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Loaded Complex
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Old 10-12-2007, 05:16 PM

Welcome to Terrania Adventures, an Action/adventure,drama, general, Romance RP.


we need more guys (preferably a bi/gay guy please!)

Originally Posted by The Story
On a world, very much like our own this RP starts. Science and technology is limited and guns have not yet been invented. The world is free to explore and many adventurers wander about the great world. The world is shaped like ours, though its animals and creatures are different. Elves, Drows, Goblins, Trolls, Humes, Angels, Demons, and halflings are the dominant species that roam the earth. Various monsters and creatures lurk about, many aggressive while others are calm.

In the current time, this world has gone into various wars among the species that long to control the world while the Angels and Demons try and keep it in balance while others try and destroy it. Many Adventurers have become Mercenaries to help either side as long as they get payed while some stick to their adventuring. Even if it means fighting their own kind to keep on living in the free world.

Races going against eachother as of now:
  • Hume Vs. Troll
    Elves Vs. Drow
    Halflings & Humes Vs. Goblin
Fill out the following form and PM IT TO ME do not post it in here for I will post it (though I don't know how long the post limit is) if I think your character/RP skills are worthy.

Once you are accepted, feel free to post.

Originally Posted by Character Profile
User Name:
Character Name:
Species: (I'll accept half races. Only TWO species can be mix'd to form a 'halfbreed')
Class: (Only one Job class pleas. You can merge a few. Like Thief/Wizard)
Current 'job': (Adventurer, Mercenary, Military leader... I'll be picky about this)
Description/Appearance: (I Prefer this to be typed out.)
Bio: (you don't need one)
RP Sample: (NEEDED! this will not be shown to other people)[/code]
Originally Posted by Accepted Players
User Name: Loaded Complex
Character Name: Kerberos
Gender: Male
Age: 200 but he looks about 20ish
Species: Half Demon, Half Drow.
Class: Mystic Knight
Current 'job': Adventurer
Height: 6'5"
Description/Appearance: Kerberos is a rather well built man though his frame seems to be a bit more lithe and flexible unlike most Mystic Knights. Under his armor which consists of a rust colored but a strong chestplate that ends right where his abdomen starts, Shoulder plates and a helm (which looks like a mix between Ulquiorra and Grimmjow's Arrencar/hollow mask things but allows his hair and horns to be seen while still protecting his head) that is well worn but still effective in the heat of battle. Besides the armor, he has a pair of well worn black leather boots that match his gloves that have silver metal ontop of the hand area and on the joints of the fingers. Around his waist are two belts, one holding a long sword (left hip) the other a dagger (right hip). Under the belts is a long tattered piece of faded blue fabric that once had his families emblem on it though now it's just a reminder of his past. He is of course wearing pants, charcoal colored that go up to his waist and meet the corset looking contraption that is a dark blue color that almost matches the Tattered fabric that hangs above his pants. Around his neck a well worn and tattered cape is connected to his shoulder plates; the fabric is a dark blue that fades to a rust red color and then a black where it looks burnt. It hangs rather low to the ground though it never touches seeing as Kerberos' boots have a small heel on them. His skin is fairly tanned, his eyes a bright, almost white, green that contrasts slightly with his Pale platinum blond hair. His elf ears can be seen from the helm though the right one seems to have been bitten off at one point so it's only 1/3rd the length of his left which is adorned in several silver earrings. His face is stern and masculine, a few scars crossing his face showing his hardships, one crosses over his left eye though it seems to pose no bother. Under the rustling of the cape is his demon tail which is tipped with a spade shape, the tail its self is black, much like his curved horns on his forehead. His large black feathery wings are usually hidden untill he needs them. He can fly.


