31 PM

For some reason my internet is a little slow right now but I will read through all the posts in the meantime <3

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:31 PM

Yay! Congrats on opening the ICK event thread. Party time!

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:32 PM

Thanks Aya ^-^

sounds great Salvete. I'm doing that in everyones threads myself right now. xD

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:33 PM

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
Cause you're off to.. work ? right Hime? :] see you tomorrow !!

thank you llama ^^ Thanks salvete. i do hope that it ends up being loads of fun. still getting my second browser open so i can keep an eye on this thread with inspiration on my second monitor.
Nope I'm off to bed! 2:38 am here now -sleepy-

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:36 PM

I got distracted and haven't eaten dinner yet...

Maybe I'll have left over pizza. It's a bit old, but nothing a little nuking and garlic butter won't fix!

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:37 PM

Oh why did i think it was you who was off to work than.. hmmm. well sleep well :D

mmmm garlic butter.

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:38 PM

Kay in Llama's thread had to leave for work I know

And YES I love garlic butter, it's so good!

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:39 PM

Good night!

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 10-28-2016, 11:50 PM

oh thanks for letting me know Aya. xD i knew i read someone was going to work.


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