User Name: Vira Har'luthe
Character Name: Tal'bryn Norril Zantara
Gender: Female
Age: 147--looks to be in her twenties
Species: Half Hume, Half Drow
Class: Rogue
Current 'job': Wanderer, though occasionally works as a mercenary.
Height: 5'7"
Description/Appearance: To the eye of anyone who doesn't know any better, or just isn't paying much attention, Tal'bryn could likely pass herself off as a fullblooded drow. Her skin is a dark, dusky gray, with eyes of fiery orange. Her long hair is mostly white, though streaked with crimson in several places, and usually worn in a long braid. As for clothing; she wears a pair of dark blue pants, which are cut off just below her thigh, and attached by a series of small leather belts, to a set of pant-legs of the same color, starting at her knees. These flare out to cover most of her dark brown boots. A large belt, hangs from her right hip, and droops loosely over her left, this side houses a sheath for her sword. A golden-brown corset, laced up the front, outlines her curved waist, and stops just below her ample chest. Underneath the corset, is a white, square-necked blouse, the sleeves of which are cut off at the shoulder, attaching to longer sleeves in the same fashion as her pants. On each hand, she wears a black, open-fingered glove. Around her neck is a black choker, as well as a silver chain. The pendant attached to this chain, however, comes just below the neckline of her blouse, preventing anyone besides herself from knowing what exactly it is. Her bow and quiver are slung loosely over her left shoulder.


User Name:LunaValentine
Character Name: Alassëanna Telemnar
Gender: Female
Age: She looks 20, but is around 231
Species: Elf
Class: Bard
Current 'job': Wandering
Height: 5'9"
Description/Appearance: At first fight you wouldn't pass Alassëanna off as the greatest beauty to walk the world. If you look closley, you'll see that she is beautiful in her own way. She has soft, pale skin that has a natural glow to it. Her features are harsh but kind, her eyes large and the deepest blue imaginable. Her lips a plump, soft crimson and her hair the color of the darkest night. If you look closely you can see her elf ears peaking out from behind her hair. She isn't the tallest elf, nor is she the shortest, she stand at a happy medium between the two. Her body is slim and slender with a little muscle. Alassëanna usually wears a soft green gown, but when she travels she wears somethign completly different. A pair of black pants and soft leather boots, as light as a feather adorn her feet and legs. A simple blue tunic the color of her eyes with a tattered black jerkin over it. On her hips is a black leather belt which holds her slender sword, her daggers and a few pouches of magic powder. Over all that she wears a soft cloak.


User Name: Naleh
Character Name: Aroath
Gender: male
Age: around 18
Species: half hume/ half demon
Class: Mage
Current 'job': an adventurer/wanderer
Height: 6'3
Description/Appearance: He is odd looking fellow with dusty gray skin and narrow red eyes with his long pointy ears he could almost pass for one of those drow. His hair was shoulder-length and golden blond with long bangs framing his delicate looking face. Under his right eye is a dark red tattoo in the shape of an arrow pointing down, stretching from his bottom eyelid to the middle of his cheek. As a Mage he wears a long brown hooded robe that sweeps over the steps of his softsoled boots, he also wears leggings under it. His hood is usually up in public, to avoid stares though it sometimes backfires on him, and his robe is belted at the waist to carry a dagger which he uses more as a tool than weapon, and carries a bag full of supplies for traveling.
Bio: His mother was a beautiful demoness and his father a mercinary, they met on a battlefield and then the guy died. 9 months later Aroath was born and trained under a family friend to become a mage. Doesn't really care for the company of demons and after his mother's death decided to travel to find a place for himself among the humes. Can be a quite the skirt chaser, and hates to be serious for too long.


User Name: Wendy Essex
Character Name: Amaya
Gender: Female
Age: unknown but Amaya is not a child, she’s just built like one
Species: Half Angel (Half Hume)
Class: Cleric
Current 'job': Lay Healer Cleric ( a healer who can place their hands on the injured and heal their wounds) Because Amaya is still in training she cannot heal anything more than minor fractures or flesh wounds no more than an inch and a half deep) if she has to heal more than that she can only heal portions little by little but when she is drained of her healing powers Amaya blacks out and goes into a deep comatose state. Amaya is also can fight though she will not inflict wounds on her attackers using only her hands, no weapons. Amaya only fights defensively trying to reason with her attackers rather than harm them.
Height: 5’2â€
Description/Appearance: Amaya is a small slip of an angel. Being only a half blood she will never grow full sized wings. As she is right now her wingspan is only 4 feet across and this is as big as they will get. She has a small thin frame with long arms and legs and is a bit on the skinny side. She has a very pretty face with bright violet eyes and long blonde hair. She doesn’t have any distinguishing marks on her body, being part angel means being half perfect so she doesn’t scar.
Bio: Amaya is unsure how she came to be or where she’s come from. She only knows that one day she woke up and there she was. She has traveled a long way going from place to place helping those in need.
RP Sample: Amaya lay in the tree tentatively, her small frame curled around the branch she held on to. The little angel lay the motionless. She was too afraid to move. The last town she’d traveled through had treated her rather cruelly. They called her freak, monster, and evil. She knew she wasn’t evil. If she was evil wouldn’t her pretty little feathered wings be more liked the black webbed ones on those she’d sensed in the night who crept thought he shadows? No she was not like those beings. Amaya thought her blue speckled wings were beautiful.

The breeze blew but the small childlike figure clung to the branch for dear life. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a proper night’s sleep in a warm bed. Amaya couldn’t remember very many things at all. Only that her name was Amaya.


User Name: Vira Har'luthe
Character Name: Shaorin Jhylaes
Gender: Male
Age: 210--appears to be around his mid-twenties
Species: Elf
Class: Ranger
Current 'job': Hunter/Mercenary
Height: 6'3"
Description/Appearance: Shaorin's frame is thin and lithe, like most typical elves, though he is a bit muscular at the same time. His eyes are a deep green, standing out from his semi-tanned skin tone. His hair is a medium brown, consisting of multiple tones. He usually lets his long hair flow loosely, but will tie it back into a low ponytail while hunting or fighting, if he has time. As for clothing, he usually wears a pair of light brown, leathery pants, light and made for swift movement, like most of his clothing. His boots are of a slight darker tone, made so that he is able to move about without detection. A simple belt loops around his waist, from which two sheaths hang, housing the twin blades he sometimes uses to fight with. His upper half is covered by a semi-loose green tunic, cut somewhat low about the neck, leaving a fair portion of his chest for all to see. Also hooked to his belt, is a quiver of arrows, easily reachable when the need arises. Upon his arms are a set of bracers, nothing ornate, just the basic, run of the mill arm guards. He sometimes wears a cloak, also green, which drapes low across his back and shoulders. His pointed ears are easily spotted poking out from behind his hair, adorned with various golden earrings. And his bow is usually strapped across his back when not in use, or carefully packed away with the rest of his things.
[[With that said, I shall post my first post as Kerberos.]]

The half demon sighed softly as he sat outside the gates of the capitol city of the hume realm. He was intending to go inside the city but seeing as the hume realm was currently clashing with the troll's, he was unsure if he would be instantly dragged into the war which he didn't want to get into. Kerberos had his rust colored helm off as well as his cape and sword, all of which were sitting to the left of the rock he was sitting on. A few of the gentler creatures were roaming about around where he was, some of the birds were chirping softly.

"The world was so nice before the races tried to take over the entire worlds.." Keberos muttered to himself, his tail flicking slightly.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:01 PM

Tal'bryn rode away from the city, the horse she rode galloping at a quick pace as they passed through the gates. Once getting a decent distance away, she pulled back on the reigns, slowly bringing to creature to a halt. The woman turned halfway, looking back towards the city for a moment. She'd gotten into a fight after some hume had made a remark that angered her. After that, she had a whole group of 'em after her, apparently having something against her kind. 'Hard to believe their blood runs in my veins.' She thought cynically, knowing they'd likely only seen her for a drow.

Finally, she decided they weren't after her any longer, and dropped down from the horse's back. Her hand stroked it's side affectionately, before she gestured for it to go on back to the city--as it wasn't her horse, she's simply 'borrowed' it for her getaway. Turning from the creature, she sighed, debating what to do with herself now that she'd have to avoid the city for a time.

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:09 PM

Kerberos Looked up and noticed the woman who had just road out of the gates, even though she was fairly far away he could still see her. The Demon rolled his eyes and decided not to say anything, seeing as there would have to be a reason for why the female drow rode out on a horse and just got off of it.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:13 PM

Tal'bryn rolled her eyes when she realized the horse had no intention of heading back. " can stick with me." She muttered, reaching over to pat the creature again, who nuzzled her hand in response. For reasons beyond her, the horse apparently took a liking to her. Ah well, it never hurt to have a ride.

Glancing around, her eyes narrowed as she seemed aware that she was not the only one in the area. However, she could see no one. 'Damn place messin' with my head.' She told herself, giving her head a light shake, deciding it was her imagination.

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:21 PM

The half demon continued to sit there contently as he watched the far away figure, though when a group of trees suddenly collapsed to show a rather large lizard like monster which roared. Kerberos jumped and slid off the rock, quickly grabbing his helm and other belongings. He didn't want to be this close to such an aggressive monster, even more so when it looked like it was an angry female one that was looking for its baby.


Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:29 PM

The woman's eyes widened at the sound of a roar, her head whipping around to see the collapsed trees and the beast emerging from them. "Oh shit..." She muttered, groping about to grasp the horse's reigns, only to find it had already fled the scene. Recovering her footing, she turned away from the monster, running to put some distance between herself and the monster.

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:38 PM

"This things too huge and pissed off for me to fight it...let alone some Humes probably stole its baby to sell it..." Kerberos muttered under his breath as he put his helm on. He wished that he didn't need to flee, but he had to. If he went into the town to look for the creatures baby, he would be burned in the process. The half demon latched his cloak back onto his shoulder plates and put the sword back on his hip as he started to sprint.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:43 PM

Tal'bryn stopped after running for a bit, catching her breath, and chancing a glance back towards the beast. It still looked pissed, and too close for her comfort. Muttering a few curses under her breath, she started her running again, moving quickly along the grassy expanse. There was no way she'd be able to take the thing, figuring her arrows would merely bounce off its hide, while she wasn't willing to get close enough to use her sword. 'Gods, nothing can go right today, can it?' She tried to shake the thought, focusing more on simply getting away from this thing safely.

LunaValentine is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 08:49 PM

Alassëanna walk slowly through the tree's humming a tune she had heard in the last town she had been in. Humes were strange beings and this song happened to be rather rude, but quite entertaining at the same time. Suddenly her ears perked and she heard a roar. Guessing it was some sort of monster, she ran towards the place she thought is was coming from. Breaking through the trees she found herself near a city, and in a clearing she saw the monster. "Oh......... okay." SHe said to herself, not really sure what to do.

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:53 PM

Kerberus stopped as soon as he was a fair distance away, about 10 yards which he figured was just our of the lizards attacks. Holding his hands outinfront of him, pointed at the lizard, the half demon started muttering an incantation. "Hell's Storm!" He shouted after he finished the incantation, a thick swirl of black clouds formed over the lizard before a thick shower of ice, hail and snow fell onto the Lizard, freezing it's gaping maw shut and it's claws to the ground.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:55 PM

Tal'bryn stopped as she heard the monster's roars cease. Glancing back, her eyes widened as she saw the chunks of ice freezing the monster temporarily in place. "...I need to learn how to do that..." She muttered absently to herself, before turning to run a bit more, until she was surrounded by the trees of the nearby forest. That, for the time being, was enough to make her feel fairly safe.

{I've gotta go. >.< See you guys!}

chasi-cat is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 09:12 PM

Iyah walked towards a river at the end of the path. she smiled at her reflection even though it showed the reflection of a dirty face that had been wandering for far too long. she was pretty in her own way. atleast she thought so. she un hitched the sack that was on her back and started to set up her "camp".

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-12-2007, 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by chasi-cat
Iyah walked towards a river at the end of the path. she smiled at her reflection even though it showed the reflection of a dirty face that had been wandering for far too long. she was pretty in her own way. atleast she thought so. she un hitched the sack that was on her back and started to set up her "camp".
[[Im sorry but it seems like you have not read my first post. Read that please -_-]]

LunaValentine is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 07:21 PM

Alassëanna watched as a man froze the lizard like thing to the ground. "Well that saves me from having to do anything." She said and walked towards the lizard, poking and proding it with her hand. She got on her hands and knees and stared into it's face. "It looks familiar, but I'm having trouble placing where I've seen it before. Maybe father was right, things are more different than I thought. This is a bad sign." Getting up, she brushed herself off and sighed.

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-13-2007, 09:57 PM

The half-demon sighed and walked closer to the beast before noticing the elf. 'Oh how fun...' Kerberos thought to himself as he neared the lizard. Currently ignoring the elf if she said anything, the half-demon stood infront of the beast which growled and looked down at him.

"Now if you don't go on a rampage, I just might help you find your baby." Kerberos said with a smirk as he put his hands on his hips.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-13-2007, 10:16 PM

Tal'bryn stood beneath the trees for a short time, before turning around to head back the way she came. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was some reason for her to do so. Soon, she was heading towards the beast, though ready to flee should it break free of its bonds once more. "Hm.." She tilted her head as she noted two figures near the beast. She was still too far to see them clearly, though.

LunaValentine is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 06:30 PM

The elf noticed the man was talking to the lizard. "So you lost your child? How tragic." She whispered to the thing and then stood up. "Well, we must do something about that and we must also teach you not to behave in such a way. For heavens sake, you could have killed someone." She rambled on and on to the beast, convinced it understood. Turning she stared at the man, seeing him fully for the first time. He looked as if he was a drow, but that couldn't be, for he didn't look fully like one. Maybe he was half drow. Deciding to ignore him unless he spoke she sat down next to the beast. "Now, tell me what the problem is, other than losing your baby."

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-14-2007, 06:41 PM

Kerberos looked at the elf who started to speak to the beast, who in return growled. "Milady, I think thats all thats wrong with this creature. Most likely a group of Humes took it so they could sell the thing off." Kerberos stated before looking up at the beast again, which swung it's head at the half-demon causing him to take a few steps back before falling flat on his behind.

LunaValentine is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 06:46 PM

"But sir, if that's all that was wrong then why would it want to hurt you? When you so obviously want to help it? Are you sure it's not injured or maybe it's angry at anything that resembles a hume." The elf replied politely, "Or maybe it's hungry and decided that a drow would be a nice lunch, though I must recomend something different to eat dear beast, they taste awful." She said thoughtfully, "At least, that's what I've heard."

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-15-2007, 01:46 PM

"We taste no different that you woodsy elves." Tal'bryn muttered, having continued approaching and heard the last bit of the conversation. The half-drow still kept a small distance between herself and the beast, though her attention was more focused on the two others, at least for the moment. "Then again, I've heard elves can taste rather sweet, maybe she should eat you, then." She added with a brief grin, one hand absently resting upon her hip as she cast a glance towards the guy on the ground nearby. "Am I right?"

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-15-2007, 09:27 PM

Kerberos shot a glare at the wood elf, not really liking the way she talked about what he was. Or half of what he was, though when another half drow walked up and spoke he noticed that it was the same woman who had been riding the horse earlier. "I wouldn't know what every species tastes like because I'm not like my demonic brothers." He stated as he stood up, dusting himself off as he did so.

LunaValentine is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 11:31 PM

"I was simply stating that drows don't taste well and thought it wise to tell the beast. Sorry to have offended you." The elf replied, rolling her eyes at them. "I see I'm very out of place here, so i guess I will be leaving." She bowed her goodbye and walked away humming the same song as before. SHe didn't get far before her stomache began growling. It had been awhile since she had eaten and she decided to make camp. SHe found a secluded area and sat down. She pulled some dried meat out of her bag and a flask of cordial and ate it slowly, relaxing.

Vira Har'luthe
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Old 10-16-2007, 12:29 AM

Tal'bryn merely shrugged, her eyes moving to the beast, still very much frozen from the earlier attack. "I wouldn't know either, just felt like rubbing that elf the wrong way." She muttered in response as the other woman walked off, glancing her way only briefly. Normally, she didn't much care about species and whatnot, but she wasn't fond of hearing her own spoken of in such a manner, hence the fight she'd gotten into earlier. "Well then, why are we all hanging around the beast?" She asked finally, gesturing with a slight nod towards the creature.

Naleh is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 05:07 AM

Aroath had been on the road for days, his feet were sore and his supplies low, so when he noticed the city up ahead he gave a loud woop before starting running towards it until he noticed the lizard and the two beside it. He skidded to a stop and almost fell in a comical manner. While the sensible side of his mind told him to take a wide birth away from the creature that could rip him in half, his more curious side wondered what was going on. His curious nature won and he started towards it. " Hello! " He called out to the two by the creature in a cheerful manner.

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-16-2007, 09:26 PM

Kerberos was about to say something until another man came wandering along. 'Just my luck... bumping into so many people today..'The half-demon joked to himself mentally before he turned to get a good look at who was walking towards them and the beast.

"Well before you sauntered along, I myself was about to leave this beast to have fun with the humans."


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